English Names: Most Popular English Baby Names For Girls And Boys With Meaning And Origin

English Names: Get the best English Baby Names for your babies and name your babies meaningfully in a traditional manner, check out the list of English Names with meaning and origin for your kids, Naming the babies is the most significant task for the parents, give an in depth glance at the list of English Names with meaning, and name your babies without complexity.

Top English Names with Gender and Meaning - Unique English Names

Name Gender Meaning
Boy From the temple farm
Girl From the English word meaning "moderation" or "restraint". This was one of the virtue names adopted by the Puritans in the 17th century.
Girl From the English word meaning "storm". It appears in the title of William Shakespeare's play 'The Tempest' (1611).
Boy, Girl From a surname which originally belonged to a person who was associated with the Knights Templar, a medieval religious military order.
Boy temple settlement
Boy Son of Dennis
Boy Son of Dennis
Boy Son of Dennis
Boy From an English surname which meant "son of Tenney", Tenney being a medieval form of DENIS. A notable bearer of the surname was British poet Alfred Lo
Boy, Girl Roman clan name
Boy, Girl Teri is taken from the alternative spelling Terri.
Girl Saint's name
Girl Saint's name
Boy, Girl Saint's name
Girl Saint's name
Boy Strong willed
Boy Strong willed
Boy, Girl Earthman
Boy, Girl Terrance
Boy Strong willed
Boy, Girl Powerful
Boy, Girl Thunder ruler
Boy, Girl Powerful
Boy, Girl Reaper
Boy, Girl, Unisex Saint's name
Boy, Girl Thunder ruler
Boy, Girl Saint's name
Boy, Girl Earthman
Boy, Girl Polished, Tender
Boy Terryal
Boy Strong willed
Boy, Girl Saint's name
Boy Son of Terrell
Girl Saint's name
Boy Son of Terrell
Boy, Girl Of English origin an abbreivation of Teresa meaning 'harvester'
Boy, Girl, Unisex A diminutive form of Theressa, meaning 'woman from Therasia' or 'hunter'. Could also be derived from the Greek 'theros' meaning 'summer'.
Girl Saint's name
Boy, Girl Saint's name
Boy From the enclosure
Boy, Girl Tailor::Meaning of the name Teylor::A form of taylor
Boy Roofer
Boy Roofer
Boy Roofer
Boy heart
Boy Follower
Boy, Girl Follower
Boy, Girl Roofer
Boy, Girl Thaw
Boy Thaw
Boy Roofer
Boy Follower
Boy, Girl Healer, Wholesome
Boy Stem
Boy, Girl Nursing
Boy Divinely loved.
Boy Follower
Girl Thistle
Boy, Girl Twin
Boy From the thorny dike
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy From the thunder estate
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy Father of Ingiald.
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy Thor's protection
Boy, Girl Town of thorns
Boy From the thorny dike
Boy Thorn tree
Boy Thorn tree
Boy Thorn tree
Boy From the thorny meadow
Boy Thorn tree
Boy From the village
Boy, Girl From the village
Boy Thor's stone
Boy Thor's stone
Boy Son of Ulfar.
Boy Strong warrior
Boy, Girl Stormy tempered
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy From Thor's hill
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy Thor's stone
Boy, Girl Thor's stone
Boy Thor's stone
Boy Name of a pharsoh.
Boy Brother of Atreus.
Boy, Girl Aunt
Girl Princess
Girl Tiaira
Boy, Girl Princess
Boy, Girl Meaning "Christian women" the name is a variant of Christine.
Girl Crowned::Meaning of the name Tiari
Girl It is forgotten
Girl Princess
Boy Rule of the peop]e
Boy The boldest
Boy, Girl Tailor
Boy brave people
Boy Enclosed
Girl Joyful
Girl Appearance of God
Boy, Girl Appearance of God
Boy Enclosed
Girl Hope
Boy, Girl Good
Boy, Girl From the fertile valley
Boy From the fertile ford
Boy, Girl power of the tribe
Boy Ruler of the people::Meaning of the name Tillmann::People's rule.
Boy, Girl Most commonly used as a pet form of the name Matilda, meaning 'mighty in battle'.
Boy Virile
Boy From the good estate
Boy One who honors God
Boy, Girl Name of a saint
Boy, Girl River
Boy, Girl River
Boy, Girl Unclear
Boy God fearing.
Girl Princess
Girl revelation of God
Boy Thunderer
Boy, Girl Bright, Famous
Girl Born on Tuesday
Boy, Girl Goodness of God
Boy Jah is good.
Boy, Girl Goodness of God
Boy, Girl Goodness of God
Boy, Girl Derived from the biblical name Tobias or , in Hebrew, Tuvia, meaning 'God is good' it is more commonly used as a baby boy's name.
Boy, Girl Goodness of God
Boy Fox, Clever, Wily
Boy, Girl Fox, Clever, Wily
Boy Fox
Boy Fox
Boy Fox
Boy, Girl From the small farm
Girl Goodly
Boy Owns taxed land
Boy Collects taxes
Boy Little Tom
Boy Little Tom
Boy Tomm
Boy, Girl This is a pet name for Thomas meaning 'twin'.
Boy, Girl From the word 'taom' meaning 'twin'. This is a pet name of Thomas.
Boy Little Tom
Boy, Girl Priceless, Flourishing, Flower
Girl Beyond praise
Boy, Girl Highly praiseworthy
Girl Priceless, Flourishing, Flower
Boy, Girl Thunder
Boy, Girl From the rocky hills, Watchtower
Boy Bright
Boy, Girl From the river bank.
Boy From Thor's meadow
Boy From the thom tree
Boy Tower
Boy Little Tom
Boy, Girl, Unisex Variation of the name Victor, meaning 'the conqueror', 'the victory'.
Boy Name of an earl
Boy Tucker of doth
Boy Lather worker
Boy, Girl Goodness of God
Boy From the town meadow
Boy, Girl From the end of the town
Boy, Girl From the end of the town
Boy, Girl From the end of the town
Boy From the town meadow
Boy, Girl From the end of the town
Girl, Unisex Path, Roadway
Boy, Girl, Unisex Path, Roadway
Boy, Girl Derived from Old French origin meaning 'place of Thracius' derived from a surname taken from the name of a place in France.
Boy Trees::Meaning of the name Traiton
Boy, Girl From the big town
Boy Wagon driver
Boy faith in God
Boy Fair town
Boy Fair town
Boy, Girl Crossing, Crossroads
Boy, Girl Fair town
Boy Trees::Meaning of the name Trayten
Boy Trayton
Boy, Girl Fighter
Boy Strong warrior
Girl Strong
Boy Fighter
Boy Fighter
Boy Strong warrior
Girl Treena
Boy Third::Meaning of the name Trei
Boy From the big town
Boy, Girl From the big town
Boy, Girl From the big town
Boy Dweller by the river Trent
Boy, Girl Dweller by the river Trent
Boy From the tree bridge
Girl Reaper.
Boy Fair town
Boy Fair town
Boy Fair town
Boy Place name
Boy, Girl Fair town
Boy Fair town
Boy, Girl Wise
Boy, Girl Fair town
Boy, Girl Third born
Boy Treye
Boy Meaning of the name Trigg::True.
Girl One who sings musical thrills
Boy Legendary son of Neued.
Boy, Girl The holy three
Boy, Girl Traveler
Boy Traveler
Boy Traveler
Boy, Girl Noble one
Girl Noble one
Boy, Girl Noble one
Boy, Girl Thirst
Boy, Girl, Unisex Outcry
Boy Tristam
Boy, Girl, Unisex Outcry
Girl Outcry
Boy, Girl Happy, Bringer of joy
Boy, Girl The city of Troy
Boy From the tree bridge
Boy, Girl, Unisex The city of Troy
Boy, Girl The city of Troy
Boy From the spearman's ford.
Boy, Girl Disciple, Loyal
Boy Disciple, Loyal
Boy From the beloved one's farm
Boy From the beloved one's farm
Boy, Girl Disciple, Loyal
Boy Strong, Brave
Boy Strong, Brave
Boy Disciple, Loyal
Boy Strong, Brave
Boy Trygve
Boy Encourages
Boy Strengthen
Boy Traveler
Boy Traveler
Boy, Girl Tailor
Boy Tailor
Boy, Girl Tailor
Boy Tailor
Boy Tailor
Boy Tailor
Boy, Girl Born on Tuesday
Boy Tailor
Boy From the town meadow
Boy Ram herder
Boy, Girl Champion in a tournament
Boy Strong willed
Boy Two pieces
Boy Cut in two
Boy From the double river ford
Boy Lives on a narrow passage
Boy From the double river ford
Boy, Girl Woven
Girl Crowned::Meaning of the name Tyara
Boy, Girl Fiery
Boy Father of Diomedes.
Boy Fiery
Boy Son of Tye
Boy Scandinavian god of battle
Boy From the enclosure
Boy, Girl, Unisex Good
Boy, Girl, Unisex Tiler, Roofer
Boy Tiler, Roofer
Boy, Girl Tiler, Roofer
Boy Honoring God
Girl River
Boy Surname
Boy Father of Castor.
Boy, Girl River
Boy, Girl, Unisex The Old Norse meaing of the name Tyra is 'Thor's fight'. The Scottish meaning is 'land'. Tyra is a varation of the Scandinavian name Thyra.
Boy Of Irish origin, a derivative of the Scandinavian God of battle 'tyr'. Names featuring the element 'tyr' are very popular in modern United States beca
Boy, Girl, Unisex Thunderer
Boy From Owen's territory
Boy, Girl Person from Tyre
Boy, Girl From English origin meaning 'son of Ty' , or from the French 'tison' meaning 'firebrand'.
Boy Just
Boy From the yew tree valley
Boy From the yew tree valley
Boy From the yew tree valley
Boy, Girl From the yew tree valley
Boy Wealthy wolf
Boy Grow.
Girl Special friend
Boy Wolf of peace
Boy Wolf ruler
Boy Noble leader
Boy Wolf sport
Boy Wolf sport
Boy Famous wolf
Boy Middle English form of the Old English name Wulfric meaning "wolf power". When it is used in modern times, it is usually as a variant of ULRICH.
Girl Feminine form of ULRIC.
Boy, Girl Meaning & History
Boy Wolf ruler
Boy, Girl Swedish feminine form of ULRICH. This was the name of two queens of Sweden.
Boy, Girl German feminine form of ULRICH.
Boy Wolf ruler
Boy Wolf sport
Girl From the English word unity, which is ultimately derived from Latin unitas.
Boy Unfriendly
Boy Unfriendly
Boy Unfriendly
Boy From the upper church
Boy From the upper town
Boy, Girl From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "upper town" in Old English. A famous bearer of this name was the American novelist Upton S
Boy From the upper farm
Boy From the upper forest
Boy, Girl Meaning & History
Boy Divine warrior
Boy Lives in the valley
Boy, Girl, Unisex Short form of VALENTINE (1), VALERIE, and other names beginning with Val.
Girl Chosen
Boy, Girl Variant of VALERIE.
Boy, Girl, Unisex From the English word meaning "wide river valley".
Boy, Girl Strong
Boy, Girl, Unisex Strong
Boy, Girl English and German form of VALERIA and Czech variant of VALÉRIE.
Boy Brave
Boy, Girl Strong
Girl Means "valuable" in Esperanto.
Girl Variant of VALERIE.
Boy, Girl Short form of names containing van, such as VANCE or IVAN.
Boy, Girl From an English surname which was derived from Old English fenn meaning "marsh, fen".
Boy, Girl Invented by author Jonathan Swift for his poem 'Cadenus and Vanessa' (1726). He arrived at it by rearranging the initial syllables of the first name a
Boy Grain fans
Boy From the fortress
Boy From the fortress
Boy From the fortress
Girl foreigner
Girl From the guard tower
Girl Meaning unknown, possibly a derivative of the Germanic element wald meaning "power, rule".
Girl Probably a variant of WILMA, the spelling with an e perhaps due to the influence of SELMA. This name has been in use since the 19th century.
Girl Soft
Girl From the English word for the soft fabric. It became used as a given name after the main character in Enid Bagnold's book 'National Velvet' (1935) and
Girl butterfly
Girl Originally this was probably a Latinized form of GWYNEDD or GWYNETH. It also coincides with the name of the city in Italy, called Venice in English. T
Boy, Girl From a Norman surname which was from a French place name, which was itself derived from a Gaulish word meaning "alder".
Boy Variant of VIRGIL.
Girl Verity, Truth
Girl From the English word meaning "verity, truth". This was one of the virtue names adopted by the Puritans in the 17th century.
Boy Short form of VERNON.
Boy, Girl Feminine form of VERNON, sometimes associated with the Latin word vernus "spring". It has been in use since the 19th century.
Boy, Girl From the alder grove, Spring-like
Boy From a Norman surname which was from a French place name, ultimately derived from the Gaulish word vern meaning "alder".
Girl Portuguese form of VERONICA.
Girl Possibly a diminutive of GENEVIEVE.
Boy, Girl Short form of VIOLET.
Boy, Girl Short form of VICTOR or VICTORIA.
Boy, Girl Diminutive of VICTORIA.
Girl Diminutive of VICTORIA.
Boy, Girl Conqueror, Victorious
Boy Roman name meaning "victor, conqueror" in Latin. It was common among early Christians, and was borne by several early saints and three popes. It was r
Girl Catalan form of VICTORIA.
Boy Conqueror
Boy Life
Girl from wine country
Boy Longing for peace
Boy prevailing
Boy Son of Vinn
Boy Conqueror
Boy, Girl Conqueror
Boy Conqueror
Boy Son of Vinn
Girl Appeared in Twelfth Night
Girl Little violet
Girl Young and budding.
Boy, Girl Chaste, Pure
Boy Lord Vishnu, Root, To pervade, The preserver of the Hindu holy Trinity, Has ten incarnations including raam, Krishna and Buddha (Hindu Lord; Rama is c
Boy, Girl, Unisex The Lady of the Lake
Boy, Girl The Lady of the Lake
Boy, Girl The Lady of the Lake
Girl Meaning of the name Vlada
Boy Wreath of glory.
Boy From the fortress
Boy From Wake's meadow
Boy Watchman
Boy Advancer
Boy From the advancer's hill
Boy, Girl From an English surname, either WADE (1) or WADE (2).
Boy A ford
Boy From Wade's estate
Boy, Girl Advancer
Boy From the quaking aspen tree meadow
Boy Wary
Boy From the true man's manor.
Boy Fortress
Boy From the flooding brook
Boy Wagon maker
Boy, Girl Wagon driver
Boy Craftsman
Boy Wagon maker
Boy, Girl Guard
Boy Guard
Boy, Girl Alert
Boy From Wake's field
Boy From Wake's meadow
Boy Watchman
Boy, Girl Shelter (Hopi)
Boy Secure
Boy From the Welshman's bridge
Boy From the Welshman's bridge
Boy From the Welshman's dwellings
Boy Old cottage
Boy Old cottage
Boy, Girl From the Welshman's valley
Girl Protecting ruler
Boy Originally a short form of Germanic names containing the element wald meaning "rule". In the Middle Ages this name became the basis for a surname. Its
Boy wooded valley
Boy From the Welshman's hill
Boy From Wales
Boy From the Welshman's ford
Boy Peaceful ruler
Boy Peaceful ruler
Boy Cloth washer, wall-marsh
Boy, Girl From an English surname which referred to the medieval occupational of a walker, also known as a fuller. Walkers would tread on wet, unprocessed wool
Boy, Girl From a Scottish and English surname which originally meant "Welsh" or "foreigner" in Norman French. It was first used as given name in honour of Sir W
Boy Welshman
Boy Welshman
Boy, Girl Welshman
Boy, Girl From a surname which was a variant of WALLACE. Wallis Simpson (1895-1986) was the divorced woman whom Edward VIII married, which forced him to abdicat
Boy, Girl Diminutive of WALTER or WALLACE.
Boy Mighty protector
Boy Welshman
Boy Short form of WALTER.
Boy, Girl, Unisex From a Germanic name meaning "ruler of the army", composed of the elements wald "rule" and hari "army". The Normans brought it to England, where it re
Boy, Girl From a surname which was originally taken from various Old English place names meaning "stream town", "wood town", or "wall town".
Boy From the Welshman's farm, Welsh friend
Boy Welsh friend
Boy Left handed.
Girl Pale
Boy Fortress
Boy Lucky.
Boy, Girl Blossoms, Flowers
Boy Guardian
Boy, Girl From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "watch hill" in Old English.
Boy Guardian
Boy Guardian
Boy, Girl Wary
Boy, Girl Loyal
Boy Guardian
Boy Guardian
Boy From the weir meadow
Boy Guardian
Boy Guardian
Boy, Girl From a Norman surname which was derived from the given name WERNER.
Boy Game warden
Boy, Girl From an English surname which was derived either from Norman French warrene meaning "animal enclosure", or else from the town of La Varenne in Normand
Boy From a surname which was a variant of WARWICK.
Boy Game-park, place in France
Boy Game-park, place in France
Boy Guardian
Boy From the farm by the weir
Boy From a surname which was derived from the name of a town in England, itself from Old English wer "weir, dam" and wíc "settlement".
Boy Fortress
Boy A ford
Boy From the flooding brook
Boy From the flooding brook
Boy, Girl From a surname which was originally derived from the name of an English town, itself meaning "settlement belonging to WASSA's people". The given name
Boy Medieval short form of WALTER.
Boy From the hurdle ford
Boy From the hurdle ford
Boy, Girl Powerful warrior, Rule amry
Boy, Girl Son of Walter
Boy Son of Walter
Boy Son of Walter
Boy Son of Walter
Boy Son of Walter
Boy Son of Walter
Boy, Girl Son of Walter
Boy Son of Walter
Boy, Girl From the tree-lined meadow
Boy, Girl Angel from God
Boy Angel from God
Boy Angel from God
Boy, Girl Angel from God
Boy From Weland, the Old English cognate of WIELAND.
Boy, Girl Angel from God
Boy, Girl Variant of WAYLAND. This name was popularized by country music singer Waylon Jennings (1937-2002), who was originally named Wayland.
Boy wagon builder or driver
Boy, Girl From an occupational surname meaning "wagon maker", derived from Old English wægn "wagon". Use of it as a given name can be partly attributed to the
Boy Guard
Boy From the Welshman's farm or Welsh friend.

Check Out Top English Names in this article

Meaning to treasure, care for; to hold dear; love. Gender: Girl, Origin: English, French.
ever or eternal ruler. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, Norse.
Light bringer, Exalted high, Enlightened, Lofty, Powerful mountain. Gender: Boy, Origin: Arabic, English, Hebrew.
Device for doing calculations, Clever. Gender: Boy, Origin: English.
Device for doing calculations, Clever. Gender: Boy, Origin: English.
Diminutive of ABIGAIL. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: English, German, Hebrew.
Diminutive of ABIGAIL. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Hebrew.
Diminutive of ABIGAIL. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: English, Hebrew.
Father. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Arabic, British, English.
Father. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: British, English, Hebrew.
Diminutive of ABIGAIL. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: American, English, Hebrew.
Healthy, Vanity, Breath, Breathing. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Hebrew, Spanish.
Resolute, Keeper of the abbey larder. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, German.
Meaning & History. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Hebrew.
From a place name mentioned briefly in the New Testament. It is probably from Hebrew ('avel) meaning "meadow, grassy area". It has occasionally been . Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: American, English, Hebrew.
Means "my father is a light" in Hebrew, from ('av) meaning "father" and (nir) meaning "lamp, light". In the Old Testament, Abner was a cousin of Sau. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, Hebrew.
Hungarian form of ABRAHAM. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Hebrew, Shakespearian.
Meaning 'unity', this name sounds quite modern but is actually a variant of old English names such as Acey. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Latin.
Of English origin and a variant of the Old English name Acey which means 'number one, the best'. Gender: Boy, Origin: British, English.
Meadow of oaks. Gender: Boy, Origin: British, English.
Meadow of oaks. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: British, English.
Town with many oaks. Gender: Boy, Origin: British, English.
Short form of ADELAIDE and other names beginning with the same sound. This name was borne by Augusta Ada King (1815-1852), the Countess of Lovelace (k. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: African, English, German, Teutonic.
Noble. Gender: Girl, Origin: English.
Noble. Gender: Girl, Origin: English.
Variant of ADELINA. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, German, Teutonic.
A prophets name, Black. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Hebrew, Hindu.
Wealthy. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, German.
son of Adam. Gender: Girl, Origin: British, English.
Diminutive of ADELAIDE. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: English, German, Hebrew.
earth. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Hebrew.
Adam's son. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English.
From an English surname meaning "son of ADAM". Its recent popularity as a feminine name stems from its similarity in sound to Madison. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: British, English.
Variation of Addison, which means son of Adam. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Hebrew.
Created by God. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, German, Hebrew, Teutonic.
Feminine variant of ADDISON. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: British, English.
Originally a short form of names beginning with the Germanic element adal meaning "noble". Saint Adela was a 7th-century Frankish princess who founded. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, French, German.
From the French form of the Germanic name Adalheidis, which was composed of the elements adal "noble" and heid "kind, sort, type". It was borne in the. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, French, German.
German and Dutch form of ADELAIDE. Gender: Girl, Origin: English, German.
Elaborated form of ADELA. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, French, German.
Variant of ADELA. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, German, Teutonic.
Variant of ADELE. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, French, German.
Wealthy. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, German.
Adam's son. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: British, English.
son of Adam. Gender: Girl, Origin: British, English.
English form of ADOLF, rarely used since World War II. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, German, Teutonic.
Form of Hadrianus (see HADRIAN). Several saints and six popes have borne this name, including the only English pope, Adrian IV, and the only Dutch pop. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Latin, Shakespearian.
Feminine form of ADRIAN. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, French, Latin.
Feminine form of ADRIAN. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Latin.
from Hadria. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, Latin.

How to get the best English Names?

Are you searching for the best English Names, then here comes parenting.fresherslive.com, here you can search English Names along with the meaning. You can select your baby names gender wise, origin wise and even alphabet wise. So hurry up and select the best English Names for your baby. 

How will I Know the meaning of the English Names?

Cool you can get the meaning for the English Names which you choose for your baby on our page. You can also check related names and similar names according to each alphabet you choose. Before naming your baby, the first thing to note is the meaning of the name.   

Can I find Baby English Names by Letter?

Yes, of course parents who are confused in selecting the best names for their babies can use the amazing option “ Find Baby Names by Letter” available on our page. Click on the letter, find the list of top baby names and select the best name for your baby.

Unique English Names for Baby

Looking for a unique name for your baby? Then you are in the right place. You can search unique names for your baby for each alphabet along with their meaning. You can also find similar names as well form the list of unique English names.

How to get Similar English Names?

The first thing you need to do is click on the baby name according to the alphabet you choose. Then you can see the gender, origin, meaning for the baby name. Scroll down and know more about the baby names like similar names, about the name, etc. 

English Baby Names - FAQ

Q1. Will I Get English Baby Names?

Yes, our website provides Origin wise baby names. You can select the origin you wish and select the best name for your baby.

Q2. Where to find the English Baby Names?

Visit our page parenting.fresherslive.com. Click on Baby Names, then on the right side of the page choose gender, origin and alphabet. Then you can get the unique English Baby Names.

Q3. What are the different types of Origins?

The list of Origins available on our page can be found for each alphabet.

For Ex: Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, Hindu, Muslim, etc.

Q4. What information will I get on English Origin Page?

The information available on the English Origin Page includes the name of the baby, meaning, related names, similar names.

Q5. Will I get the detailed information about the English Baby Names?

Yes, you will get detailed information from the session “About” which gives you the exact information along with the meaning.

Q6. Will I get English Baby Names?

Ofcourse, you will get the English baby names on our page. All you need to do is just select the origin “English” and the gender to get the best English Baby Names.

Q7. Will I get English Baby Names?

Parents who visit our page can get the origin wise baby names. If you search for the English Baby Names, then it's great to visit our site and choose the best English name for your baby.

Q8. Can I get Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names?

Yes, you can get number of Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names on our website.