Dakota Meaning in English, Dakota Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning Pronunciation

Does Dakota Baby Name seem like an intriguing name for your baby? Learn Dakota Name Meaning in English, its origin and which gender Dakota Baby Name is most suitable for. Check through our list of names that are related to the name Dakota, names similar to Dakota and sibling names of Dakota. Also, read through a detailed numerology report for the name Dakota.
Baby Image
Boy, Girl, Unisex
American, English, Indian, Native American
də-KO-tə::də-KO-tə  ::DahKOWTah::DahKOWTah
Means "allies, friends" in the Dakota language. This is the name of a Native American people of the northern Mississippi valley.
Related Dakota Baby Names
Hunter, Mason, Grayson, Logan, Carter, Noah, Liam, Ryder, Aiden, Asher, Parker, Wyatt::Last ranked #97 in 1996 Canada (BC) Last ranked #419 in 2016 England and Wales Last ranked #344 in 2017 (m) #232 in 2017 (f) United States::Ankita, Baka, Bakana, Bakula, Carlota, Carola, Carona, Casta, Daba, Dabria
Similar Dakota Baby Names
Dagget, Dagwood, Dakotah, Desta, Desty, Dustee, Dusti, Dusty, Dwight, Dwighte
Sibling Names
Austin, Hunter, Jacob, Dylan, Joshua, Noah, David, Caleb, Christopher, Brandon, Dalton, Colton, Cheyenne, Sierra, Savannah, Alexis, Madison, Brooklyn, Destiny, Alyssa, Autumn, Breanna, Hannah, Hailey::Inara, Logan, Montana, Dallas, Antonia, Harrison, Diesel, Katarina
Middle Names
Aurora, Seren, Laurel::Grace, Rae, Rose, Marie, Renee, Mae, Sky, Nicole, Ann, Denise
Dakota originates in Lakota Sioux language and means "friendly companion". It is the name of two American states, North and South Dakota, whose names are derived from a Native American tribe. It can be used as both feminine and masculine given names. As a feminine name it was popularized by the American actress Dakota Fanning.::A colorful name even without Fifty Shades of Grey star Dakota Johnsons connection to it, Dakota comes from a Native American Sioux tribe and means friend" or "ally. The Dakotas were fierce and are known for their physical and mental strength, bravery and moralsall worthy traits for your offspring. The name was popular for boys starting in 1985; girls signed on 10 years later. Now the name is used easily for both sexes. Hollywood, though, seems to favor females: Actress Dakota Fanning and comedian Rosie ODonnells youngest daughter share the name.
Famous Persons
Dakota Fanning - actressDakota Blue Richards - actress
The name Dakota has a numerology value of 1 In numerological terms, this means the following IndividualA single human being, as distinguished from a group.A person: a strange individual.A distinct, indivisible entity; a single thing, being, instance, or item.A group considered as a unit.AggressorA person, group, or nation that attacks first or initiates hostilities; an assailant or invader.SelfA person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality: one's own self.A person's nature, character, etc.: his better self.Personal interest.LeadershipThe position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group.Ability to lead.An act or instance of leading; guidance; direction: They prospered under his strong leadership.The leaders of a group.YangBright, positive masculine principle.:: Numerology SoulUrge Number: 8 People with this name have a deep inner desire to lead, organize, supervise, and to achi