
Here are 5 common questions answered about breastfeeding. Learn about the benefits of breastfeeding, the breastfeeding problems of a new mom, how to prepare for breastfeeding and more.

Last Updated: Oct 22, 2020 11:29 GMT


As a pregnant or a new mom, if you are looking to learn and understand breastfeeding better, you have landed on the right page. Here are 5 common questions answered about breastfeeding which you must further read about:

What are the benefits of breastfeeding?

You might have heard almost from every possible source – books, doctors, magazines and television shows - about how beneficial breastfeeding is. Here are the key benefits of breastfeeding your baby, :

  • Breastfeeding can provide food and nutrition for your baby’s first six months, without the requirement of any additional source of food. Certain naturally-formed proteins and antibodies present in breast milk cannot be formulated in a laboratory. It means exclusively formula-fed babies will lack these proteins. 
  • Breastfeeding is also beneficial for the mother as it eliminates the risks for breasts and ovarian cancer, helps her burn calories, and provides natural contraception among other benefits. 
  • Breastfeeding boosts your baby’s immunity, protecting her from infections, common cold, and sinus. 
  • Breastfeeding also provides a bonding time between the mother and the baby. While the baby feels nurtured and close to the mother, the mother as well gets to calm down and relax during nursing. 

How does it feel like to begin breastfeeding?

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No matter how read you are about breastfeeding, your experience of nursing your baby as a first-time mom will be one-of-its-kind. Unlike the common assumption that the moment your baby is placed on your bosom, she is going to begin nursing, breastfeeding, in reality, may take some time and effort. The first few days of your motherhood may be all about your baby learning to latch on to your breasts. Your nipples might ache because of soreness. You may experience pain. You may have to try different nursing positions which are best comfortable for both you and your baby.

You may feel you are nursing almost the entire day. And also, you may be getting used to wearing and using nursing bras, breasts pads or front-open clothes. But, be assured it is all a matter of a few days until you and your baby master the skill after which breastfeeding will not only be as easy as pie but also a refreshing experience you both will look forward to.

How do I prepare for breastfeeding?

While breastfeeding your child is an experiential learning, here is what you can possibly do to get prepared for it before you get to hold your baby in your arms: 

  • It is good to keep handy nursing bras and front open tees or night wears. It can relieve you from hard access to your nipples, especially when you are at the hospital. Remember, your breasts can go a size bigger once you start feeding; so you may not want to get too many at this point.
  • The first few days is not going to be easy. It can do you good to come to terms to this understanding so that you get mentally prepared to handle the anxiety of your beginning days. 
  • In some cases, milk flow may not happen on the first day of your baby or even sometimes, for a couple of days. While formula can take care of your baby’s needs for that time, let it not discourage you. The more your baby learns to latch and suck, the more will be the let-down. 
  • If your hospital did not provide you a basic class on breastfeeding, make sure to read through a book, so that you understand right latching and the do’s and don’ts of breastfeeding. 

Will I face complications during breastfeeding? 

In general, breastfeeding is not associated with any complications. Sore nipples, latching problems, and mild pain are common and will settle on its own in a few days. However, if you notice a lump in your breasts, redness or severe pain, it could indicate issues like mastitis or clogged ducts. 

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When do I begin weaning? 

According to the World Health Organization, infants must be exclusively breastfed for the first six months. Breastfeeding should be continued along with solid foods for up to twelve or twenty-four months or beyond. However, depending upon the convenience and comfort of you and your baby, you may begin to wean your baby from anywhere after twelve months.

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