Whether you want to boost your fertility or want tips to address your fertility issues, you'll find a wealth of information on fertility here.
Last Updated: Oct 22, 2020 06:25 GMT
Fertility Articles
No one can know precisely how long it will take to get pregnant. If you see a negative result in the home test, repeat the test after another week. If it is a negative result again, continue your hopes and sex life with good spirit. If you feel frustrated about how long it takes to become pregnant, we suggest you to consult your doctor. In general, 85% of couples take one year to succeed. Unless you are 35 years or older, you can wait for a year after which you must consult your doctor to rule out fertility issues.
Fertility is your ability to conceive a baby. The first sign that you or your partner may have a fertility issue is when you have not been able to get pregnant in 12 months of unprotected sex (if you are under 35 years) or 6 months of unprotected sex (if you are 35 years or above).
How good is your ovulation cycle? Are you timing your intercourse rightly? What causes infertility? How is infertility diagnosed? What are the treatments available for infertility? We have all the common fertility questions answered in our articles on fertility. Whether you are trying to boost your fertility or figure out what’s going wrong while trying to conceive, you are sure to find what you are looking for.
A few reasons why a couple does not get pregnant faster are
1. With irregular menstrual cycles, it can be difficult to predict the fertility window.
2. Physiological factors of the sperm and ovum, like the viability and mobility of the sperm.
3. The receptivity of the uterus, that is, how prepared the uterus is for pregnancy.
4. Higher levels of stress.
Some couples may get it right on their first night together while some others may have to explore through several nights. Irrespective of whether to believe in luck or not, fairly being educated on how to get pregnant will definitely take you a step closer to your baby delight!