Sikh Names: Most Popular Sikh Baby Names For Girls And Boys With Meaning And Origin

Sikh Names: Get the best Sikh Baby Names for your babies and name your babies meaningfully in a traditional manner, check out the list of Sikh Names with meaning and origin for your kids, Naming the babies is the most significant task for the parents, give an in depth glance at the list of Sikh Names with meaning, and name your babies without complexity.

Top Sikh Names with Gender and Meaning - Unique Sikh Names

Name Gender Meaning
Boy Embodiment of the beginning-less
Boy Deep rapturous Love, Adoration
Boy Hope or desire, Army Man, Wish
Boy Of the God of heavens
Boy Obedient
Boy Version of God
Boy, Girl Earth
Boy Unmovable
Boy Wondrous being
Boy Wondrous
Boy The foremost God
Boy Protector of the Sun
Boy, Girl Stable
Boy Formless being
Boy Prime truth
Boy Brave as God
Boy Beyond limits
Boy Gods light, Victory of God
Boy Gods light, Victory of God
Boy, Girl Gods light, The inaccessible light
Boy God as protector
Boy, Girl Love for God
Boy Fire
Boy Trustworthy friend
Boy Without caste
Boy Wonderful
Boy To gain a victory over
Boy To gain a victory over
Boy One who is invincible, Unconquerable
Boy Presence of the God of heaven
Boy Presence of the foremost one
Boy Immortal, Undying, Timeless, Chief of a tribe, Supreme being
Boy Eternal lamp, Lamp of the God
Boy Illuminated heavenly realm, Star in the Sky
Boy Immortal, Undying, Timeless, Chief of a tribe, Supreme being
Boy Eternal lamp, Lamp of the God
Boy In union with eternal Love
Boy The eternal light, Gods light
Boy Love of God
Boy Immortal personality (God)
Boy Of eternal form, Of eternal beauty
Boy Undying succourer, Supporter
Boy The eternal reality
Boy One who conquers peace, Gods immortal warrior
Boy From gods word
Boy Of An eye as in a blink of An eye
Boy Imperceptible, Invisible God
Boy The lamp of light in the Sky
Boy Preserver of light
Boy Treasure, Security, Deposit
Boy Pure and brave
Boy Pure God
Boy Pure flame
Boy Strength of peace, The one who fights for peace
Boy The God of peace
Boy Tranquil God of heaven
Boy Peace attainder, Attainer of tranquility
Boy One who lives a peaceful life
Boy Peace attainder, Attainer of tranquility
Boy Peace protector
Girl, Unisex Love with peace
Boy The embodiment of peace
Boy Strength of peace, The one who fights for peace
Boy Strength of peace, The one who fights for peace
Boy Eternally brave
Boy The immortal God, Imperishable deity
Boy Immortal merits
Boy, Girl Gods nectar
Boy Forever victorious, Ever victorious, One who has conquered the devas
Boy The immortal light
Boy Forever absorbed in God, Ever absorbed in God
Boy Imperishable protector
Boy, Girl Immortal Love of God
Boy Eternal support
Boy Very Deep
Boy People of the heavenly God
Boy Unlimited bravery
Boy, Girl Unlimited glow
Boy Limitless protector
Unisex Gods triumph
Boy Priceless light
Boy Priceless elixir
Boy Ancient sage
Boy Princely Lord God of heaven
Boy Living a nectar-like way of life
Boy One imbued in the lords nectar
Boy Sweet voice, True saying
Boy, Girl Limitless, Infinite, Unbeaten, New, Uninjured
Boy One who radiates the lords light
Boy The light of bliss
Boy, Girl One absorbed in the lords bliss
Boy Of blissful form, Radiating bliss
Boy Essence of bliss
Boy Unfathomable
Boy Gods light
Boy Of immeasurable divinity
Boy Endless victory
Boy Boundlessly heroic
Boy Modest lamp
Boy Heroic brother of the original one
Boy In service of the original one
Boy God of Love
Boy Light of air
Boy Immaculate protector
Boy Extraordinary and wondrous, Unique, Wondrous
Boy Beauteous and brave
Boy Radiating the beauteous light, Matchless light, Flame
Boy Resident of the beauteous realm
Boy In the manner of royalty
Boy The divine light within
Boy Fosterer of younger brother
Boy Radiating the beauteous light, Matchless light, Flame
Boy Lamp of the infinite
Boy Infinite God of heaven
Boy Infinite victorious God of heaven
Boy Crusher of the evil
Boy Heroic without personality flaw
Boy Gentalman
Boy, Girl Hope or desire, Army Man, Wish
Boy, Girl Hope or desire, Army Man, Wish
Boy, Girl Friend of An enemy
Boy God of Sky
Boy Gods clone
Boy Morning flame
Boy Protector of the morning
Boy, Girl Of the God of heavens
Boy Lord of wheels
Boy Manifest
Boy, Girl Meaning sacred water, Amrit
Boy Somebody who gives shelter, One who gives refuge to others, God of wealth, One who protects others, Rite of dependency, Trust on God, One who is depen
Boy Heaven, Sky
Boy Intimate Love
Boy Immovable Prince
Boy Victorious supporter
Boy Brave
Boy Patani
Boy Gods triumph
Boy God of spiritually
Boy One in proximity of the heavenly God, Very idealistic nature
Boy Immovable
Boy Lord of the earth
Boy Brave, One who fights for peace, Strong, Continuous or ongoing
Boy, Girl Different, Blessed by God
Boy Incarnate, Holy incarnation
Boy Laughter, Chandra (Moon), Beautiful, Handsome, Grandson of prophet Mohammed
Boy Fearless
Boy, Girl Beloved, Friend, Comrade, Dear
Boy Falcon, Music, To play An instrument, Eagle
Boy Full with Love
Boy Imbued in lords name
Boy Brave who keeps his promise
Boy Without worry
Boy Wounderous merits, A person with wondrous merits, Wise one
Boy One who is brave and corageous
Boy Victory of the brave
Boy The blessed one
Boy Divine blessing
Boy Child master
Boy Mighty and brave, Strong
Boy Fortunate and powerful
Boy God like in power, Another name of Balram
Boy Creative and idealistic
Boy Surrounded by strength
Boy Sacrifice, Devotion
Boy Lord Krishna, Strong and powerful God
Boy Mighty victorious' href='Girl-Names-for-Meaning-victorious.aspx'>victorious, Might victor
Boy One who cares for others
Boy Mighty victorious' href='Girl-Names-for-Meaning-victorious.aspx'>victorious, Might victor
Boy Life with strength
Boy Mighty creator
Boy Powerful friend, Mighty friend
Boy One who is attractive
Boy, Girl Mighty Love
Boy Strong, King
Boy One with glorious might
Boy Powerful and mighty
Boy God of force, Strong
Boy Strong
Boy Strong soldier, Powerful and brave
Boy God of force, Strong
Boy Word of the God of heaven
Boy Lord of the forest
Boy Light of forest
Boy Friend of forest
Boy Fosterer of forest
Boy Friendly descendant
Boy Fosterer of descendant
Boy Lord of the ocean
Boy Lord of the ocean
Boy Gods given beauty
Boy Without end - infinity, Used to refer to the supreme being
Boy Foster of immeasurable
Boy The brave devotee of God
Boy Devotion to the God of heaven
Boy Remembering the Love of God
Boy Absorbed in the Love of God
Boy One who always loves the Lord
Boy Remembering the Lord
Boy One who is content, Full to the brim
Boy Temple lamp
Boy Soothing light
Boy Lamp of the world
Boy One who swims across the dreadful world ocean
Boy Temple shrine of the God of heaven
Boy, Girl Engrossed in the world
Boy Friend of the world
Boy, Girl Moral of the world
Boy Lord, The worlds protector
Boy Love for the world
Boy Protected by the God of heaven
Boy The king of kings
Boy Preserved by God
Boy Lady of maternal family
Boy Flashes of lightning
Boy Happy, God like
Boy, Girl Pure light
Boy Preserver of purity
Boy An intimate particle of the God of heaven
Boy Brave leader
Boy Forster of modesty
Boy Lighted forest
Boy Brave and unwavering
Boy Eternally brave
Boy Warrior and limitless courage
Boy Brave king
Boy The brave God
Boy King of warriors
Boy Victory of the brave
Boy Light of the brave
Boy Heroic protector, Protector of the brave
Boy Love for braves
Boy Full of strength and bravery
Boy Love of God
Boy Raised by God
Boy The world winner, The conqueror
Boy Triumph of the God
Boy Absorbed in God
Boy Union with the Lord
Boy One in union with God
Boy Absorbed in Love of God
Boy Protected by the Lord
Boy Support of God
Boy Gods warrior
Boy, Girl Lord of ocean
Boy Victory for wisdom
Boy Light of wisdom
Boy Love of wisdom
Boy Embodiment of wisdom
Boy, Girl A nick loving name
Boy Peaceful Love
Boy Lord Vishnu, The one who bears the Chakra
Boy Loving servant
Boy Victory of garden
Boy Love for garden
Boy Beautiful like a garden
Boy Battle field where guru Gobind singh fought
Boy Love for the light of God
Boy Victory of the lively
Boy Love for the lively
Boy Sandal victory
Boy Sandal lamp
Boy Preserver of sandalwood
Boy, Girl
Boy One who has conquered the Moon
Boy Moons light
Boy Moons Love
Boy Love for the Moon
Boy Light of gurus lotus feet
Boy Lotus-like feet
Boy Lotus like feet - as those of the Guru
Boy Protection under the gurus lotus feet
Boy, Girl One who loves lords feet
Boy Love of gods feet
Boy Beautiful
Boy Respect-full, Blessed from everyone
Boy Clever, Wise
Boy Intelligent and brave
Boy Intelligent friend
Boy Fosterer of intelligence
Boy Full of wisdom
Boy Brave and aware
Boy, Girl Tinkling, Ringing
Boy One who loves to meditate
Boy One absorbed in awareness
Boy Heart full of Love
Boy Heart full of Love
Boy One who delights in consciousness
Boy Inner Joy, Happiness from the heart, One who has joyful heart
Boy Supreme spirit
Boy Protection of the lotus feet
Boy Army of God in heaven
Boy Victorious army of God in heaven
Boy Soldier
Boy Brave, Valiant, Daring, Fearless, Bold
Boy Team songs
Boy King
Boy The conqueror of forces, Victorious army
Boy Army of God in heaven
Boy The conqueror of forces, Victorious army
Boy Team fighter
Boy Teams Love
Boy Army of the king
Boy Army of God in heaven
Boy Skirt of the victor, Victory over suppression
Boy Skirt of the victor, Victory over suppression
Boy Light of suppression
Boy One who is friendly with charity
Boy Light of wealth
Boy Door of the God of heaven
Boy Love for gods door
Boy Vision of exalted bravery
Boy The Love for Lord Krishna
Boy Lord of truth, Holy Man
Boy, Unisex Boss of all gods
Boy Love of the deity of heaven
Boy Lamp of compassion
Boy Compassionate victory
Boy Light of compassion
Boy Light of mercy
Boy Lover of compassion
Boy Full of kindness
Boy Melancholy, A variant of the older name deirdre in celtic legend deirdre died of a broken heart, Vision
Boy The protector of the helpless, The Sun
Boy Love for the helpless
Boy Supporter of the helpless
Boy Light of the God
Boy Lamp flame
Boy Absorbed in the lamp
Boy Deity incarnate
Boy King of lords
Boy, Girl Triumph of the God
Boy Godly light
Boy, Girl Love for God
Boy Wealth
Boy Light of wealth
Boy One who is friendly with charity
Boy Lamp of religion
Boy God of faith
Boy Light of righteousness and virtues
Boy One absorbed in righteousness
Boy The supporter of righteousness
Boy Love of faith
Boy Holy
Boy Lord of Dharma
Boy Light of religious
Boy Holy one full of virtue
Boy A winner
Boy Union with meditation
Boy Enlightened by meditation
Boy, Girl Melancholy, A variant of the older name deirdre in celtic legend deirdre died of a broken heart, Vision
Boy Protector of all directions
Boy Heart blossom
Boy Blossoming heart, Lionhearted lit. tiger
Boy Blossoming heart, Lionhearted lit. tiger
Boy Spiritual illumination of the heart
Boy Victory of heart
Boy Courageous live
Boy Victory of heart
Boy Light of the heart
Boy Friend of heart
Boy Ethical heart, Moral soul
Boy, Girl Loving heart
Boy Hearty kingdom, Ruler of the heart
Boy Glory of heart
Boy Lion heart
Boy Heart of God in heaven
Boy, Girl Divine
Boy Remover of sorrow and suffering
Boy Brave and godly person
Boy Godly light
Boy Gods victory
Boy Godly light
Boy Absorbed in name of God
Boy Lover of God
Boy Lover of God
Boy Gods support
Boy Gods warrior
Boy The only victorious
Boy One minded, Absorbed in meditation of one, One pointed
Boy One minded, Absorbed in meditation of one, One pointed
Boy, Girl Oneness, United, Unmatched, Brahman or the supreme spirit
Boy One heroic God
Boy Light of two persons in just one baby
Boy Victory of one God
Boy, Girl Gods light, Special, One light of God
Boy Only one creator
Boy Love of the supreme being
Boy Triumph of the God
Boy One light of God
Boy Only one creator
Boy Love for God
Boy Love for solitude
Boy Only brave
Boy Victorious one
Boy, Girl God is one
Boy, Girl One, United see alt. spelling Ekam), First one
Boy One appearance, One beauteous form
Boy, Girl
Boy Gods warrior, Victorious almighty God
Boy Gods warrior, Victorious almighty God
Boy Gods warrior, Victorious almighty God
Boy Gods victory
Boy Belief, Faith, Trust
Boy So much absorbed
Boy A saintly person, Devotee
Boy, Girl Conqueror, Victorious, Triumph
Boy Victorious king
Boy The victorious brave
Boy Lamp of victory
Boy Righteous victory
Boy Victorious victor
Boy Victory of good deeds
Boy Friendly victory
Boy Victory of naam
Boy Victorious protector
Boy Love for victory
Boy Embodiment of victory
Boy Complete victory
Boy Army troop of the God of heaven
Boy Light of the Sky
Boy Light of the Sky
Boy Lord of Sky
Boy Victor of the Sky
Boy Sky living
Boy Victor of the Sky
Boy Light of the Sky, Heavens light
Boy Light of the Sky
Boy Friend of Sky
Boy Love of the heavenly Sky
Boy Unfathomable and profound
Boy Ok type person
Boy One who fosters the poor
Boy Lord
Boy Liberated through naam
Boy Liberated through holiness
Boy Dwelling in a liberated realm
Boy Liberation through company
Boy Liberated by taking shelter of Guru
Boy Light of glory
Boy Kings lyrics
Boy Light of pride
Boy Protector of pride
Boy Love for pride
Boy One who realizes the home within
Boy One who meditates on the real home within
Boy, Girl One having exalted divine knowledge, Wisdom
Boy Lamp of divine knowledge
Boy One absorbed in divine light and knowledge
Boy Embodiment of divine light, Embodiment of divine knowledge
Boy Brave and divine in knowledge
Boy Devotee for divine knowledge
Boy Brave and knowledgeable
Boy Conscious through divine knowledge
Boy Conscious through divine knowledge
Boy Lamp of divine knowledge
Boy Absorbed in divine knowledge
Boy Songs of divine knowledge
Boy King of knowledge
Boy In praise of divine knowledge
Boy Victory of knowledge
Boy Life full of divine knowledge
Boy Union through divine knowledge
Boy Light of knowledge
Boy One absorbed in divine light and knowledge
Boy Friend of knowledge
Boy Imbued with divine knowledge
Boy Germs of divine knowledge
Boy Embodiment of divine light, Embodiment of divine knowledge
Boy Having exalted divine knowledge
Boy Brave and divine in knowledge
Boy Reflecting on divine knowledge
Boy Lord of the king
Boy Victory of the Lord
Boy Light of the Lord
Boy Godly Prince
Boy Love for the Lord
Boy Rose lamp
Boy Brave in the rose garden
Boy Lamp of the rose garden
Boy Victory of the rose garden
Boy Light of the rose garden
Boy Friendly with the rose garden
Boy Love of the rose garden
Boy Embodiment of the rose garden
Boy Sweet brother
Boy Beautiful like flowers
Boy Love for the beautiful flowers
Boy, Girl Rose garden, Inhabited town, Flourishing

Check Out Top Sikh Names in this article

Embodiment of the beginning-less. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Deep rapturous Love, Adoration. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Hope or desire, Army Man, Wish. Gender: Boy, Origin: Muslim, Sikh.
Of the God of heavens. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Obedient. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Version of God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Earth. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Sikh.
Unmovable. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Wondrous being. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Wondrous. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
The foremost God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Protector of the Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Stable. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Sikh.
Formless being. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Prime truth. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Brave as God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Beyond limits. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Gods light, Victory of God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Gods light, Victory of God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Gods light, The inaccessible light. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Sikh.
God as protector. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Love for God. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Sikh.
Fire. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Trustworthy friend. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Without caste. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Wonderful. Gender: Boy, Origin: Punjabi, Sikh.
To gain a victory over. Gender: Boy, Origin: Punjabi, Sikh.
To gain a victory over. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
One who is invincible, Unconquerable. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Presence of the God of heaven. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Presence of the foremost one. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Immortal, Undying, Timeless, Chief of a tribe, Supreme being. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Eternal lamp, Lamp of the God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Illuminated heavenly realm, Star in the Sky. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Immortal, Undying, Timeless, Chief of a tribe, Supreme being. Gender: Boy, Origin: Punjabi, Sikh.
Eternal lamp, Lamp of the God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Punjabi, Sikh.
In union with eternal Love. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
The eternal light, Gods light. Gender: Boy, Origin: Punjabi, Sikh.
Love of God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Punjabi, Sikh.
Immortal personality (God). Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Of eternal form, Of eternal beauty. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Undying succourer, Supporter. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
The eternal reality. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
One who conquers peace, Gods immortal warrior. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
From gods word. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Of An eye as in a blink of An eye. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Imperceptible, Invisible God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
The lamp of light in the Sky. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Preserver of light. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.
Treasure, Security, Deposit. Gender: Boy, Origin: Sikh.

How to get the best Sikh Names?

Are you searching for the best Sikh Names, then here comes, here you can search Sikh Names along with the meaning. You can select your baby names gender wise, origin wise and even alphabet wise. So hurry up and select the best Sikh Names for your baby. 

How will I Know the meaning of the Sikh Names?

Cool you can get the meaning for the Sikh Names which you choose for your baby on our page. You can also check related names and similar names according to each alphabet you choose. Before naming your baby, the first thing to note is the meaning of the name.   

Can I find Baby Sikh Names by Letter?

Yes, of course parents who are confused in selecting the best names for their babies can use the amazing option “ Find Baby Names by Letter” available on our page. Click on the letter, find the list of top baby names and select the best name for your baby.

Unique Sikh Names for Baby

Looking for a unique name for your baby? Then you are in the right place. You can search unique names for your baby for each alphabet along with their meaning. You can also find similar names as well form the list of unique Sikh names.

How to get Similar Sikh Names?

The first thing you need to do is click on the baby name according to the alphabet you choose. Then you can see the gender, origin, meaning for the baby name. Scroll down and know more about the baby names like similar names, about the name, etc. 

Sikh Baby Names - FAQ

Q1. Will I Get Sikh Baby Names?

Yes, our website provides Origin wise baby names. You can select the origin you wish and select the best name for your baby.

Q2. Where to find the Sikh Baby Names?

Visit our page Click on Baby Names, then on the right side of the page choose gender, origin and alphabet. Then you can get the unique Sikh Baby Names.

Q3. What are the different types of Origins?

The list of Origins available on our page can be found for each alphabet.

For Ex: Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, Hindu, Muslim, etc.

Q4. What information will I get on Sikh Origin Page?

The information available on the Sikh Origin Page includes the name of the baby, meaning, related names, similar names.

Q5. Will I get the detailed information about the Sikh Baby Names?

Yes, you will get detailed information from the session “About” which gives you the exact information along with the meaning.

Q6. Will I get Sikh Baby Names?

Ofcourse, you will get the Sikh baby names on our page. All you need to do is just select the origin “Sikh” and the gender to get the best Sikh Baby Names.

Q7. Will I get Sikh Baby Names?

Parents who visit our page can get the origin wise baby names. If you search for the Sikh Baby Names, then it's great to visit our site and choose the best Sikh name for your baby.

Q8. Can I get Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names?

Yes, you can get number of Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names on our website.