Hindu Names: Most Popular Hindu Baby Names For Girls And Boys With Meaning And Origin

Hindu Names: Get the best Hindu Baby Names for your babies and name your babies meaningfully in a traditional manner, check out the list of Hindu Names with meaning and origin for your kids, Naming the babies is the most significant task for the parents, give an in depth glance at the list of Hindu Names with meaning, and name your babies without complexity.

Top Hindu Names with Gender and Meaning - Unique Hindu Names

Name Gender Meaning
Boy Wood cutter, Carpenter
Boy Bhishma pitamaha
Boy Another name of Lord Shiva, Auspicious
Boy Flute, Musician
Boy, Girl Musical, Lord Shiva
Boy, Girl, Unisex Heart, Date palm, Plam tree, Fast, Guardian, Tree
Boy, Girl Philosophers stone, Wishing stone gem
Boy, Girl Darkness
Boy, Girl The Sun
Boy Thamizhan
Boy God of darkness (Moon)
Boy Pomp
Boy Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva
Boy Destroyer of ignorance
Boy, Girl Copper red
Boy Prize, Reward
Boy From the house of tatius, Child
Boy Flute, Attractive, Slender
Boy Son
Boy Ambition
Boy, Girl Ambition
Boy The Sun
Boy Ambition
Unisex Daughter
Boy Jewel
Boy Jewel
Boy Engrossed
Boy Engrossed
Boy Engrossed
Girl, Unisex Body, Slender, Minute, Delicate, Thin
Boy Son
Boy Beautiful
Boy Quite nature, Attractive
Boy Reincarnated
Boy, Girl, Unisex Body, Slender, Minute, Delicate, Thin
Boy Son
Boy To expand, To progress
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh
Boy The Sun, Summer, Brilliant, Fiery
Boy Heat, Penance, Fervour, Fire, Worth, Austerity, Meditation worth, Bird, The Sun the Moon, Another name for Agni
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of penance
Boy Lord Vishnu, Tapas - penance, Ranjan - one who gives pleasure, Entertains, Exciting passion, Delighting, Befriending, Coloring
Boy Born of the Sun, Warming
Boy Lord of heat the Sun)
Boy The holy Trinity
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of heat
Boy Strong warmth of Sun
Boy Ratined gold, Purified
Boy Full of moral virtue
Boy Star
Boy Star & Moon
Boy Lord of the stars
Boy Star, Pupil of eye, Protector
Boy Starry hair
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy Star eyed, Mountain
Boy, Girl Brilliant, Shining, Splendid, Ruby, Gem, A wave
Boy, Girl Raft, Heaven, Thunder, Earth, Another name for Vishnu, Rose another name for Vishnu
Boy Wave
Boy, Girl Wave
Boy Star
Boy Saviors
Boy Thunder, Ocean
Boy Star
Boy Brave, Shakti ka Rup
Boy, Girl
Boy Prince of stars
Boy God of the stars Moon
Boy Method, Way, Mode, Manner, One who crosses the river of life, Morning star
Boy Raft, Boat, Competent person, The ocean
Boy Lightning
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy Shooting star, Lord Shiva
Boy Heaven, Small boat
Boy Heaven, Small boat
Boy Refreshing, Delightful, Satisfying
Boy Wish, Thirst, Desire, Shapely, Profit, Boat, Ocean, Sun boat
Boy Thirsty, Desirous
Boy Connection, Young, Youth, Ageless, Gentle
Boy Young, Youth, Tender
Boy Youth
Boy Young, Youth
Boy Morning Sun
Boy Conqueror
Boy Conqueror, Small plant, Victor
Boy Love
Boy, Girl
Boy The Buddha, Title of the Buddha
Boy The Buddha, Title of the Buddha
Boy Lord Buddha
Boy Fact, Truth, Lord Shiva
Boy Co-coordinator
Boy Element
Boy Granter of wisdom
Boy Granter of wisdom
Boy, Girl Fact, Truth, Lord Shiva
Boy Painter
Boy Pearl
Boy One with God in maditation, Religious, Meditative
Boy Another name of Lord Shiva
Boy Strength
Boy Heaven, Strong, Brave, Vigorous, Ocean, Gold ocean
Boy, Girl Jayam
Boy Holy place, Sacred water, Place of pilgrimage
Boy A Jain saint, Lord Vishnu
Boy Light, Lustrous, Power, Brilliance, Glory, Security
Boy Radiant, Bright
Boy To glow
Girl, Unisex Lustrous, Energetic, Gifted, Brilliant
Boy Tej i am
Boy Sharpness, Brightness, Tip of the flame, Light, Brilliance, Gold, Power, Might honour, Fire, Spirit brilliance
Boy Sharpness, Brightness, Tip of the flame, Light, Brilliance, Gold, Power, Might honour, Fire, Spirit brilliance
Boy Lustrous or bright or radiant or intelligent, Brave, Powerful, Celebrated, Energetic, Noble, Brilliant
Unisex Illustrations of Lord Shiva, Bright
Boy Lustrous or bright or radiant or intelligent, Brave, Powerful, Celebrated, Energetic, Noble, Brilliant
Boy The Lord The Sun
Boy God of brightness, Lord Surya
Boy The Sun
Boy Whetted, Sharpened
Boy Glorious
Boy Shine with brightness
Boy Protector of splendor, Quick
Boy Brilliant, Sharp
Boy Radiant energy, Brilliance
Boy Solid redemption
Boy, Girl Godly
Boy Lord Murugan, Lord of Shiva (Murugan taught Shiva the meaning of Om, Thakappan - Shiva + Swami - Lord)
Boy Lord Krishna
Boy, Girl King bharats son, Eyes like a Pigeon, Chopping, To make from wood
Boy Leader, God
Boy God of land
Boy Smart
Boy Prize, Reward
Boy Ambition
Boy Golden
Boy Golden king
Boy, Girl Gold, Golden gen
Boy Gold, Golden gen
Boy Golden king
Boy Golden king
Boy Golden Lord
Boy Lord Murugan, God
Boy Related to Lord Murugan Murugan
Boy Lord Murugan, The one who stays in Thanika
Boy Ambition
Boy, Girl Concentration, Ecstasy
Boy Engrossed
Boy, Girl Concentration, Ecstasy
Boy, Unisex Body, Slender, Minute, Delicate, Thin
Boy Beautiful
Boy Strong
Boy Strong
Boy Star, Pupil of eye, Protector
Boy Lord Murugan, The God who killed the demon Taraka
Boy, Girl Connection, Young, Youth, Ageless, Gentle
Boy Conqueror, Small plant
Boy Lord Buddha
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy Another name of Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Shiva, Kind
Boy Devoted to ones mother
Boy A God
Boy Rising star
Boy, Girl Light, Lustrous, Power, Brilliant
Boy Sharpness, Brightness, Tip of the flame, Light, Brilliance, Gold, Power, Might honour, Fire, Spirit brilliance
Boy Radiant energy, Brilliance
Boy Kind
Boy Godly
Boy Lord of happiness and satisfaction
Boy Name of a Raga
Boy Lord venkateswara
Boy Brilliant like the Sun, Intelligent
Boy Shri
Boy Wise, Knowledgeable, Attained realization
Boy Wise, Knowledgeable, Attained realization
Boy Lord venkateswara
Boy Abode of Lord venkateswara or holy place
Boy Abode of Lord venkateswara or holy place
Boy Precious gem
Boy Brave
Boy The great body
Boy Sri venkateswara, Mahavirat. the famous name and fame in world. suitable to boys
Boy Sri venkateswara, Mahavirat. the famous name and fame in world. suitable to boys
Boy Author of Tamil classic, Thirukural
Boy Divine, Intelligent
Boy Three words heaven, Earth, Hell
Boy Three words heaven, Earth, Hell
Boy Noble
Boy The Moon
Boy The Moon
Boy, Girl Auspicious symbol in the forehead
Boy Spot of vermillion, Sandal wood paste on forehead, Auspicious ritualistic mark applied on the forehead, A flowering tree
Boy Nama
Boy Darkness
Boy Large fish
Boy Darkness
Boy Dark
Boy Calm, Tranquil, Stedy, Quiet, Constant
Boy, Girl Disciple of paul
Boy, Girl Name of a saint
Boy, Girl A very common nick name of boys in in india
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy Holy place, Sacred water, Place of pilgrimage
Boy, Girl Holy place, Sacred water, Place of pilgrimage
Boy A Jain saint, Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord Krishna
Boy Lord Krishna
Boy Holy place
Boy Abode of Lord venkateswara or holy place
Boy Seven hills
Boy Lord Shiva, Auspicious form (Tisya - auspicious + Ketu - form
Boy Enduring patiently, Patience
Boy A bird
Boy Silver
Boy, Girl Bull
Boy, Girl Pleasure, Satisfaction
Boy Satisfaction
Boy Satisfied
Boy Pleasant, Satisfied
Boy Lotus stem
Boy Lord of water
Boy Protection
Boy Guarding
Boy The three worlds
Boy Lord Shiva, Name of Shiva uttering three Vedas, Name of one of the 11 Rudra, Name of a mountain
Boy Lord Shiva, Name of Shiva uttering three Vedas, Name of one of the 11 Rudra, Name of a mountain
Boy Name of Lord Shiva
Boy Three eyed, Another name for Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Shiva, Name of Shiva uttering three Vedas, Name of one of the 11 Rudra, Name of a mountain
Boy King of the three worlds
Boy King of the three worlds
Boy Hindu Trinity Brahma, Lord Vishnu & Mahesh, The creator, The sustainer, The destroyer
Boy The holy Trinity
Boy Lord Ganesh
Boy Heaven
Boy The three dimensions
Boy Lord Buddha, Omniscient, Seer, Deity, Name of a Buddha
Boy Lord Buddha, Trigya with Esh as Ishwar
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy All-knowing, Divine, Sage, A Buddha
Boy Lord Buddha
Boy One with three eyes, Lord Shiva
Boy, Girl Lord Shiva, The one with three eyes
Boy Lord Shiva, One with three eyes
Boy The three worlds heaven, Earth, Hell
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of the three worlds
Boy Protector of the three worlds
Boy Lord of the three worlds
Boy Moon of the three worlds
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of the three worlds
Boy Lord Shiva, The Lord having three eyes
Boy Master of all the three worlds
Boy Worshipped in three worlds
Boy Holy Trinity
Boy Holy Trinity
Boy Lord Vishnu, One whose navel supports the 3 worlds
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of the three worlds
Boy Lord Shiva, Three-eyed
Boy Lord Shiva, Derived from trin, A blade of grass, A bamboo, A reed, Name of a son of usheenar
Boy Refreshing, Pleasant
Boy Contentment, Satisfied
Boy Lord Shiva, Conqueror of the three worlds
Boy Enemy of Tripura, Lord Shiva
Boy Manifestation of the Trinity - Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva
Boy An ancient king
Boy Trident (mother of Lord Mahavir)
Boy A king of the Surya dynasty
Boy A king of the Surya dynasty
Boy Pearl necklace
Boy, Girl Desirous, Having thirst (Mother of Lord Mahavir 24th Jain Tirthankar)
Boy One who has a trident in his hands, Lord Shiva
Boy Weapon of Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy One who has a trident in his hands, Lord Shiva
Boy Three world
Boy The meaning of the name Trivendra is the master of the three super power like Shiv bharma and Lord Vishnu
Boy Knowing of three Vedas
Boy Lord Vishnu, One whose three strides covered the whole world
Boy Conqueor of the three worlds
Boy Lord Vishnu, One who makes three strides, An epithet of Vishnu who laid the three worlds in three steps in his Vaman Avatar
Boy Controlling all three dimension
Boy Chanchal
Boy Three eyed, Another name for Lord Shiva
Boy Thou shall be brought
Boy Snow
Boy Good boy
Boy Young boy
Boy A poet saint
Boy, Girl Balance scale, Zodiac sign libra
Boy Balance, A zodiac sign
Boy Thinker
Boy Snow, Moonlight
Boy A famous saint, Servant of Tulsi (Basil plant (Sanskrit scholar and poet who created Ramcharitmanas, a version of Valmiki Ramayana in local Avadhi lan
Boy A flute
Boy Lord Shiva, Mouth, Face, The point of An instrument, A name of Shiva
Boy Lord of the mountains
Boy High, Lofty
Boy The Moon
Boy Lord of the mountains
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu
Boy A thought, Agile, Mind
Boy A thought
Girl, Unisex Swift, Quick
Boy Swift
Boy Anthor name for Lord Indra, Overpowering the mighty
Boy (A son of yayaati)
Girl, Unisex Spiritual power, Musical instrument, One fourth
Boy Ice, Snow, Fine drops of water, Cold
Boy Ice, Snow, Fine drops of water, Cold
Boy Lord Shiva, Beloved of the snow mountains, Epithet of Shiva
Boy White as snow
Boy Satisfied
Boy New small leaf
Boy Satisfied, Another name of Lord Vishnu, An incarnation of Vishnu
Boy Satisfied, Lord Shiva
Boy Satisfied, Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Indra
Boy Lord Indra
Boy Powerful Lord Indra bow, Strong
Boy Water, Strong, Rapid
Boy Impeteous, Impulsive
Boy Sacrifice
Boy A deity
Boy A famous poet
Boy Lord Vishnu, Superior God, An epithet of Vishnu or Krishna
Boy Correct
Boy Correct
Boy To rise, Blue lotus
Boy Nemesis of evils and vices
Boy Correct message
Boy Correct message
Boy Generous
Boy Lord Vishnu, Rising, An epithet of Vishnu
Boy Lord Shiva, Shining or blazing upwards, Luminous, A name of Shiva, A name of Kandarp, A name of fire
Boy Brimming
Boy To rise, Blue lotus
Boy Dawn
Boy Eastern horizon
Boy Rising, Name of king of Avanti
Boy Rising Sun
Boy The rising Sun
Boy Rising king, Lord of stars
Boy Mighty
Boy Origin
Boy Nemesis of evils and vices
Boy Liberation
Boy Friend of Lord krishnas
Boy Giving light, Flood
Boy, Girl Rays of rising The Sun
Boy Lord Vishnu, The Lord who is greater than all beings
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of flying ones, A work so called containing charms and incantations, Name of Shiva
Boy Flying speed
Boy Lord of stars
Boy Start, Effort, Exertion, Preparation, Diligence, Enterprise
Boy Giving light, Flood
Boy (Son of Adam)
Boy Flood
Boy Rising to fame and honor
Unisex A hymn, Lord Shiva
Boy A sacrificial fire, Friend of Lord Krishna
Boy To rise, Blue lotus
Boy, Girl Dawn
Boy Rising, Name of king of Avanti
Boy Rising to fame and honor
Boy A hymn, Lord Shiva
Boy Grown, Awakened, Shining
Boy Blossoming of a thought, Superiority, Passion, Abundance
Boy Lord of stars
Boy Rising king, Lord of stars
Boy Continuing, The best, Son, Descendent
Boy Of noble descent, Noble
Boy Start, Effort, Exertion, Preparation, Diligence, Enterprise
Boy Hardworking, Entrepreneur
Boy Motive, Garden, Going out, Purpose, Park
Boy Ascending, A star, Rising
Boy Ascending, A star, Rising
Boy Shining, Brilliance
Boy Best, Most eminent
Boy Rising, Place of origin, Source, Beginning, Ascending
Boy Constisting of extended troops, Army
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy A seprent king, Courageous, Powerful
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy Lord Shiva, The mighty Lord, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a sanctuary built by ugra
Boy Famous, Renowned person, Bright
Boy, Girl One who radiates the light, Bright
Boy Victorious, Archer
Boy Conqueror
Boy Conqueror
Boy Conqueror
Boy One who gives light, Conquering
Boy Light
Boy Bright
Boy An ancient Indian city
Boy Victorious, Archer
Boy Splendorous, Lit, Brilliant, Attractive, Sunshine
Boy Bright
Boy Splendorous, Lit, Brilliant, Attractive, Sunshine
Boy Splendorous, Lit, Brilliant, Attractive, Sunshine
Boy Wordily
Boy Creator of the world
Boy Strong, Abundant, Dense, Brilliant, Powerful
Boy Joy, Delight, Celebration, Light, Brilliance, Progress
Boy The Moon
Boy Happiness
Boy Joy, Delight, Celebration, Light, Brilliance, Progress
Boy Playing, Sporting, Celebrating
Boy Shining, Brillient, Splendid, Joyous
Boy Lord Indra, A firebrand, Name of a son of Balram
Boy Tiny
Boy Lord Shiva, Parvati and Shankar conjoined
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Shiva, Umas husband
Boy Lord Shiva, Umas husband
Boy Garland of rays
Boy The son of Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Shiva, The one who makes Uma glad
Boy Enthusiasm, Joy, Zeal, Aspiration, Ambition, Limed, Hope desire, Trust, Greed
Boy Enthusiasm
Boy Consort of Uma
Boy Consort of Uma
Boy Consort of Uma
Boy Blessing of Goddess Parvati
Boy The son of Goddess Uma (Goddess Parvati)
Boy Lord Shiva, Parvati and Shankar conjoined
Boy Lord Shiva, Parvati and Shankar conjoined
Boy Hope, Expectation, Wish, Desire, Trust, Greed
Boy, Girl Lord Shiva, Lord of Uma
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of Uma
Boy Elevated, Eminent, Ruler
Boy Ascending, Progressing
Boy Blossoming, Progressing

Check Out Top Hindu Names in this article

Feeling, Virtual. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Shining, Visible, Brilliant. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A cowherd, Name of dynasty. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Gulal. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide, Teacher. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Intake of a sip of water before a Yagya, Puja. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Apne Dam par. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Ideal, The Sun, Principle, Belief, Excellence. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Command, Message, counsel. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Base. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Ruler. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A special star. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Dark. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Full of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Dhyan. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Being a gift, First, Unequalled, Perfect, The earth, Another name for Durga, The initial reality. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Hindu.
The Lord of the lords, The first God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The first victory. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Entire universe, First, Foundation, Original. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The first Lord, Lord Vishnu. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Bright. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Full of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Sri shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaitha philosophy. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Peak, Lord of the Sun, First. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Son of Aditi, The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
The Sun (Son of Aditi). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Peak, Lord of the Sun, First. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Aditis son, The Sun, Sun God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Variant of aditya: the Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Aditis son, The Sun, Sun God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Delicate. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Unique, One, United, With no duplicate. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Unique. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Infinite from Adi to ant, From begining to end. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Praise, Brilliant. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Coming, Arrival, A name of Jain shastra, Insight, Intelligence, Wisdom. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Quiet, Soundless. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire). Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Prince. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Delight, Joy, Happy, Happiness. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Delight, Joy, Happy, Happiness. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Prayer. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Beloved. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Delight, Joy, Pleasure, God blessings. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Shape, Form. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.

How to get the best Hindu Names?

Are you searching for the best Hindu Names, then here comes parenting.fresherslive.com, here you can search Hindu Names along with the meaning. You can select your baby names gender wise, origin wise and even alphabet wise. So hurry up and select the best Hindu Names for your baby. 

How will I Know the meaning of the Hindu Names?

Cool you can get the meaning for the Hindu Names which you choose for your baby on our page. You can also check related names and similar names according to each alphabet you choose. Before naming your baby, the first thing to note is the meaning of the name.   

Can I find Baby Hindu Names by Letter?

Yes, of course parents who are confused in selecting the best names for their babies can use the amazing option “ Find Baby Names by Letter” available on our page. Click on the letter, find the list of top baby names and select the best name for your baby.

Unique Hindu Names for Baby

Looking for a unique name for your baby? Then you are in the right place. You can search unique names for your baby for each alphabet along with their meaning. You can also find similar names as well form the list of unique Hindu names.

How to get Similar Hindu Names?

The first thing you need to do is click on the baby name according to the alphabet you choose. Then you can see the gender, origin, meaning for the baby name. Scroll down and know more about the baby names like similar names, about the name, etc. 

Hindu Baby Names - FAQ

Q1. Will I Get Hindu Baby Names?

Yes, our website provides Origin wise baby names. You can select the origin you wish and select the best name for your baby.

Q2. Where to find the Hindu Baby Names?

Visit our page parenting.fresherslive.com. Click on Baby Names, then on the right side of the page choose gender, origin and alphabet. Then you can get the unique Hindu Baby Names.

Q3. What are the different types of Origins?

The list of Origins available on our page can be found for each alphabet.

For Ex: Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, Hindu, Muslim, etc.

Q4. What information will I get on Hindu Origin Page?

The information available on the Hindu Origin Page includes the name of the baby, meaning, related names, similar names.

Q5. Will I get the detailed information about the Hindu Baby Names?

Yes, you will get detailed information from the session “About” which gives you the exact information along with the meaning.

Q6. Will I get Hindu Baby Names?

Ofcourse, you will get the Hindu baby names on our page. All you need to do is just select the origin “Hindu” and the gender to get the best Hindu Baby Names.

Q7. Will I get Hindu Baby Names?

Parents who visit our page can get the origin wise baby names. If you search for the Hindu Baby Names, then it's great to visit our site and choose the best Hindu name for your baby.

Q8. Can I get Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names?

Yes, you can get number of Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names on our website.