Hindu Names: Most Popular Hindu Baby Names For Girls And Boys With Meaning And Origin

Hindu Names: Get the best Hindu Baby Names for your babies and name your babies meaningfully in a traditional manner, check out the list of Hindu Names with meaning and origin for your kids, Naming the babies is the most significant task for the parents, give an in depth glance at the list of Hindu Names with meaning, and name your babies without complexity.

Top Hindu Names with Gender and Meaning - Unique Hindu Names

Name Gender Meaning
Boy A name of Sai baba
Boy Flower
Boy Flower
Boy Sai baba and Lord Krishna
Boy Flower
Boy Blessing
Boy Blessing of Saibaba
Boy Putaparti Sai baba
Boy Flower
Boy Flower
Boy Flower
Boy Sea shore. from kinnara, Which is a Bengali word meaning bank, Shore
Boy A name of Sai baba, Sais light
Boy, Girl Sai baba and Lord Krishna
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of the mountain, Epithet of Shiva
Boy Lord of the mountain
Boy Sai baba
Boy Belonging to the Indus
Boy Created by Vilas
Boy With the blessing of Sai - baba ka baccha, Sai ka baccha
Boy Special
Boy, Girl Prosperity, Wealth, Auspiciousness
Boy Clouds, Moist, Tearful, Containing water
Boy Beloved, Good Man, Noble, Respectable, Guard, From a good family
Boy Made ready
Boy Bold, Courageous, King of noble men
Boy Lively, Alive
Boy Victorious superior, Lord Ganesh
Boy Victorious superior, Lord Ganesh
Boy Lively, Alive
Boy Full of life
Boy Beloved, Good Man, Noble, Respectable, Guard, From a good family
Boy, Girl Travelling
Boy All whole perfect, Entire, Universe
Boy Manifestation of God, Shapely, Concrete, Formal, Attractive
Boy One with a light shone upon him, Illumination, Brilliance, An enlightened soul
Boy Capable to do anything
Boy Lord Krishna, Having the same intention
Unisex Lord Krishna, Having the same intention
Boy Lord Krishna, Having the same intention
Girl, Unisex Lord Krishna, Having the same intention
Boy A name of Lord Rama
Boy Veda, The religious book of hindus
Boy Friendship
Boy Capable to do anything
Boy Competent, Powerful
Boy Capable, Skilful
Boy Capable, Skilful
Boy Powerful, Goddess Durga, Power, Vigour, Ability, The female energy of a God, Another name for Lakshmi, Saraswati the female energy of a God, Aid, Swor
Boy Means a powerful instrument which was given by Goddess Parvati to her son
Boy Lord Buddha, The lion of the sakya
Boy Water which flows from melted ice from mountain, Water born
Boy Water which flows from melted ice from mountain, Water born
Boy Friendship
Boy Satisfaction
Boy, Girl Lord Indra, A forest, Wood, Understanding, Epithet of Indra
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy Makes peace, Peaceful, Lord Buddha
Boy In front
Boy, Girl Jasmine, Soothing, Purifying, Hymn, Prosperous, Universal plentiful
Boy Bordering, Leader, Universal whole, Near, Omnipresent
Boy, Girl Bordering, Leader, Universal whole, Near, Omnipresent
Boy Coordination
Boy Lord Shiva, Having the same splendor, Epithet of Shiva, Feeling the same energy or anger
Boy Powerful
Boy Lord Vishnu, War God
Boy Lord Vishnu, Winner of a battle
Boy Winner of the battle, Victorious in war or Lord Vishnu, One who has conquered lust
Boy Winner of the battle, Victorious in war or Lord Vishnu, One who has conquered lust
Boy Winner of the battle, Victorious in war or Lord Vishnu, One who has conquered lust
Boy Dedicating
Boy Powerful, Another name for Krishna, Smooth, Multi -tasked
Boy Symbol of peace
Boy Justice, Peace, Kindness
Boy Lord Vishnu, One who effectively whirls the wheel of samsara
Boy Time, Rule, Oath, Code, Direction, Season code
Boy, Girl Rising, Shining
Boy Prosperous
Boy Son of Lord Krishna and jambavati
Boy Rising, Shining
Boy Brave
Boy Born, Manifested, Possible, Practicable, Meeting, Creation
Boy Abode of Joy, Lord Shiva, Sa + Amba - with Amba
Boy Consciousness
Boy Complete knowledge, Consciousness
Boy Lord Krishna, Unbiased who can see all
Boy Full of strength, Strong
Boy Close
Boy Precious, Invaluable, Happy, Self disciplined
Boy Winner of war
Boy Lord Vishnu, Like the Moon (Sama + Indu)
Boy Lord of equality, God-like
Boy Host
Boy A vedic composition, Secret text
Boy A vedic composition, Secret text
Boy Ocean
Boy Ancient sage, Peaceful, Restrained
Boy Near to Sun
Boy, Girl Precious, Invaluable, Happy, Self disciplined
Boy, Girl Early morning fragrance, Entertaining companion, Wind, Breeze, Air, Creator, Another name for Shiva, Era
Boy Breeze
Boy Javelin
Boy Joy, Happiness, Excitement
Boy Agreed, Consented, Respected
Boy Agreed, Consented, Respected
Boy Conscious
Boy Prosperous, Perfection, Achievement, Destiny, Blessing
Boy Prosperous, Wealth, Fortune, Success, Welfare
Boy Prosperous, Wealth, Fortune, Success, Welfare
Boy Fortune, Success, Welfare (Brother of Jatayu)
Boy Complete everything, Full
Boy Complete everything, Full
Boy Joy, Satisfaction, Delight
Boy Emperor, Universal, Ruler
Boy Perfect, Accomplished, Prosperous
Boy, Girl Provided with nectar, Wealthy, Remembered
Boy The enriched one, Prosperous, Accomplished, Perfect
Boy Content
Boy Prosperous
Boy Second name of four vedas. means holistic in speech and deed
Boy Knowledge
Boy Enough
Boy, Girl Perfect, Complete, Another name for Krishna, Old, Long-lived
Boy Related
Boy One of the four spiritual son of Brahma
Boy, Unisex Beloved, Benevolence, Favour, Mistress, Image beloved
Boy Gaining, Acquiring
Boy Laughing smileing, Cheerful
Boy Lord Brahma, Eternal, Accompanied by a protector, Immortal, Another name of Brahma
Boy Permanent, Eternal God, Lord Shiva, Immortal, Constant, Ancient, Another name of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
Boy Permanent, Eternal God, Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Brahma, Eternal, Accompanied by a protector, Immortal, Another name of Brahma
Boy The Sun
Boy Ancient, One that will last forever
Unisex Trembling, Movement, Water
Boy, Girl Collection, Riches, Mass
Boy, Unisex Collected
Boy Collected, Gathered
Boy Collected, Gathered
Boy, Girl, Unisex A lighted lamp, Brilliant, Ablaze
Boy A sage, Lighting
Boy A sage, Lighting
Boy Sage, Light
Boy Message
Boy Message
Boy Research
Boy Lord Vishnu, The regulator
Boy A lighted lamp, Brilliant, Ablaze
Boy, Girl, Unisex Defending men
Boy The Sun or brilliant boy
Boy Beloved. Lord Hanuman Stuti
Boy The Sun or brilliant boy
Boy To merge
Boy Lord of friendship
Boy Associating with holy congregation, Union, Appropriate, Constant
Boy Early morning or end of the night, Afternoon
Boy Music, Swaras
Boy Music, Swaras, Symphony
Boy Perfectly hidden
Boy Conciseness
Boy, Unisex Gift, Reward, A portion of the Sky, Same pronunciation as Sunny meaning bright
Boy Clean
Boy The Sun or brilliant boy
Boy Obtainment
Boy Creator of universe, Another name for Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma, Creator, Another name for Brahma and Shiva
Boy, Girl Creator
Boy, Girl Victorious, Dhritarashtras charioteer
Boy Betrayer
Boy Who is always victorious, Winner from 4 directions, Perfectly victorious
Boy Giving life, Re animating, Love
Boy Bearer of sanjeevini mountain, Immortality
Boy Lord Hanuman
Boy Name of the mountain with auspicious and medicinal plants on it. in hinduism, This mountain is Said to be very sacred
Boy Triumphant, Flute
Girl, Unisex Evening
Boy One who is always victorious
Boy Giving life, Re animating, Love
Boy Who is always victorious, Winner from 4 directions, Perfectly victorious
Boy Who is always victorious, Winner from 4 directions, Perfectly victorious
Boy Giving life, Re animating, Love
Boy Bearer of sanjeevini mountain, Immortality
Boy Coincidence
Boy Success in every work
Boy Will, Determination
Boy Will, Determination, Resolve, Idea, Conviction
Boy, Girl Will, Determination, Resolve, Conviction
Boy Lord Shiva, Causing happiness, Conferring good fortune, Auspicious, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a celebrated teacher of Vedanta philosophy shankarach
Boy Fortunate, Creator, Lord Shiva
Boy A name of Balaram, Brother of Lord Krishna
Boy To practice
Boy Signal, Goal, Stipulation, Agreement, Indication, Sign
Boy Signal, Goal, Stipulation, Agreement, Indication, Sign
Boy Possessed with fire a burning torch, Fiery, Torch
Boy Symmetry, Harmony
Boy Lord Brahma, Eternal, Accompanied by a protector
Boy Always ready
Boy Gods presence derived from the word sannidhaanam
Boy Immortal
Boy To regin universally, Supreme rule, Ruler
Boy Passage, The world
Boy Aim
Boy Good ethics and moral values, Culture, Consecration, Purity, Purification
Boy Culture
Boy Saintly person, Tranquil, Calm, Saint
Boy King, Whole
Boy Wholesome
Boy Heat, Another name for Agni
Boy Saintly person, Tranquil, Calm, Saint
Boy Wholesome, A king from the epic Mahabharata
Boy Satisfaction, Happiness
Boy Sunlight
Boy, Girl Peace
Boy Satisfaction, Happiness
Boy Complete satisfaction
Boy, Girl Fire, A learned Man
Boy Affectionate
Boy One name of God
Boy Lord Krishna, Dark complexioned
Boy Patience, Effort, Restraint
Boy Coincidence
Boy Dream (Swapna)
Boy Successful
Boy Conqueror of 7 elements
Boy A musical note
Boy Fire
Boy 7 stars representing 7 great saints
Boy Form of God, Effective
Boy Autumn
Boy Born in water, Lotus
Boy Very easy, Honest, Simple
Boy, Girl Surrender, Injuring, Running, Lily, Yard of a sail
Boy, Girl Surrender, Injuring
Boy Summary
Boy, Girl A musical instrument, Distinguished, Brilliance, Light, Jewel, Gold light, The earth, A musical Raag another name for the Love God Kaama and Shiva
Boy Summary, In brief, Precise, Result
Boy The one who bestows protection to anyone who comes seeking it. the word Sharan in Sanskrit means protection. and the one who bestows it is Sharanyan
Boy Swan, The Moon
Boy Lotus
Boy Learned
Boy Autumn, Super boy, Complete or meaningful
Boy Autumn, Super boy, Complete or meaningful
Boy Clump of reeds
Boy Clump of reeds, Lord Murugan
Boy Clump of reeds, Lord Murugan
Boy Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Perfect, Complete
Boy One who has conquered everything
Boy Master of all or God or king or Lord of all, Emperor, Lord Shiva
Boy Winner
Boy Musical notes
Boy Resembling a small song bird, Melodious, Stream, Precious
Boy One that bring essence, Water
Boy, Girl, Unisex Helpful
Boy Equal, Morning
Girl, Unisex River, Stream
Boy Creative, Creation
Boy Glitters as gold
Boy Name of Lord Vishnu
Boy, Unisex Lotus, Born in lakes
Boy Lord Brahma, Lotus-like
Boy Crown
Boy Autumn, Super boy, Complete or meaningful
Boy Well done
Boy, Unisex Lord Vishnu, An arrow, Dart, The thunderbolt of Indra, The weapon of the maruts, Passion, Epithet of Vishnu
Boy Successful, Wealthy
Boy Beautiful, Shapely
Boy, Unisex Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Perfect, Complete
Boy Lord Shiva, All giving, Epithet of Shiva
Boy Lord Shiva, God of all, Epithet of Shiva
Boy Acceptor of all celestial offerings
Boy Lord Shiva, All pervading, Spirit, Soul, Epithet of Shiva and Vishnu, Epithet of Brahma, Name of a son of Bheem
Boy The all knowing, Lord Vishnu
Boy Perfect in everything
Boy Lord Ganesh, Sarva - universe
Boy Worthy, Affectionate, Generous
Boy Another name of Lord Murugan
Boy Lord Shiva, The whole body, All the angas or vedaangas collectively, Epithet of Shiva, Covering all aspects
Boy Everything
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy Protector of the universe
Boy Lord Shiva, One who resides everywhere
Boy Every where, God
Boy Master of all or God or king or Lord of all
Boy, Girl Master of all or God or king or Lord of all, Emperor, Lord Shiva
Boy Lord of all, A name of Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Krishna, Derived from Sharv, Sharv meaning sacred to Shiva
Unisex Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Perfect, Complete
Boy Chief, Leader, Joy, Delight
Boy Attached, Connected, Associated
Boy The Moon
Boy Attached, Connected, Associated
Boy, Girl The Moon
Boy Lord of all
Boy Prosperous
Boy Eternal
Boy The Moon, An Apsara or celestial Goddess
Boy The Man who carries Sashi the Moon) - other name of Lord Shiva
Boy The Lord Shiva
Boy Smiling, Cheerful
Boy One who rules
Boy One who rules
Boy Clam and beautiful
Boy Real, Truth, Essence, Worthy, Honest, Handsome, Strength, Existing, Real learned, A sage
Boy Lord Indra
Boy Never ending
Boy Hundred years old (Brother of amavasu and vivasu)
Boy One with a good mind
Boy Lord Vishnu, Lord of truth
Boy Lord of hundreds, Ruler of hundreds, Happiness
Boy Lord Shiva, Consort of Sati
Boy Lord Vishnu, Lord of truth
Boy Lord of hundreds, Ruler of hundreds, Happiness
Boy Lord of ayyanar
Boy, Girl Lord Vishnu
Boy God of Sathi, Lord Shiva, Kind
Boy Partner, Chaste woman
Boy God of Sathi, Lord Shiva, Kind
Boy Calm, Virtuous and another name of Lord Shiva
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy Power and well being in the future, Cool
Boy Truth
Boy Mighty
Boy, Girl Real, A vedic text
Boy Lord Vishnu, Lord of truth
Boy Lord of hundreds, Ruler of hundreds, Happiness
Boy Protector
Boy Lord Indra, A good Lord, Lord of heroes, Epithet of Indra
Boy Ever victorious, Father of Satyabhama
Boy Victorious over enemies (A son of Vatsa)
Boy Lord Krishna, Full of truth, Delighted, Name of Vishnu or Krishna, Name of baladeva, A Man of Yadav tribe, A worshipper
Boy Lord Vishnu, Champion of truth
Boy Virtuous, Lord Krishna, Worthy, Important, Pure, Good
Boy, Girl True God of heaven, Lord of virtue
Boy Power and well being in the future, Cool
Boy One who preaches truth
Boy Light of truth
Boy Devoted to truth, Love to truth
Boy Name of Sai babas and Lord Hanuman
Boy Truth
Boy One who can see the truth
Boy Lord of truth
Boy One who conquers the truth, Victory of truth
Boy Honest
Boy Believer in truth
Boy Charioteer of Lord Krishna
Boy Honesty
Boy Lord Krishna, Sat=ultimate reality, Narayana=resting in consciousness
Boy True all-pervading God
Boy True, Good
Boy Meaning of truth
Boy Always truthful' href='Girl-Names-for-Meaning-truthful.aspx'>truthful, Lord Rama, Speaker of truth
Boy Always speaking lie, Someone who gets victory with truth, Truthful
Boy Truthful, One who speaks truth
Boy Lord of the truth
Boy Lord of truth (Satyam)
Boy Mighty
Boy Abhimanyu
Boy Loveliness
Boy Easy to get
Boy Gift An enlightened person
Boy Other name of Gautama Buddha
Boy Ever smiling
Boy Love to Meet different persons, A friend, Calm
Boy From Sanskrit samit: someone who has got everything, Easy to get
Boy Good friend
Boy Lord Lakshman son of Sumitra), Good friend
Boy Mild, Pearl, Goddess Durga, Beautiful
Boy A great sage and teacher, Wise
Boy Fragrance
Boy Divine, Celestial, Beautiful
Boy Lord Kartikeya, The Lord of valour
Boy Belonging to sound, A musical note
Boy Beautiful and brave
Boy, Girl Saint who was a trainer of young monks
Boy, Girl The fifth month of the Hindu year, One who offers a sacrifice to God, Rain during monsoon season
Boy Employer
Boy Employer
Boy Lord Shiva, Water, The vital element for life, Name of Shiva
Boy Lord Murugan
Boy Saints name
Boy Leader
Boy The Sun, Sweet
Boy The Sun
Boy The Sun, Sweet
Boy Lord Vishnu, Left hand, Southern, Reverse, Name of An aangirasa, An epithet of Vishnu
Boy The fifth month of the Hindu year, One who offers a sacrifice to God, Rain during monsoon season
Boy, Girl Gift
Boy Weapon, Kind and helpful
Boy Evening
Boy Friend, Kind heart
Boy Brave
Boy Lord Murugan, Leaping, Flowing, Quicksilver, Name of Kartikeya the son of Shiva and God of war, Epithet of Shiva, The bank of a river, A clever or lea
Boy Youthful with divine qualities
Boy Happy
Boy Parting line of hair
Boy Positive energy, Horseless
Boy Calm
Boy Lord Vishnu, One who has talent
Boy Lord Shiva, A crest, Diadem, A peak, The chief or head of anything
Boy Simple of Joy, Prosperous
Boy Prosperous
Boy Enjoyable person
Boy Simple of Joy, Prosperous
Boy King of money
Boy Proper
Boy, Girl Army
Boy Victory over army
Boy Lord Murugan, The leader of An army, Commander, Name of kartekeya, Name of Shiva
Boy Lord Murugan
Boy Lord Murugan, The red one, The formidable one
Boy Lord Murugan, The red Lord, The formidable Lord
Boy Worrier
Boy Visionary
Boy The best
Boy Red lotus
Boy Red and formidable one
Boy Lord Murugan, Always youth
Boy Shesha - the king of serpents’ and Adri - hill
Boy Always in high
Boy Light
Boy Snake, Venkateswara
Boy Snake, Venkateswara
Boy The warrior, Sacred symbol
Boy Goddess Lakshmi, Worth
Boy, Unisex The warrior, Sacred symbol
Boy Servant
Boy Lord Murugan, One with a rooster in his battle flag
Boy Lord Murugan, The Vel which is used to save
Boy Lord Murugan
Boy Sea shore, Guide, Shore, Bank
Unisex Lord Buddha, Energy circle or a form of chakra
Boy, Girl, Unisex Pride, Peaceful
Boy Peaceful
Boy Habit, Custom, Name of Lord Ayyappa, Arrow
Boy Victory
Boy Ruler, One who commands
Unisex Command, Royal authority, Hymn, Lord Murugan, Another name for Durga
Boy Lord Shiva, Water, The vital element for life, Name of Shiva
Boy Lord Ayyappa
Boy Awaz sound, Akhar word
Boy From the name sabine An italian culture
Boy Lord Indra, Pure existence, Affectionate, Epithet of Shiva
Boy Someone who has happiness
Boy King, One of the kauravas
Boy Slayer of Aksha
Boy Well known, The group of people use to play traditional music at Shivaji ‘s period, Shayar or Shahir
Boy Sweet smell
Unisex The power from The Sun
Boy King
Boy Mountain, Rocky
Boy Daughter of the mountains
Boy One who holds mountain
Boy King of mountains
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of the mountain, Epithet of Shiva
Boy King of mountains, Himalaya
Boy God of mountain, Himalaya
Boy Peaceful, Restrained
Boy Pure and innocent, Holy, A sect worshipping Shiva
Boy The cult of Lord Shiva, Auspicious, Wealthy
Boy Beloved, Good Man
Boy Bold, Courageous, King of noble men
Boy, Unisex Powerful, Goddess Durga, Power, Vigour, Ability, The female energy of a God, Another name for Lakshmi, Saraswati the female energy of a God, Aid, Swor
Boy Auspicious
Boy Bird, Uncle of kauravas (Younger brother of Gandhari; maternal uncle of Duryodhana; An expert dice player.)
Boy Blue Jay
Unisex Lord Buddha, Energy circle or a form of chakra
Boy Lord Buddha, The lion of the sakya
Boy Emperor
Boy, Girl Modest
Boy Lord Vishnu, Refers to a fossilized shell
Boy A sage
Boy, Unisex Modest
Boy, Girl Courteous
Boy Modest
Boy Name of a famous king
Boy An arrow
Boy Makes peace, Peaceful, Lord Buddha
Boy Lord Shiva, The one who has black ears
Boy, Girl Jasmine, Soothing, Purifying, Hymn, Prosperous, Universal plentiful
Boy Universal, Whole, Lord Rama
Boy Universal, Whole, Lord Rama
Boy Quiet, Tranquillity, A counseller, Residing in peace, Peaceful, Calm
Boy Compassion
Boy Abode of Joy, Lord Shiva, Sa + Amba - with Amba
Boy Ancient sage, Peaceful, Restrained
Boy A message or tidings or that which is heard, Rock that can penetrate metal
Boy Holy Man, Happy, Auspicious, Security, Wealthy
Boy Fire, Name of a tree, Work
Boy Ancient sage, Peaceful, Restrained

Check Out Top Hindu Names in this article

Feeling, Virtual. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Shining, Visible, Brilliant. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A cowherd, Name of dynasty. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Gulal. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide, Teacher. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Intake of a sip of water before a Yagya, Puja. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Apne Dam par. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Ideal, The Sun, Principle, Belief, Excellence. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Command, Message, counsel. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Base. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Ruler. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A special star. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Dark. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Full of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Dhyan. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Being a gift, First, Unequalled, Perfect, The earth, Another name for Durga, The initial reality. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Hindu.
The Lord of the lords, The first God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The first victory. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Entire universe, First, Foundation, Original. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The first Lord, Lord Vishnu. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Bright. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Full of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Sri shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaitha philosophy. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Peak, Lord of the Sun, First. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Son of Aditi, The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
The Sun (Son of Aditi). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Peak, Lord of the Sun, First. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Aditis son, The Sun, Sun God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Variant of aditya: the Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Aditis son, The Sun, Sun God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Delicate. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Unique, One, United, With no duplicate. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Unique. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Infinite from Adi to ant, From begining to end. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Praise, Brilliant. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Coming, Arrival, A name of Jain shastra, Insight, Intelligence, Wisdom. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Quiet, Soundless. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire). Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Prince. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Delight, Joy, Happy, Happiness. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Delight, Joy, Happy, Happiness. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Prayer. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Beloved. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Delight, Joy, Pleasure, God blessings. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Shape, Form. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.

How to get the best Hindu Names?

Are you searching for the best Hindu Names, then here comes parenting.fresherslive.com, here you can search Hindu Names along with the meaning. You can select your baby names gender wise, origin wise and even alphabet wise. So hurry up and select the best Hindu Names for your baby. 

How will I Know the meaning of the Hindu Names?

Cool you can get the meaning for the Hindu Names which you choose for your baby on our page. You can also check related names and similar names according to each alphabet you choose. Before naming your baby, the first thing to note is the meaning of the name.   

Can I find Baby Hindu Names by Letter?

Yes, of course parents who are confused in selecting the best names for their babies can use the amazing option “ Find Baby Names by Letter” available on our page. Click on the letter, find the list of top baby names and select the best name for your baby.

Unique Hindu Names for Baby

Looking for a unique name for your baby? Then you are in the right place. You can search unique names for your baby for each alphabet along with their meaning. You can also find similar names as well form the list of unique Hindu names.

How to get Similar Hindu Names?

The first thing you need to do is click on the baby name according to the alphabet you choose. Then you can see the gender, origin, meaning for the baby name. Scroll down and know more about the baby names like similar names, about the name, etc. 

Hindu Baby Names - FAQ

Q1. Will I Get Hindu Baby Names?

Yes, our website provides Origin wise baby names. You can select the origin you wish and select the best name for your baby.

Q2. Where to find the Hindu Baby Names?

Visit our page parenting.fresherslive.com. Click on Baby Names, then on the right side of the page choose gender, origin and alphabet. Then you can get the unique Hindu Baby Names.

Q3. What are the different types of Origins?

The list of Origins available on our page can be found for each alphabet.

For Ex: Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, Hindu, Muslim, etc.

Q4. What information will I get on Hindu Origin Page?

The information available on the Hindu Origin Page includes the name of the baby, meaning, related names, similar names.

Q5. Will I get the detailed information about the Hindu Baby Names?

Yes, you will get detailed information from the session “About” which gives you the exact information along with the meaning.

Q6. Will I get Hindu Baby Names?

Ofcourse, you will get the Hindu baby names on our page. All you need to do is just select the origin “Hindu” and the gender to get the best Hindu Baby Names.

Q7. Will I get Hindu Baby Names?

Parents who visit our page can get the origin wise baby names. If you search for the Hindu Baby Names, then it's great to visit our site and choose the best Hindu name for your baby.

Q8. Can I get Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names?

Yes, you can get number of Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names on our website.