Hindu Names: Most Popular Hindu Baby Names For Girls And Boys With Meaning And Origin

Hindu Names: Get the best Hindu Baby Names for your babies and name your babies meaningfully in a traditional manner, check out the list of Hindu Names with meaning and origin for your kids, Naming the babies is the most significant task for the parents, give an in depth glance at the list of Hindu Names with meaning, and name your babies without complexity.

Top Hindu Names with Gender and Meaning - Unique Hindu Names

Name Gender Meaning
Boy, Girl, Unisex Gold
Boy The Sun, Illuminating
Boy Beauty
Boy The Sun, One of the original vedic triad with Agni and Indra
Boy Stairs, Steps
Boy Fragrance
Boy God
Boy Divine, Celestial, The beautifulness
Boy Peaceful
Boy Good looking
Boy Moons light
Boy Moon or Lord Indra, Must by Joy
Boy Love to Meet different persons, A friend
Boy, Girl Good friend
Boy Mild, Pearl, Goddess Durga, Beautiful
Boy One who won beauty
Boy Handsome
Boy Boy sage
Boy Jewel of jewels
Boy Fragrance
Boy Divine, Celestial, The beautifulness
Boy Of the Sun
Boy Lord Vishnu, The Lord of the Suras or devas. it can also mean the greatest of those who bestow good
Boy Brave
Boy Magician
Boy Powerful
Boy Beautiful
Boy, Girl Angel, Princess
Boy Ones own
Boy, Girl Heart bits
Boy Motivation, Responsible
Boy, Girl Touch
Boy, Girl Name of a Hindu month, Name of a star, A character in Ramayana, A devoted son, Listening or hearing, Monsoon season
Boy Flowing, River, A character from the epic Ramayana
Boy, Girl, Unisex Light, Beauty, Prosperity, Rank, Power, Steel construction company
Boy Wealthy person, Divine beauty
Boy Lord Vishnu, Possessor of Goddess Lakshmi, Possessor of good fortune
Boy Lord Vishnu, Handsome
Boy Lord Vishnu, Name of Vishnu, Lion of prosperity, Divine Krishna
Boy The one who has conquered Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth i.e. Lord Vishnu
Boy The one who has conquered Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth i.e. Lord Vishnu
Boy Sri Hari, Beloved of Sri
Boy Causing prosperity, Lord Vishnu
Boy Given by God, Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord Vishnu, Sri Maha Vishnu
Boy Lord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth
Boy Feet pad of Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord Rama, Pleasing, Rejoicing, Charming and beautiful
Boy, Girl Name of Lord Ganesh, Flower
Boy Lord Vishnu, Combination of first 3 letters of Sriman and last 3 of Narayan
Boy Good fortune, Prosperity, Welfare, Happiness, Credit of fame
Boy Sri Hari, Beloved of Sri
Boy A good ending
Boy Powerful yantra of the god
Boy, Girl Given by God
Boy Lord Vishnu, Possessor of Goddess Lakshmi, Possessor of good fortune
Boy Lord Vishnu, Handsome
Boy Happiness with fortune money
Boy The one who has conquered Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth i.e. Lord Vishnu
Boy The one who has conquered Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth i.e. Lord Vishnu
Boy Lover of wealth, Fortune, Respect, Esteem, Wisdom, Light
Boy Lover of wealth, Fortune, Respect, Esteem, Wisdom, Light
Boy Causing prosperity, Lord Vishnu
Boy The Lord of knowledge
Boy Supreme name
Boy Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord Vishnu
Boy Given by God, Lord Vishnu
Boy Purity
Boy, Girl Beautiful
Boy Lord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth
Boy Lord Vishnu, Sri Maha Vishnu
Boy Lord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth
Boy Lord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth
Boy Lord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth
Boy Paramatmudu
Boy Lord venkateswara
Boy Creation
Boy Lord Vishnu, Divine feet
Boy Lord Hanuman
Boy Great personality
Boy, Girl Lord Rama, Pleasing, Rejoicing, Charming and beautiful
Boy Flower
Boy, Girl, Unisex Name of Lord Ganesh, Flower
Boy Quite
Boy Radiant light
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord venkateswara, Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva
Boy Lotus, Abode of wealth
Boy God of Sri Maha Vishnu, Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth
Boy Brilliant, Lord venkateswara
Boy Name of Lord Vishnu, Son of Goddess Lakshmi, Devotee of Goddess Lakshmi (??)
Boy It is one of the names of Indian Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord Vishnu, Combination of first 3 letters of Sriman and last 3 of Narayan
Boy Creation, Creative
Boy, Girl Raga, Taal, Correctness of musical & singing notes
Boy Lord Vishnu, Who is being praised by everybody
Boy, Girl Praise
Boy Lord Brahma, Ancient, Fixed, Steady or the primordial being
Boy Focused
Boy Praise, Glory, Fame
Boy Lord Vishnu, Praising, Epithet of Vishnu
Boy Asked for
Boy Strong armed, One of the kauravas
Boy Strong armed, One of the kauravas
Boy Good, Divine, Friend of Lord Krishna, Another name of Shiva, Powerful, Boy
Boy Strong
Boy A good friend
Boy Lord Shiva, An agreeable perfume, A pleasant dwelling, Well clad, An epithet of Shiva
Boy Great Man
Boy Auspicious
Boy Courageous, Brave warrior
Boy Sun rise
Boy Fortunate, Brilliant, Attractive, Auspicious, Wealthy
Boy Subhadip means something very holy
Boy Gentleman
Boy Fortunate
Boy Good, Auspicious
Boy, Girl Praising Allah, Holy
Boy Lord Shiva, Handsome limbed, Beautifully formed, Elegant, Epithet of Vishnu and Shiva
Boy Shubh Ansh
Boy Shining, Soft spoken, Brilliant
Boy Shining, Soft spoken, Brilliant
Boy Auspicious Moon
Boy, Girl White, The Ganga, Attractive, Brilliant, Heaven, Another name for the river Ganges
Boy Good luck, Auspicious
Boy, Girl Su-good bin-king
Boy Humble
Boy Courageous, Brave warrior
Boy Sound advice, Easily understood, Intelligent
Boy Lord Shiva, Worthy jewel
Boy Lord Murugan, Worthy jewel
Boy God
Boy Lord Subramanyan
Boy God
Boy Beautiful
Boy Lord of piousness
Boy Attentive, Alert, Intelligent, Sharp
Boy Well disposed, Gracious, Auspicious, Conscious, Alert, Distinguished
Boy, Girl Means a beautiful thought
Boy Eternal
Boy Person with a sound mind, Sensible, Intelligent, Informed, Pure, Focussed, Another name for Brahma
Boy Village God
Boy Meek, Friend of Lord Krishna, Another name of Kuchela
Boy Gold
Boy Lord Vishnu, Good archer
Boy Lord Perumal, Good looking, Lion, A weapon of Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord Perumal, Good looking, Lion, A weapon of Lord Vishnu
Boy Gift, Auspicious gift
Boy Pure, White, True
Boy Bright, Very bright, Happiness
Girl Bright
Boy Shining bright
Boy Brilliance, Lord of excellent intellect
Boy A beautiful country, Elegant, Handsome
Boy, Girl Good country
Boy Good deity
Boy Name of Lord Shiva, Good Deva
Boy Mine of nectar, Moon
Boy Mine of nectar
Boy Purify
Boy Meek, Friend of Lord Krishna, Another name of Kuchela
Boy Full of nectar
Boy Very rich
Boy The Moon
Boy The Moon
Boy Lord Vishnu, Good archer
Boy Home of the good
Boy Lord Perumal, Good looking, Lion, A weapon of Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord Perumal, Good looking, Lion, A weapon of Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord of senses, Lord of knowledge
Boy Bright, Very bright, Happiness
Boy Symbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright, Determined, Thoughtful, Wise
Boy Brilliance, Lord of excellent intellect
Boy Lord Indra to Sudhi (Bhoomi), Lord of nectar
Boy, Unisex Scholar, Sense, Wisdom
Boy Lord of senses, Lord of knowledge
Boy Symbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright, Determined, Thoughtful, Wise
Boy Brilliance, Lord of excellent intellect
Boy Kind, Benevolent, Like nectar
Boy Kind, Benevolent, Like nectar
Boy Bright
Boy Bright, Very bright, Happiness
Boy Symbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright
Boy Shining brightly, Brilliant
Boy Demi God
Boy Sweet smelling, Fragrance
Boy Suganth means a good smell
Boy Perfume
Boy Fortunate
Boy A name of the Buddha
Boy Lord Buddha
Boy One with melodious voice
Boy One with graceful neck, Weapon, Hero, Swan
Boy Man with a beautiful neck, Sachiva minister of Sugreeva, Weapon, Hero, Swan, One with graceful neck (King of monkey tribe and King of Kiskindha)
Boy Tirandaj
Boy Lord Murugan
Boy Good seizer
Boy Beautiful Smile
Boy Invoking well, Religious
Boy Positive, Suitable, Appropriate, Good
Boy Positive, Suitable, Appropriate, Good
Boy Well disposed
Boy Well disposed
Boy Good hearted
Boy It is one of the Lord Vishnu name
Boy Of good caste, Well-born, Beautiful
Boy, Unisex Affectionate, Sacred water, Lotus
Boy Honest, Intelligent, Virtuous, Respectable, Kind, Good
Boy Renounced, Illustrious
Boy Renounced, Illustrious
Boy Belonging to a good clan, Good birth, Well-born, Handsome
Boy Belonging to a good clan, Good birth, Well-born, Handsome
Boy Victory
Boy Auspicious victory, Victorious
Boy Auspicious victory
Boy Universal being
Boy Well bred
Boy Auspicious victory, Victorious
Boy Auspicious victory, Victorious
Boy Auspicious victory, Victorious
Boy Winner
Boy, Girl Wind
Boy Much desired, Ambitious, Desired, Handsome
Boy Acceptable heart
Boy Handsome
Boy Handsome
Boy One who does good deeds
Boy Reciter of 1000 samhitas
Boy With beautiful hair, Lord of happiness
Boy Having good intention, Kind, Well-meaning
Boy A Yaksha king, Another name of Lord Vishnu, Brilliant
Girl, Unisex One who gives happiness, Bestower of happiness
Boy Lord Shiva, Happy, Epithet of Shiva
Boy Lord Rama, Giving happiness, Name of Krishna
Boy Pleasurable
Boy One who gives solace
Boy God of happiness
Boy Happy boy
Boy Happiness
Boy With beautiful hair, Lord of happiness
Boy, Girl At ease, Tranquil, Content
Boy Happy, Glad
Boy, Girl Pleasant smell
Boy Full of happiness, Pleasant
Boy Extremely beautiful
Boy Su-krutya means good work
Boy Unperturbed, Dignified, Noble
Boy Handsome, Very tender, Very delicate
Boy Handsome, Very tender, Very delicate
Boy Handsome, Very tender, Very delicate
Boy Easy to get, Natural
Boy, Girl Good time
Boy Graceful
Boy The Sun
Boy Beautifully written
Boy One with beautiful eyes, Deer
Boy, Girl Authority, King
Boy Very sweet
Boy, Girl, Unisex A flower, Very charming, Plesant, Considerate, Cheerful, Beautiful, Handsome, Kind, Fame
Boy Very auspicious
Boy Wise or friendly
Boy Wise or friendly (Charioteer of King Dasharatha)
Boy Wise or friendly
Boy Friend of king Dasarath, Good adviser, Well-advised
Boy Atharva Veda was assigned to him
Boy Heaven
Boy One with wise intellect, Good natured
Boy, Girl Wise
Boy Wise, Clever, Sensible
Boy, Girl Wise, Clever, Sensible
Boy Lord of wisdom, A divine mountain, A region in modern day Iraq that was the home of the sumerians
Boy Lord of flowers
Boy A good friend, Well measured, One who has a beautiful body, Shapely
Boy, Girl Born during the Summer, A divine mountain, A region in modern day Iraq that was the home of the sumerians
Boy Lord Shiva, A mythical mountain of gold, Name of Shiva, Very exalted, Excellent
Boy Lord of flowers
Boy, Girl In remembrance of God
Boy A good friend, Well measured, One who has a beautiful body, Shapely
Boy A good friend, Well measured, One who has a beautiful body
Boy Good friend
Boy Calm
Boy Lord Ganesh, Good face
Boy Lord Shiva, A handsome face, Lovely, Pleasing, Epithet of Shiva & Ganesh, A learned Man or teacher, Epithet of Vishnu
Boy Auspicious face
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy Good name fame
Boy Pleasant
Boy Happy
Boy Happy
Boy Lord Indra, Having a handsome nose, Name of Indra
Boy Lord Indra, Having a handsome nose, Name of Indra
Boy Wise, Well-behaved, Just
Boy Beautiful
Boy Beautiful, Handsome
Boy, Girl Beautiful, Handsome
Boy Lord Murugan, Beautiful Murugan
Boy Light of the Sun, Which gives light
Boy, Girl Beautiful, Handsome
Boy Light of the Sun, Which gives light
Boy Dark blue, Sapphire, Blue stone
Boy Good principles or prudent or righteous, Love, A kind hearted person, Well-mannered, Sensible
Boy Dark blue, Sapphire, Blue stone
Boy Pure
Boy Good principles or prudent or righteous, Love, A kind hearted person, Well-mannered, Sensible
Boy Good principles or prudent or righteous, Love, A kind hearted person
Boy Making alive
Boy, Girl Sunshine
Boy, Girl The Sun, Sweet little lady
Boy Lord Vishnu, Who has beautiful wings
Boy Lord Ganesh, The one who bears the divine Pasha
Boy Prosperous, Wealthy
Boy Good morning
Boy Manchi prasadam, Daiva prasadam
Boy Lord Shiva, Cupid, Pratik of su-good
Boy Beautiful image
Boy Loving, Loved by everyone
Boy Loving, Loved by everyone
Boy, Unisex Adored one, Beloved, Endearing to all, Well pleased
Boy Auspicious, Worthy, One who earns blessings
Boy Good son
Boy The Sun, Godly, Warrior, Brave, A musical note
Boy Lord Murugan, Enemy of Shur
Boy Lord Indra, Lord of the gods, Indra
Boy Lord Indra, Lamp of music
Boy Lord Shiva, Having melodious voice, Singing well
Boy Lord Shiva, Divine beings
Boy The Sun, Illuminating
Boy Conqueror of the Suras, Victorious devotee
Boy Lord Vishnu, Divine Rajiv
Boy Beautiful
Boy Beautiful, Gorgeous, Extremely charming
Boy, Girl Pleasant sound, Cheery, Happy
Boy Pleasing
Boy Worshipped by celestials
Boy Lord Shiva, Destroyer of the enemy of the gods, Epithet of Shiva and Vishnu
Boy Juicy
Boy Lord Vishnu, Tone
Boy Servant of musical tunes
Boy Lamp of music
Boy Fine voiced, With a good voice
Boy The Sun, Illuminating
Boy, Girl Lord Indra, Derived from Sur, Sur - a God, Divinity, A sage, Learned Man, The Sun, Idol, A snake
Boy Lord Indra, Chief of gods, Indra
Boy Lord Indra, Chief of gods, Indra
Boy Sun God
Boy Lord Murugan, Lord of the gods, Another name for Indra, Shiva & Vishnu
Boy The Sun
Boy Lord of the gods
Boy, Girl, Unisex Red rose, Happiness, Consort of the Sun, Krishna, Goddess, Learned, Sage
Boy, Girl Wise
Boy Good knowledge
Boy Conqueror of the Suras, Victorious devotee
Boy Gods favorite disciple
Boy Lord Shiva, The best voice
Boy With refined tastes, Glorious, Taking great delight
Boy Lord Shiva, Well formed, Handsome, Wise, Learned, Epithet of Shiva
Boy Shining, Brilliant
Boy, Girl, Unisex The Sun, One of the original vedic triad with Agni and Indra
Boy Part of the Sun
Boy The Sun
Boy Sun God
Boy Loved by the Sun, A jewel
Boy Lord Indra, Lord of Suras, Lord Surya the Sun)
Boy Part of Lord Surya
Boy Part of The Sun
Boy Sunbeam
Boy Sunlight
Boy Name of the Sun
Boy Sun is God
Boy Lord Shiva
Boy, Girl Lord Shiva, Lucky
Boy, Girl Lord Vishnu, He who has a charming army
Boy With good armies (Lord Vishnu)
Boy Extremely smooth
Boy Quiet, Calm
Boy Quiet, Calm
Boy Avatar of Lord Vishnu, Good peace
Boy Good character Man or well behaved, Good conduct
Boy Lord Vishnu, He who has a charming army (Lankan physician, who advised Sanjivani herbs from Kailas mountain in order to cure Laxman)
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy Kind
Boy Good character Man or well behaved, Good conduct
Boy Moonstone
Boy Very beautiful
Boy Well heard or of good reputation
Boy Well heard, A good reputation, Very famous (Son of sage viswamitra)
Boy Well heard or of good reputation
Boy Good character Man or well behaved, Good conduct
Boy Beautiful laugh, Having good smile
Boy Very Happy
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu
Girl, Unisex Holy star
Boy Luster
Boy Very bright
Boy Brave
Boy Lord Shiva, A good road, A holy place near water, A revered person or good teacher
Boy One who becomes Happy easily
Boy A river
Boy The Sun
Boy Just fully polite
Boy Acha Vansh
Boy Lord Shiva, A beautiful colour, Brilliant in hue, Golden, Yellow, The thorn apple, Epithet of Shiva, A gold coin
Boy Lord Shiva, An agreeable perfume, A pleasant dwelling, Well clad, An epithet of Shiva
Boy Person well built and courageous, Lord Shiva
Boy Placid
Boy Kind
Boy Pure
Boy Person well built and courageous, Lord Shiva
Boy Su means good & Vit means wealth
Boy Named after a Jain God, Saint, Strict in religious vows (Subrata), Devoted to what is right
Boy Lord Vishnu, Who is attended by the people dwelling on the banks of Yamuna
Boy Illustrious
Boy Lord Vishnu, One who has controlled his passions, Epithet of Vishnu
Boy Good timing
Boy Lord Vishnu, A proprietor, A Lord, A king, A husband or lover, A spiritual preceptor, An ascetic, A learned Man, A religious Man of the highest order,
Boy The Lord almighty, Lord Murugan, Lord of lords
Boy Good looks
Boy Handsome
Boy Lord Vishnu, The Sun, Heaven, World of gods, The Sky, The region of the planets and constellations, A mystical word pronounced after Om and before the
Boy Lord Indra, King of heaven, Name of Indra
Boy Heaven
Boy Self, Auto
Boy Self-manifested, Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu
Boy Dependent on the self, Independent and free
Boy Welcome
Boy Self victory
Boy Name of Lord Vishnu
Boy, Girl Master
Boy The Lord almighty, Lord Murugan
Boy Master
Boy Name of Lord Ganesh
Boy Handsome
Boy Lover
Boy A person who listens to his soul
Boy King of dream
Boy King of dream
Boy King of dreams
Boy, Girl Seen in a dream, Dreamy
Boy, Girl Tones, Self shining in Sanskrit
Boy Freedom
Boy Half, Quarter of a tone in music
Boy Towards heaven
Boy Towards heaven
Boy, Girl The shining of gold
Boy, Girl Truth, Lover of beauty
Boy, Girl Truth, Lover of beauty
Boy, Girl Auspicious
Boy Independent and free, Azad
Boy Pure, Devotionally pure
Boy, Girl Self, Auto
Boy Self-manifested, Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu
Boy Acceptance
Boy White
Boy An ancient sage, Character in chandogya upanishad, King
Boy The one who has learnt all Vedas
Boy An ancient sage, Character in chandogya upanishad, King
Boy A jewel of Lord Vishnu
Boy Powerful, Delightful
Boy Gentle
Boy A Ray
Boy Another name of Lord Shiva, Auspicious
Boy Musical, Lord Shiva
Boy Lord of the earth, Mountain, Glittering, Bright
Boy Darkness
Boy Ambition
Boy Son, A woven cloth
Boy Beautiful
Boy, Girl Slender, Beautiful, Delicate
Boy Star, Pupil of eye, Protector
Boy Star eyed, Mountain
Boy Method, Way, Mode, Manner, One who crosses the river of life, Morning star
Boy Conqueror, Small plant, Victor
Boy Gaurdian
Boy Pure
Boy Merciful
Boy Someone who is different with a cute personality
Boy God of grandeur, Splendour of God, Grandeur of God in heaven
Boy King bharats son, Eyes like a Pigeon, Chopping, To make from wood (A son of bharata)
Boy King bharats son, Eyes like a Pigeon, Chopping, To make from wood
Boy A carpenter, Another name of the divine architect Vishvakarma
Boy Someone with a strong character

Check Out Top Hindu Names in this article

Feeling, Virtual. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Shining, Visible, Brilliant. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A cowherd, Name of dynasty. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Gulal. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide, Teacher. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Intake of a sip of water before a Yagya, Puja. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Apne Dam par. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Ideal, The Sun, Principle, Belief, Excellence. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Command, Message, counsel. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Base. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Ruler. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A special star. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Dark. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Full of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Dhyan. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Being a gift, First, Unequalled, Perfect, The earth, Another name for Durga, The initial reality. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Hindu.
The Lord of the lords, The first God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The first victory. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Entire universe, First, Foundation, Original. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The first Lord, Lord Vishnu. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Bright. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Full of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Sri shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaitha philosophy. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Peak, Lord of the Sun, First. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Son of Aditi, The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
The Sun (Son of Aditi). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Peak, Lord of the Sun, First. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Aditis son, The Sun, Sun God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Variant of aditya: the Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Aditis son, The Sun, Sun God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Delicate. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Unique, One, United, With no duplicate. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Unique. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Infinite from Adi to ant, From begining to end. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Praise, Brilliant. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Coming, Arrival, A name of Jain shastra, Insight, Intelligence, Wisdom. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Quiet, Soundless. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire). Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Prince. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Delight, Joy, Happy, Happiness. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Delight, Joy, Happy, Happiness. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Prayer. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Beloved. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Delight, Joy, Pleasure, God blessings. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Shape, Form. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.

How to get the best Hindu Names?

Are you searching for the best Hindu Names, then here comes parenting.fresherslive.com, here you can search Hindu Names along with the meaning. You can select your baby names gender wise, origin wise and even alphabet wise. So hurry up and select the best Hindu Names for your baby. 

How will I Know the meaning of the Hindu Names?

Cool you can get the meaning for the Hindu Names which you choose for your baby on our page. You can also check related names and similar names according to each alphabet you choose. Before naming your baby, the first thing to note is the meaning of the name.   

Can I find Baby Hindu Names by Letter?

Yes, of course parents who are confused in selecting the best names for their babies can use the amazing option “ Find Baby Names by Letter” available on our page. Click on the letter, find the list of top baby names and select the best name for your baby.

Unique Hindu Names for Baby

Looking for a unique name for your baby? Then you are in the right place. You can search unique names for your baby for each alphabet along with their meaning. You can also find similar names as well form the list of unique Hindu names.

How to get Similar Hindu Names?

The first thing you need to do is click on the baby name according to the alphabet you choose. Then you can see the gender, origin, meaning for the baby name. Scroll down and know more about the baby names like similar names, about the name, etc. 

Hindu Baby Names - FAQ

Q1. Will I Get Hindu Baby Names?

Yes, our website provides Origin wise baby names. You can select the origin you wish and select the best name for your baby.

Q2. Where to find the Hindu Baby Names?

Visit our page parenting.fresherslive.com. Click on Baby Names, then on the right side of the page choose gender, origin and alphabet. Then you can get the unique Hindu Baby Names.

Q3. What are the different types of Origins?

The list of Origins available on our page can be found for each alphabet.

For Ex: Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, Hindu, Muslim, etc.

Q4. What information will I get on Hindu Origin Page?

The information available on the Hindu Origin Page includes the name of the baby, meaning, related names, similar names.

Q5. Will I get the detailed information about the Hindu Baby Names?

Yes, you will get detailed information from the session “About” which gives you the exact information along with the meaning.

Q6. Will I get Hindu Baby Names?

Ofcourse, you will get the Hindu baby names on our page. All you need to do is just select the origin “Hindu” and the gender to get the best Hindu Baby Names.

Q7. Will I get Hindu Baby Names?

Parents who visit our page can get the origin wise baby names. If you search for the Hindu Baby Names, then it's great to visit our site and choose the best Hindu name for your baby.

Q8. Can I get Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names?

Yes, you can get number of Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names on our website.