Hindu Names: Most Popular Hindu Baby Names For Girls And Boys With Meaning And Origin

Hindu Names: Get the best Hindu Baby Names for your babies and name your babies meaningfully in a traditional manner, check out the list of Hindu Names with meaning and origin for your kids, Naming the babies is the most significant task for the parents, give an in depth glance at the list of Hindu Names with meaning, and name your babies without complexity.

Top Hindu Names with Gender and Meaning - Unique Hindu Names

Name Gender Meaning
Boy Gods name, Heart of Lord ramas
Boy Near heart, Always Happy
Boy, Girl Near heart, Always Happy
Boy, Girl Means a lot of energy and is very strong
Boy Light of knowledge
Boy God of wisdom
Boy Lord Jagannath and Lord Indra, Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Shiva, An epithet of Shiva, Lord of yogis
Boy Lord Jagannath and Lord Indra, Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Krishna, Lord of ascetics
Boy God has given
Boy, Girl Lord Vishnu, Light bringer or reflect light like Sun
Boy Filled with enthusiasm
Boy Pleased, Delighted
Boy Pleased, Delighted
Boy Funny
Boy King of light, Fire
Boy Victory light
Boy Honorable, Righteous
Boy Couple, Pair
Boy Lord Krishna, A pair of adolescents, A form of Krishna with adolescent Radha
Boy A firefly, Ornament
Boy Brightness, Jasmine flower
Boy Brightness, Jasmine flower
Boy One who struggles
Boy Pari fairy
Boy Lover, Religious, Worthy
Boy Amiable, Happy, Auspicious, Worshipped
Boy Quickness, Swiftness
Girl, Unisex Flame
Boy Fire
Boy Luminous
Boy Luminous
Boy Gift of flame
Boy Lord Shiva, Jwaila means flames
Boy Jwalit
Boy Name of Lord Hanuman
Boy Victor
Unisex Star name, Eldest daughter, A Nakshatra, The eldest, Lord Vishnu
Boy, Girl, Unisex Star name, Eldest daughter, A Nakshatra, The eldest, Lord Vishnu
Boy, Girl Brilliant
Boy Lord who gives light, Lord Vishnu
Boy, Unisex Flame, Lamp, Light, Brilliant, Passionate, Scared, Fire, Vitality dawn, Energy and intelligence, Dawn
Boy The resplendence of the Sun
Boy Happy, Joyous, Flame
Boy One who holds the flame, The Sun
Boy Light of the Sun, Astrologer, Luminous or bright or glowing
Boy Light of the Sun, Astrologer, Luminous or bright or glowing
Boy A kind of flower
Boy, Girl, Unisex Flame, Lamp, Light, Brilliant, Passionate, Scared, Fire, Vitality dawn, Energy and intelligence, Dawn
Boy Splendor
Boy With a flame, Brilliant
Boy Lord of life
Boy Splendor of the flame
Boy The resplendence of the Sun, Lord Krishna
Boy The resplendence of the Sun, Lord Krishna
Boy Happy, Joyous, Flame
Boy One who holds the flame, The Sun
Boy Imbued with light
Boy Lustrous
Boy, Girl Light of the Sun, Astrologer, Luminous or bright or glowing
Boy Light of the Sun, Astrologer, Luminous or bright or glowing
Boy Lost Love
Boy Time, Destiny, Occasion, Black, Destruction, Death black, Another name for Krishna and Shiva
Boy Darkness, Long-lived
Boy Effort, Work, Desire, Passion, Love, Delight, The God of Love
Boy Born of Love
Boy Unrestrained, Free
Boy Desired
Boy One who grants wishes, Generous, A musical Raag
Unisex Passionate, Desired, Sensual, Lover
Boy, Girl, Unisex A garden, Forest, The mouth of Brahma
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy Young, Lord Krishna
Boy An ancient king
Boy An ancient king, Small, A king who followed buddhism
Boy Husband, Adored, Precious, Pleasant, Spring, Beloved by the Moon, The Moon pleasant
Girl, Unisex Son of Lord Shiva, Leader of Deva army, Hindu month, Character of Angel, A star
Boy Name of one of the months, Inspiring with courage and Joy
Boy Son of Lord Shiva, Brave, Vigorous, Active, Inspiring with courage, The planet mars
Boy Maker, Poet
Boy Appearance
Boy The shining one, Brilliant, Another name for the city of banaras
Boy Brilliant, Lord of Kashi varanasi or Lord Shiva
Boy A famous sage, Lily, One who drinks water
Boy Swallower of the Sun
Boy One who swallowed the Sun
Boy Lord Ganesh, Name of saint
Boy One who is empty, Hollow, Vain, Hair, Splendour, Attractiveness, Cloud
Boy Cloud drinker, Leaf
Boy Name of a tree
Boy Lord Murugan, Muruga came to tamilnadu with kadamba rulers, Muruga wields the kadamba stalk in his hands
Boy Sword
Boy World, Lord Krishna, Universe
Boy Anger
Boy, Girl Stars
Boy One who bestows peace, Name of a himalayan peak, Abode of Lord Shiva
Boy One who bestows peace, Name of a himalayan peak, Abode of Lord Shiva
Boy Lord of mount Kailash
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of mount Kailash or Lord Shiva
Boy Master of mount Kailash, Lord Shiva
Boy Master of mount Kailash, Lord Shiva
Boy Born from lotus
Boy White lotus, Born of water, Gambler
Boy Passion, Fine, Hair-like, Love, Vigour, A musical Raag
Boy Comeing from the kerva tree, Tree
Boy Hindu sage, An old Rushi, Deceitful, Gambler
Boy Lord vinayagar
Boy Black bird
Boy Living in the forest, Free, Forest dweller
Boy Water drinker, Tortoise
Boy Lover of art
Boy One who shows different phases
Boy, Girl, Unisex Nallavan
Boy Controller of time
Boy The Moon
Boy Pramathana slayer of Kalanemi
Boy The Moon, Intelligent, Collection, The tail of a peacock, Totality, Decoration
Boy Possessed with skills, Skilful, Collection, A peacock, Decoration, The Moon
Boy Peacock, Cuckoo
Boy, Girl Sacred pot, The pinnacle of a temple, Holy urn
Boy Artistic or Goddess Parvati
Boy Lord of everything
Boy Knower of meaning, Informative, Perceptive, Voracious reader, Sound
Boy The white Lily, Water Lily, Lotus
Boy Devotee of Goddess Kali
Boy Great poet, Devotee of Goddess Kali
Boy, Girl Great poet, Devotee of Goddess Kali
Boy, Girl Crown, Wealth, Bosom friend, Profound, Difficult to attain
Boy A devotee of Goddess Kali
Boy Mountain, Bestowing arts and skills, The Sun
Boy Bird, Artistic
Boy A devotee of Goddess Kali
Boy Devotee of Goddess Kali
Boy Known, Understood
Boy Known, Understood
Boy, Girl A huge serpent
Boy Slayer of thousand headed dragon
Boy Protector in kaliyug
Boy, Girl White horse
Boy Tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu
Boy Another name of Lord Shiva
Boy Chirp of birds
Boy The Moon, Thought, Appropriate, Competent, Rule, Healthy, Perfect, A day in the life of Brahma, Another name for Shiva
Boy Able, Fit
Boy The one who has won Kalpana i.e. imagination
Boy A heavenly tree, Getting to a benclunark, Ceremony
Boy Imaging of God, Lord of perfection
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of perfection, Lord of a fabulous period of time
Boy Imagined, Creative, Appropriate, Exact, Invented
Boy Heroine
Boy Welfare, Worth, Fortune, Noble, Auspicious, Wealthy, Joyful
Boy Virtuous, Happy, Lucky, Propitious, Wealthy, Worthy, Eminent wealthy
Boy God of Love
Boy, Girl, Unisex Lotus, Perfection, Miracle, Art, Water, Rose-coloured, Another name for Brahma
Boy Friend of lotus, The Sun
Boy Lord Brahma, Born on lotus
Boy Lord Vishnu, Kamala - she of the lotus i.e. Lakshmi), Kant - husband
Boy Lord Vishnu, A lake where lotus grows
Boy With beautiful lotus type eyes
Boy Lotus-eyed Lord
Boy Lotus eyed
Boy Lord Vishnu, Consort of Kamala (Kamala - Lakshmi)
Boy Lord Vishnu, Consort of Kamala (Kamala - Lakshmi)
Unisex Emanating from the lotus, Goddess Laxmi
Boy The Lord Brahma
Boy Brother of lotus, The Sun
Boy Lotus eyed
Boy Lord of Kamala
Boy Lord of lotus, Lord Vishnu
Boy Lord Vishnu, Consort of Kamala
Boy Lord Vishnu, Lord of Kamala
Boy Lotus eyed
Boy Desired
Boy Changing form at will
Boy Altering form at will
Boy Unrestrained, Free
Boy Conch shell, Elephant
Boy Lord of Love
Boy Cupid, Lord of Love
Boy Kama God
Boy Cupid, Lord of Love
Boy Desired
Girl Handsome woman
Boy Desired
Boy Lord Vishnu, Kamala - she of the lotus i.e. Lakshmi), Kant - husband
Boy Brightness
Boy God of lotus
Boy One who grants wishes, Generous, A musical Raag
Boy Sweet
Boy Cupid
Boy Slayer of kamsa
Boy Passionate
Boy, Unisex An atom, Lord Krishna
Boy An ancient name
Boy A sage who discovered atom
Boy Origin of everything
Boy Lord Krishna, The adolescent
Boy, Girl Lord Krishna, Contentment
Boy, Girl Lord Krishna, Adolescent
Boy Lord Krishna, The adolescent
Boy, Girl, Unisex Gold, Sandalwood
Boy Shining, Brilliant
Boy, Girl, Unisex A garden, Forest, The mouth of Brahma
Boy Kundal in Lord krishnas ear, Name of a sage, Wise, Beautiful
Boy Lord Krishna, The adolescent
Boy To shine, Brilliant, Glass
Girl, Unisex Gold, Wealth
Boy Golden hued body
Boy Cloud, God
Boy God of Love
Boy Cupid
Boy Cloud, God
Boy Young
Boy, Girl Young, Lord Krishna
Boy Lord Krishna, Adolescent
Boy Lord Krishna, The beloved adolescent
Boy One of the childhood name of Lord Krishna
Boy Atom, Small, A grain, An atom
Boy Power, Indestructible Lord Vishnu like
Boy Caring
Boy An ancient king, Small, A king who followed buddhism
Boy, Unisex An ancient king, Small, A king who followed buddhism
Boy Lord Brahma, Gold thing
Boy Youngest
Boy Lord Brahma, Born in water
Boy Water and earth born
Unisex Lotus eyed God
Boy Lotus, Nectar
Boy Produced from water, Born of water, Another name for the Love God Kaama
Boy Another name of Lord Krishna
Boy Scent of the lotus, Heron, Fragrance of the lotus
Boy Bull
Boy, Girl Another name of Lord krishna
Boy (Maternal uncle of Krishna who usurped the throne from his father, Ugrasena. He was killed by Krishna. Details of his life are found in the Bhagavata
Boy Whole
Boy Husband, Adored, Precious, Pleasant, Spring, Beloved by the Moon, The Moon pleasant
Boy Husband, Adored, Precious, Pleasant, Spring, Beloved by the Moon, The Moon pleasant
Boy Lord Murugan, To desire, Lovely, Well inclined, Spring, Beautiful, Lover, Husband, Moon, A precious stone, An epithet of Krishna, An epithet of Skand,
Boy, Girl Beauty, Desire, Splendour, Ornament, Another name for Goddess Lakshmi, Luster, Loveliness
Boy Lustrous
Boy Lustrous
Boy, Girl Lord Krishna, Kanu means handsome
Boy Name of a saint, Skilful, Intelligent, Admired
Boy Son of a talented person, Born of a skilful person
Boy A sage, Father of Shakunthala
Boy Young Prince
Boy Lotus
Boy Lord Shiva, He turns unworthy to most worthy and accommodates him
Boy One who wears a necklace of skulls
Boy Lord Hanuman, Lord of monkeys, Name of Sugreev
Boy Lord of monkeys
Boy Lord of monkeys
Boy Monkey, The Sun
Boy One with monkey flag (Arjun)
Boy Name of a sage, The Sun, Fire, Another name of Lord Vishnu, An incarnation of Vishnu
Boy Master of Kapil
Boy One with a white horse
Boy Head of the monkey army
Boy Lord Hanuman, Lord of monkeys, Name of Sugreev
Boy One who frees from imprisonment
Boy, Girl Karna, The firstborn of Kunti, Talented, Intelligent, Ear, Document, Another name for brahman or the supreme spirit
Boy Name of a sage
Boy Son of Lord Shiva and leader of Deva army, Kartik means Hindu month
Boy Philosophical verses, Activity, Dancer, Actress
Boy Deed, Action, Destiny, Code, Duty
Boy, Girl Deed, Action, Destiny, Code, Duty
Boy, Girl Meaning Karma - the act of doing - origin Sanskrit
Boy One who does his duty, Dutiful
Boy Lamp of the god, grace
Boy God of action
Boy Winner over obstacles
Boy The ear
Boy, Girl The firstborn of Kunti (Eldest son of Kunti, sired by the Sun God; Friend of Duryodhana; Raised by a charioteer when his mother abandoned him at birth
Boy Conqueror of Karna
Boy A chamber of the heart, Of the ear, Attentive
Boy Famed
Boy Mythological character - eldest of the pandavas. he was generous, Loyal, And always kept his word
Boy Lord of mercy
Boy Judge
Boy Lord of Karuppasamy
Boy One who ploughs
Boy Afiractive, Another name for the Love God
Boy Master of all creation
Boy Master of all creation
Boy Responsibilities, Duty
Boy Responsibilities, Duty
Boy Other name of Lord Murugan, Name of a Telugu month
Boy Other name of Lord Murugan, Name of a Telugu month
Boy Lord Subramaniam
Boy Lord Murugan, One who bestows courage, Name of first month of Vikrama samvat
Boy, Girl God name
Boy Lord Murugan, One who bestows courage, Name of first month of Vikrama samvat
Boy, Girl, Unisex Son of Lord Shiva, Leader of Deva army, Hindu month, Character of Angel, A star
Boy Good looking individuals
Boy Lord Murugan, Who has been brought up by Krittika
Boy Lord Murugan, Who has been brought up by Krittika
Boy God
Boy, Girl Name of one of the months, Inspiring with courage and Joy
Girl, Unisex Son of Lord Shiva, Leader of Deva army, Hindu month, Character of Angel, A star
Boy (Son of Lord Shiva)
Boy (Brother of Lord Ganesh)
Boy Son of Lord Shiva, Brave, Vigorous, Active, Inspiring with courage, The planet mars (Son of Shiva)
Boy Lord Murugan, Who has been brought up by Krittika
Boy Kind, Merciful, Gentle, Another name for brahman or the supreme spirit
Boy Merciful
Boy Merciful
Boy Full of light
Boy Kind hearted
Boy Merciful
Boy Lord of mercy
Boy Merciful
Boy Lord Karuppasamy
Boy Dry, Hard
Boy Love, Desire
Boy The shining one, Brilliant, Another name for the city of banaras
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of Kashi which is An old and most sacred pilgrimage place where famous temple of Shiva is situated, Name of Shiva
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of Kashi which is An old and most sacred pilgrimage place where famous temple of Shiva is situated, Name of Shiva
Boy Blessed by Lord Shiva
Girl, Unisex Lord of Kashi, Another name for Lord Shiva, Attraction
Boy Star
Boy A famous sage, Lily, One who drinks water
Boy, Girl, Unisex Devotional place, Pilgrimage spot, Varanasi, The holy city
Boy Lord Shiva, Lord of Kashi, An epithet of Shiva or any king of banaras
Boy Musk
Boy Handsome, Best
Unisex A narrator, One who recttes stories of purana, Publicity, A professnal story teller, Chief actor, Narrator, Heroine
Boy Sentence
Boy Crop
Boy The Sun
Boy Lord Shiva, Narrated, One about whom much is Said
Boy Well recited
Boy Lord Murugan, The Lord of katir
Boy Snake
Boy Name of a grammarian
Boy (Son of Kunti)
Boy Kausalyas son
Boy Silken, Talent
Boy Clever, Skilled, Welfare, Wealth, Happiness
Boy Sentiment of Love and affection, Another name for Indra and Shiva, With knowledge of hidden treasure, Love
Boy As fast as Kaushal
Boy Sentiment of Love and affection, Another name for Indra and Shiva, With knowledge of hidden treasure, Love
Boy A legendary gem, A gem worn by Lord Vishnu
Boy One of the jewels of Lord Vishnu
Boy A jewel of Lord Vishnu, The most valuable stone
Boy A gem in Lord vishnus breast
Boy Curiosity
Boy Joy
Boy Name of Chanakya, Strategic, Shrewd, Acute, Wily, Celebrated writer of the arthashastra
Boy Armour
Boy Having An armor, Armoured, Another name for Shiva
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy Nivala morsel
Boy Water, Poem
Boy A shield, Name of son of illosha
Boy A famous historical Prince, The Sun
Boy, Girl Lord of poets, Lord Ganesh, Small poem
Boy Lotus
Boy, Girl A wise Man, Poet, Talented, A physician, Another name for Brahma, A singer talented, Knowledgeable
Boy King of poet, King of poetry
Boy, Girl, Unisex Handsome, Beautiful, Another name for Ganesh
Boy Beautiful
Boy What
Boy, Girl Poet, Poetess
Boy Lord of poet
Boy A famous historical Prince, The Sun
Boy Poet of the kingdom, King of poet
Boy King of poets, Name of Lord Ganesh
Boy, Unisex Lord of poets, Lord Ganesh, Small poem
Boy Goddess Lakshmi, Poetess
Boy Poem
Boy A wise Man, Poet, Talented, A physician, Another name for Brahma, A singer talented, Knowledgeable
Boy Intelligent and born with poetry
Boy, Girl The name of a dynasty of king kaikobad, King, Name of a royal dynasty in persia
Boy A field, Name of Lord Shiva, Meadow, The peak of the himalayas, A musical Raag
Boy Lord Shiva, An epithet of Shiva as worshipped in the himalayas, Lord of mount Kedar
Boy Sing gods praise or glory, Lord Shiva
Boy Songs of worship, Famous, Prayer, Praise
Boy Songs of worship, Famous, Prayer, Praise
Boy, Girl Fame, Good name, Reputation, Happiness
Boy Fame king
Boy Famous, Praised
Boy Holy song
Boy Rejoiced, Happy, Pure, Clear, From of katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the keys, Elder sister, Playful
Boy Ambition person
Boy Champion, Warrior
Boy Name of Lord Shiva
Boy A handsome Man, Born of fire, A scottish favorite in the late 19th century
Boy Son of ky, Home sweet home
Boy (Son of Kesari)
Boy (Son of Kesari)
Boy (Son of Kesari)
Boy Name of Lord Krishna, Lord venkateswara, Lord Vishnu, Long haired, Slayer of Keshi demon
Boy, Girl Name of Lord Krishna, Lord venkateswara, Lord Vishnu, Long haired, Slayer of Keshi demon
Boy Lord venkateswara
Boy Name of Lord Krishna, Lord venkateswara, Lord Vishnu, Long haired, Slayer of Keshi demon
Boy Son of ky, Home sweet home
Boy Blessed, Virile, An arrow of Kaama, Another name for Lord Vishnu
Boy, Girl Name of Lord Krishna, Lord venkateswara, Lord Vishnu, Long Haired, Slayer of Keshi demon
Boy Name of Lord Krishna, Lord venkateswara, Lord Vishnu, Long haired, Slayer of Keshi demon
Boy Having fine or luxuriant hair, Long haired
Boy Lion, Long haired
Boy Lord Krishna, Sort form of Keshav)
Boy Flower, Flag, Gold ornament for the hair
Boy Banner, Golden, Abode, Flag, Invitation, Signal, Home
Boy Another name of Lord Vishnu
Boy Banner, Golden, Abode, Flag, Invitation, Signal, Home
Boy Invited, Called
Boy Lord Shiva, The node, Form, Banner, Leader, Brightness, A Ray of light, Ensign, Any eminent person, Intellect, Knowledge, A descending node considered
Boy Cloud
Unisex Name of planet Ketu
Boy, Girl, Unisex Fair, Beautiful, Gentle, Lotus
Boy Only, Sole, One, Complete, Perfect, Unblemished
Boy Absolute
Boy Seeker of the absolute
Boy (Boatman who let Rama, Laxman and Sita cross the river in his boat and washes Rama's feet for his fee)
Boy, Girl Comely, Loved one
Boy Comely, Loved one
Boy Only, Sole, One, Complete, Perfect, Unblemished
Boy Armlet
Boy With An armlet
Boy Shine
Boy Heavenly celestial or Moon, The acacia tree, The Moon, Another name for Indra
Boy Lord of the birds
Boy King of birds, Eagle Garuda
Unisex Abode of Lord Shiva
Boy Lord Buddha, A kind of Buddha, Conquering heaven
Boy All rounder
Boy Alias name of Lord Shiva
Boy Princess, Noble woman
Boy Lovely
Boy Dimple of cheeks
Boy (Brother of Ravana and Shurpanakha)
Boy Slayer of demon khara
Boy The Moon
Boy In the air, A Buddha
Boy The Sun
Boy One who has the missile Khatvangin in his hand
Boy King of poets, Other name of Lord Ganesh
Boy, Girl Treasure
Boy Lord venkateswara
Boy, Girl Welfare
Boy Welfare
Boy Welfare
Boy Happy kingdom, Lord Shiva
Boy King of terror
Girl, Unisex Lord Krishna, Black, Dark-skinned
Boy Lord Shiva, Slender, Epithet for Shiva
Boy Horizon
Boy Happy
Boy, Girl Happy
Boy Khushi ka Ansh
Boy Happy, Prosperous

Check Out Top Hindu Names in this article

Feeling, Virtual. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Shining, Visible, Brilliant. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A cowherd, Name of dynasty. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Gulal. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide, Teacher. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Intake of a sip of water before a Yagya, Puja. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Apne Dam par. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Ideal, The Sun, Principle, Belief, Excellence. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Command, Message, counsel. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Base. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Ruler. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A special star. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Dark. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Full of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Dhyan. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Being a gift, First, Unequalled, Perfect, The earth, Another name for Durga, The initial reality. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Hindu.
The Lord of the lords, The first God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The first victory. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Entire universe, First, Foundation, Original. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The first Lord, Lord Vishnu. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Bright. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Full of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Sri shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaitha philosophy. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Peak, Lord of the Sun, First. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Son of Aditi, The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
The Sun (Son of Aditi). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Peak, Lord of the Sun, First. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Aditis son, The Sun, Sun God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Variant of aditya: the Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Aditis son, The Sun, Sun God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Delicate. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Unique, One, United, With no duplicate. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Unique. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Infinite from Adi to ant, From begining to end. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Praise, Brilliant. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Coming, Arrival, A name of Jain shastra, Insight, Intelligence, Wisdom. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Quiet, Soundless. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire). Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Prince. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Delight, Joy, Happy, Happiness. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Delight, Joy, Happy, Happiness. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Prayer. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Beloved. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Delight, Joy, Pleasure, God blessings. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Shape, Form. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.

How to get the best Hindu Names?

Are you searching for the best Hindu Names, then here comes parenting.fresherslive.com, here you can search Hindu Names along with the meaning. You can select your baby names gender wise, origin wise and even alphabet wise. So hurry up and select the best Hindu Names for your baby. 

How will I Know the meaning of the Hindu Names?

Cool you can get the meaning for the Hindu Names which you choose for your baby on our page. You can also check related names and similar names according to each alphabet you choose. Before naming your baby, the first thing to note is the meaning of the name.   

Can I find Baby Hindu Names by Letter?

Yes, of course parents who are confused in selecting the best names for their babies can use the amazing option “ Find Baby Names by Letter” available on our page. Click on the letter, find the list of top baby names and select the best name for your baby.

Unique Hindu Names for Baby

Looking for a unique name for your baby? Then you are in the right place. You can search unique names for your baby for each alphabet along with their meaning. You can also find similar names as well form the list of unique Hindu names.

How to get Similar Hindu Names?

The first thing you need to do is click on the baby name according to the alphabet you choose. Then you can see the gender, origin, meaning for the baby name. Scroll down and know more about the baby names like similar names, about the name, etc. 

Hindu Baby Names - FAQ

Q1. Will I Get Hindu Baby Names?

Yes, our website provides Origin wise baby names. You can select the origin you wish and select the best name for your baby.

Q2. Where to find the Hindu Baby Names?

Visit our page parenting.fresherslive.com. Click on Baby Names, then on the right side of the page choose gender, origin and alphabet. Then you can get the unique Hindu Baby Names.

Q3. What are the different types of Origins?

The list of Origins available on our page can be found for each alphabet.

For Ex: Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, Hindu, Muslim, etc.

Q4. What information will I get on Hindu Origin Page?

The information available on the Hindu Origin Page includes the name of the baby, meaning, related names, similar names.

Q5. Will I get the detailed information about the Hindu Baby Names?

Yes, you will get detailed information from the session “About” which gives you the exact information along with the meaning.

Q6. Will I get Hindu Baby Names?

Ofcourse, you will get the Hindu baby names on our page. All you need to do is just select the origin “Hindu” and the gender to get the best Hindu Baby Names.

Q7. Will I get Hindu Baby Names?

Parents who visit our page can get the origin wise baby names. If you search for the Hindu Baby Names, then it's great to visit our site and choose the best Hindu name for your baby.

Q8. Can I get Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names?

Yes, you can get number of Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names on our website.