Hindu Names: Most Popular Hindu Baby Names For Girls And Boys With Meaning And Origin

Hindu Names: Get the best Hindu Baby Names for your babies and name your babies meaningfully in a traditional manner, check out the list of Hindu Names with meaning and origin for your kids, Naming the babies is the most significant task for the parents, give an in depth glance at the list of Hindu Names with meaning, and name your babies without complexity.

Top Hindu Names with Gender and Meaning - Unique Hindu Names

Name Gender Meaning
Boy Rainbow
Boy Gift of Lord Indra
Boy Splendor of Lord Indra
Boy Conqueror of Lord Indra, One who got victory over Lord Indra
Boy Conqueror of Lord Indra, One who got victory over Lord Indra
Boy Conqueror of Lord Indra, One who got victory over Lord Indra
Boy, Girl Lord Indra, Husband of Indra
Boy Lord Indra, The God of rain, The portion of spirit residing in body, Night, Best, Excellent
Boy Emerald
Boy Bright and brave Lord Indra
Boy Eldest of the Pandavas
Boy (Son of Indra)
Boy As strong as Lord Indra
Boy Lord indras name
Boy Excellent, First, God of the skies
Boy God Lord Indra
Boy The Moon
Boy Like a Moon
Boy Mercury planet, Born of the Moon
Boy The Moon, Like a Moon, Moon loved
Boy, Girl The Moon, Like a Moon, Moon loved
Boy The Moon, Like a Moon, Moon loved
Boy Moons luster
Boy Lord Shiva, The one who wears the Moon as An ornament
Boy India, Star
Boy Like a Moon
Boy A strong king
Boy Knowledge
Boy Sweetest boy
Boy Sweetie
Boy Pleasant natured
Boy To keep in mind. to point at something
Boy Sunrise
Boy Stars
Boy Desired
Boy Blessed by the supreme
Boy, Girl Lord Hanuman, Flower, Born of the primal waters, Another name for the Love God Kaama
Boy, Girl Lord of braves
Boy Born of water, Another name for the Love God Kaama
Boy King of ocean, Filled with water, Sea, Cloud, Ruler
Boy Rain clouds, Filled with water
Boy Loving
Boy Lord of the earth, another name for Vishnu and Ganesh
Boy, Girl Another name of Lord Hanuman (, Son of wind God)
Boy, Girl King of warriors
Boy, Girl Lord of the earth, Another name for Vishnu
Boy, Girl Powerful, Agile, Vigorous
Boy King of music
Boy Skilled musician
Boy, Girl God, Lord Vishnu, Divine, Master of the universe, Ruler, Virile, Pious, Compelling virile, Fast, Avestan wish
Boy (Son of Lord Shiva)
Girl, Unisex Goddess Parvati, Purity, Gift from God, One who protects, Night prayer, Plough, Another name for Durga, Intellect, Power
Boy, Girl Lord Shiva, The Sun, Vishnu, Agni and Surya, Ruler, Generous, Causing prosperity
Boy, Girl Lord Shiva, The Sun, Vishnu, Agni and Surya, Ruler, Generous, Causing prosperity
Boy Peak of the Himalaya, Lord Shiva and Gauri (Goddess Parvati)
Boy Full of strength
Boy Light, Desirable
Boy One who desires to rule, Desired
Boy Lover of God, Friend of God
Boy, Girl Lord Krishna, Wish, Desire
Boy, Girl The babylonian Goddess of Love, Desired, Dear
Boy Arrow
Boy Arrow like, An Apsara or celestial nymph
Boy Spiritual teacher
Boy Powerful, The supreme God
Boy Gods beloved
Boy Arrow, Light, Brilliant
Boy Fast, Spontaneous
Boy Loveable
Boy Britain
Boy Is associated to Lord Ayyappa
Boy, Girl A new beginning
Boy Such a Lord
Boy Gods gracious and glorious gift, The Sun, Ruler, Royal
Boy, Girl Gods gracious and glorious gift, The Sun, Ruler, Royal
Boy Lord Krishna, Sage, Priest, Brahman
Boy Lord Ayyappan, Youthful
Boy Awakened
Boy Alert, Awake, Watchful, Sun, Another name for agii
Boy Hindu Rishi who kept Ganga on his legs
Boy Meditative, Muttering prayers
Boy Fire
Boy Jadav+ Lord Indra means God Lord Krishna & Lord Indra
Boy Lord Shiva, The one having matted hair (Jada - matted hair, Dhar - bearded of
Boy A yadava
Boy, Girl The universe, The earth, World
Boy Moon of the universe
Boy Universe, World
Boy Life Spring of the universe
Boy Lord Krishna, Friend, Relative of the whole world
Boy Light of the world
Boy God of world, Lord of world
Boy God
Boy King of the universe, Lord of the world or the creation, The Lord provider of the world
Boy God, Master of the universe
Boy Lord of the world
Boy Preceptor of the universe
Boy Spiritual teacher of the universe of Dharma, Artha and Karma
Boy Lord of the world
Boy King of the world
Boy Light of the world
Boy God of world, Lord of world
Boy Master of the universe
Boy Conqueror of the world
Boy One who attracts everything in the world to him
Boy Universe, World
Boy Lord Vishnu, Charmer of the universe
Boy Spread over the universe
Boy Lord Vishnu, Charmer of the universe
Boy Lord of the world, Pricing the Lord
Boy King of the universe
Boy Lord of the world, Pricing the Lord
Boy Lord of the universe
Boy Lord of universe
Boy World, People, The earth
Boy God of the world
Boy Light of the world
Boy World traveler jagvihari
Boy Preceptor of the world
Boy World, People, The earth
Boy One who takes care the universe, Caretaker of the world God
Boy World child
Boy One who takes care the universe, Caretaker of the world God
Boy Bravest in the world Jagveer
Boy Born to the world
Boy Warrior of the world, World winner
Boy Light of the world
Boy King of the universe, Lord of the world or the creation, The Lord provider of the world
Boy Lord of the world
Boy King of the world
Boy Lord of the world
Boy, Girl Strong, Loyal
Boy Lord of the universe
Boy Winner of the world
Boy Worldly life
Boy Worldly life
Boy Son of world
Boy One who attracts the world
Boy Alert, Awake, Watchful, Sun, Another name for agii
Boy, Girl Alert, Awake, Watchful, King
Boy Warrior of the world, World winner
Boy World conqueror, A moghul emperor, Akbars son
Boy Hindu Rishi who kept Ganga on his legs
Boy, Girl Soul, Life force, Birthplace
Boy, Girl Conqueror, Victory, The Sun, Conquest, Victorious
Boy Victory
Boy I honor the light within
Boy Victory
Boy Victory of Lord Krishna
Boy Victory of Lord Krishna
Boy Light, A victorious person who gives light to everyone, Ray of victory
Boy Conqueror, Victor
Boy Victory of the Moon
Boy Jaya- victory chandran- Moon thejus- brightness
Boy Victory of kindness
Boy Victory of light
Boy, Girl, Unisex Variant of Jaydev (Lord of triumph
Boy God of victory
Boy Victorious
Boy Victory of Lord Krishna
Boy Hail monkey God
Boy Victory of Lord Krishna
Boy, Girl
Boy Lord of water
Boy Beloved girl
Boy Victory or ancient philosopher, One who has control over his heart and mind
Boy, Girl An ancient philosopher
Unisex Beloved girl
Boy, Girl Good character
Boy Victorious
Boy Victory
Boy Victorious God Swami Narayan, Victory of blue, Victory over gems
Boy Lord Ganesh, Name of God
Boy Victorious God Swami Narayan, Victory of blue, Victory over gems
Boy Lord of Jain
Boy Gift from God
Boy King, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma
Boy Light, A victorious person who gives light to everyone, Ray of victory
Boy The victory of Love, Loard of uganda
Boy Lord of victory, Brilliant
Boy Victory of Lord Rama
Boy Famous folk
Boy Variant of jason
Boy Victory of Lord Shiva
Boy Victory of Lord Shiva
Boy Victorious
Boy, Girl Clarity
Boy Victorious lion
Boy Joy of winning
Boy Lord Vishnu, Leading to victory
Boy Victory
Boy Victory
Boy Life giving, Full of life
Boy Victory, Victorious
Boy Lord Shiva, Jai - victory, Conquest, Thriving, Bestowing prosperity, Name of son of Krishna and mitravindaa, Name of Vishnu
Boy Being victorious
Boy Victorious
Boy Pure & divine
Boy, Girl
Boy Victory, Victorious
Boy Winner(indo-western
Boy Peaceful friend
Boy Lord Kuber
Boy Water
Boy Cloud, Ocean
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy Lotus, Originating in the water, The Moon, Conch shell
Boy The image of the Sun
Boy Water like, Joy, Soothing, Life giving
Boy Ornament of water means wind
Boy Jal means water and Deep means lamp so it means a lamp in the water
Boy God of water (Lord Varun)
Boy Clouds
Boy Lord of the water
Boy Moon in the water
Boy Lord of water
Boy Discussion
Boy To eat, Drink something
Boy King of water
Boy, Girl Son of the right hand
Boy Destroyer of jamadagnis son parashurams price
Boy Vardhana winner of jambavans Love
Boy (Leader of bears who found Sita with his supernatural powers)
Boy, Girl, Unisex Name of Lord Murugan, Goddess Saraswati (Goddess of education, Purifying, Fire
Boy Defender of men, Protecting men
Boy King
Boy Father of Goddess Sita in Lord Ramayana
Boy The flow of river Ganga
Boy Creator, Melody, Producing, Begetting, Father (Father of Sita)
Boy, Girl Generator, Producer, Father (King of Mithila; Father of Sita, who found her in a furrow)
Boy Ornament of Janki
Boy Servant of Janki
Boy Lord Rama, Consort of Janaki
Boy God name, Consort of Janki
Boy God name, Consort of Janki
Boy Janakis consort
Boy Birth
Boy Lord Vishnu, Victorious from birth
Boy King
Boy Lord Krishna, One who helps people, Liberator from the cycle of birth and death
Boy Lord Krishna, One who helps people, Liberator from the cycle of birth and death
Boy Maintainer of all living entities
Boy Lord Krishna, One who helps people, Liberator from the cycle of birth and death
Boy Lord Krishna, One who helps people, Liberator from the cycle of birth and death
Boy Defender of men, Protecting men
Boy Lord of men leader, Master of men
Boy Lord of men leader, Master of men
Boy, Girl Lord of men leader, Master of men
Boy, Girl Lord of men leader, Master of men
Boy, Girl Born
Boy Born
Boy Lord of his subjects
Boy The king of his kundli
Boy, Girl Soul, Life force, birthplace
Boy Born, Son
Boy Win over people
Girl, Unisex Life, Born, Lovable, Father, Friend
Boy Skilled in war
Boy, Girl To make melodic sounds, Chanting
Boy, Girl To make melodic sounds, Chanting
Boy, Girl Chanting prayers, Recitation
Boy Lord of chants, Lord Shiva
Boy Lord of chants, Lord Shiva
Boy One of the kauravas
Boy Redeemer from afflictions
Boy Free from the cycle of births and deaths
Boy, Girl God is gracious, Kirti, Good wishes
Boy Bhakt
Boy Protected by fame
Boy Very famous
Boy Victorious hero, Powerful
Boy Heart of relation
Boy God is gracious, Kirti, Good wishes
Boy Cupid, Follower of Lord Shiva
Boy Protector
Boy Good worker
Boy Protector
Boy Praise of the glorious protector, Lord Krishna, Guarded by fame
Boy Celebration, Festival
Boy Victorious
Boy Glorious victory
Boy Praises of the Lord
Boy, Girl
Boy, Girl Name of a flower plant, Fragrant
Boy Lord of fame, King of fame
Boy Judicious
Boy Get victory, Hero of fame, Famous personality
Boy Lord of glory
Boy Get victory, Hero of fame, Famous personality
Boy Worthy of praise, Victorious
Boy Worthy of praise, Victorious
Boy Nurturing, Preserving
Boy The ocean
Boy A semi divine bird (Great bird who was killed by Ravana while rescuing Sita)
Boy A name of Lord Shiva, One who has matted hair, Ascetic, Disciplined
Boy A name of Lord Shiva, One who has matted hair, Ascetic, Disciplined
Boy Pleasing
Boy Greece, Racer, Quick
Boy Quick, Swift
Boy Related to God
Boy, Girl Swift, Fast, Horse, Deer
Boy, Girl Jewel or gem
Boy Victory of Lord Krishna
Boy Victorious person
Boy Victory symbol
Boy Victory of the Moon
Boy The legend
Boy Jaya- victory chandran- Moon thejus- brightness
Boy Victory to the light
Boy God of victory
Boy Victorious Sun
Boy (Son-in-law of Dhritarastra and King of Sindhu kingdom; Married to Dushala, sister of the Kauravas.)
Boy Victory person
Boy Victorious Lord Krishna
Boy Symbol of victory
Boy Victorious person
Boy, Girl Victory, Good character, Causing victory
Boy, Girl Victorious, Star, Eventual victor, Triumphant, The Moon, Another name for mahavishnu and Shiva
Boy Lord Vishnu, Victorious in the end, The Moon, Name of a son of Indra and shachee, Name assumed by Bheem at viruss court, One of the adityas, Another n
Boy Conqueror of all enemies
Boy Boon provider to save Jayanta
Boy Victorious, Star, Eventual victor, Triumphant, The Moon, Another name for mahavishnu and Shiva
Boy King, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma
Boy Light of victory
Boy Lord of victory, Brilliant
Boy Victory to Lord Ram
Boy Lord Krishna, Jaya meaning victorious and akara meaning beneficent
Boy Crest of victory
Boy Victorious Sun
Boy Victorious Sun
Boy Victorious one
Boy Lord Murugan name. always victory, Handsome
Boy Victory, Victorious
Boy Is associated to Lord Shiva, Goddess Durga, Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi
Boy Ancient king of kannauj, Victory
Boy Victory to the light
Boy, Girl Variant of Jaydev (Lord of triumph
Boy God of victory
Boy Victory of light
Boy Victorious Sun
Boy Lord of victory
Boy Victor
Boy Victorious
Boy Conqueror, Victor
Boy Ray of victory
Boy Lord Krishna, Victory of Krishna, Brain power, Intelligent
Boy, Girl
Boy Garland of victory
Boy Victory or ancient philosopher, One who has control over his heart and mind
Boy Victorious God Swami Narayan, Victory of blue, Victory over gems
Boy King, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma
Boy Light, A victorious person who gives light to everyone, Ray of victory
Boy Lord of victory, Brilliant
Boy Victory of Lord Rama
Boy Joy of winning
Boy Victorious
Boy Victory, Victorious
Boy Great and famous
Boy Prayer boy
Boy Cloud
Boy Full of life
Boy, Girl Mastery, Victory, Success, Win
Boy Invincible, Unconquerable
Boy Always winner
Boy Alive, Living being, Existing, Soul
Boy Full of life, Born, Living
Boy, Girl Life, Soul, The Sun, Water, Wind the Sun, Life giving
Boy Life giving
Boy Light of life
Boy Jeev ka Ansh
Boy Medicine, Alive, Long-lived
Boy Lord of life
Boy God, Courageous
Boy Living for ever
Boy, Girl Strong
Boy Victorious
Boy, Unisex Victorious God swaminarayan, Victory of blue
Boy Gods gracious butterfly
Boy God is salvation
Boy Clear
Boy Victorious
Boy Victorious
Boy Life giving, Full of life
Boy, Girl Life, Soul, The Sun, Water, Wind the Sun, Life giving
Boy God, Courageous
Boy Gods name, Heart of Lord ramas
Boy, Girl Creator, Melody, Producing, Begetting, Father
Boy Gods gracious butterfly
Boy Lord Ganesh, A low murmuring sound, Humming of bees
Boy Musical note
Boy Sea shell, Oyster
Boy Undefeatable
Boy Ornament
Boy A kind of happiness
Boy Precious
Boy Childs plaything
Boy Life, Soul, The Sun, Water, Wind the Sun, Life giving
Boy Heart
Boy Sharpest sword of world
Boy Mine
Boy Curiosity to research
Boy Full of curiosity, Eager to know something
Boy Full of curiosity, Eager to know something
Boy, Girl, Unisex Leaping, The universe, The world
Boy Who will win whatever he desires and decides his own future
Boy One of 108 names of the Sun God
Boy To win others hearts
Boy One of 108 names of the Sun God
Boy, Girl Gold, Bright, Beautiful, Berry, Precious, Victorious, A Buddha, Another name for Vishnu
Boy, Girl To live, Lord Vishnu
Boy A Jain saint
Boy Lord of victory
Boy, Unisex Lord Vishnu, Kind, Loving, Good natured and intelligent
Boy Portion of God
Boy God
Boy Lord of life
Boy Name of a Jain god, Lord of victors
Boy God
Boy Spear warrior
Boy Person having highest feelings
Girl, Unisex Is associated to Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesh
Boy Triumphant
Boy God
Boy Conqueror of anger
Girl, Unisex Winner
Boy Vanquisher of foes
Boy Conqueror of the ocean
Boy Lord of conquerors, One who can conquer Lord Indra
Boy Controller of the senses
Boy God of victory, Winner
Boy Victory
Boy The won who wins over desires
Boy Victorious
Boy Lord of conquerors, One who can conquer Lord Indra
Boy The one who wins over senses
Boy God of victory, Winner
Boy Undefeatable
Boy Undefeatable
Boy Always winner
Boy Life, Immortal
Boy Full of life, Born, Living
Boy Full of life, Inspiring, Lively, Causing victory
Boy Life, Soul, The Sun, Water, Wind the Sun, Life giving
Boy Life, Feminine of jovian derived from jove who was the roman mythological jupiter and father of the Sky, One of 108 names of the Sun God
Boy The lamp of life
Boy God, Courageous
Boy To give life
Boy God
Boy Lord of life
Boy Lord of life
Boy Life, Soul, The Sun, Water, Wind the Sun, Life giving

Check Out Top Hindu Names in this article

Feeling, Virtual. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Shining, Visible, Brilliant. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A cowherd, Name of dynasty. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Gulal. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide, Teacher. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Intake of a sip of water before a Yagya, Puja. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Apne Dam par. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Ideal, The Sun, Principle, Belief, Excellence. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Command, Message, counsel. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Base. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Ruler. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
A special star. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Dark. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Full of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Dhyan. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Being a gift, First, Unequalled, Perfect, The earth, Another name for Durga, The initial reality. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Hindu.
The Lord of the lords, The first God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The first victory. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Entire universe, First, Foundation, Original. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
The first Lord, Lord Vishnu. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Bright. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Full of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Sri shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaitha philosophy. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Peak, Lord of the Sun, First. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Son of Aditi, The Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
The Sun (Son of Aditi). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Peak, Lord of the Sun, First. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Aditis son, The Sun, Sun God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Variant of aditya: the Sun. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Aditis son, The Sun, Sun God. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Delicate. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Unique, One, United, With no duplicate. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Unique. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Infinite from Adi to ant, From begining to end. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Praise, Brilliant. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Coming, Arrival, A name of Jain shastra, Insight, Intelligence, Wisdom. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Quiet, Soundless. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire). Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Dawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, One who is of the nature of time itself. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Prince. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Delight, Joy, Happy, Happiness. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Delight, Joy, Happy, Happiness. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Prayer. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.
Beloved. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Indian.
Delight, Joy, Pleasure, God blessings. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hindu.
Shape, Form. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu.

How to get the best Hindu Names?

Are you searching for the best Hindu Names, then here comes parenting.fresherslive.com, here you can search Hindu Names along with the meaning. You can select your baby names gender wise, origin wise and even alphabet wise. So hurry up and select the best Hindu Names for your baby. 

How will I Know the meaning of the Hindu Names?

Cool you can get the meaning for the Hindu Names which you choose for your baby on our page. You can also check related names and similar names according to each alphabet you choose. Before naming your baby, the first thing to note is the meaning of the name.   

Can I find Baby Hindu Names by Letter?

Yes, of course parents who are confused in selecting the best names for their babies can use the amazing option “ Find Baby Names by Letter” available on our page. Click on the letter, find the list of top baby names and select the best name for your baby.

Unique Hindu Names for Baby

Looking for a unique name for your baby? Then you are in the right place. You can search unique names for your baby for each alphabet along with their meaning. You can also find similar names as well form the list of unique Hindu names.

How to get Similar Hindu Names?

The first thing you need to do is click on the baby name according to the alphabet you choose. Then you can see the gender, origin, meaning for the baby name. Scroll down and know more about the baby names like similar names, about the name, etc. 

Hindu Baby Names - FAQ

Q1. Will I Get Hindu Baby Names?

Yes, our website provides Origin wise baby names. You can select the origin you wish and select the best name for your baby.

Q2. Where to find the Hindu Baby Names?

Visit our page parenting.fresherslive.com. Click on Baby Names, then on the right side of the page choose gender, origin and alphabet. Then you can get the unique Hindu Baby Names.

Q3. What are the different types of Origins?

The list of Origins available on our page can be found for each alphabet.

For Ex: Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, Hindu, Muslim, etc.

Q4. What information will I get on Hindu Origin Page?

The information available on the Hindu Origin Page includes the name of the baby, meaning, related names, similar names.

Q5. Will I get the detailed information about the Hindu Baby Names?

Yes, you will get detailed information from the session “About” which gives you the exact information along with the meaning.

Q6. Will I get Hindu Baby Names?

Ofcourse, you will get the Hindu baby names on our page. All you need to do is just select the origin “Hindu” and the gender to get the best Hindu Baby Names.

Q7. Will I get Hindu Baby Names?

Parents who visit our page can get the origin wise baby names. If you search for the Hindu Baby Names, then it's great to visit our site and choose the best Hindu name for your baby.

Q8. Can I get Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names?

Yes, you can get number of Origin Wise Unisex Baby Names on our website.