Muslim Unisex Names: Get the list of Muslim Unisex Baby Names With Meanings

Muslim Unisex Names: Find the most unique and cutest Muslim Unisex Baby Names with meaning here, we have updated the list of Muslim Unisex Names with meanings and origin for you to choose the best name for your kid with traditional value within it. Get the wide range of Muslim Unisex Baby names with its origin and name your kid with cultural and traditional significance.

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with A

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with A to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with A which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Aamirah Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited
Abdul Basit Servant of the expander, Extender
Akhtar Star, Flower, Good Man
Amam Safety, Protection
Aram Quiet
Asfa Tanned Sun burned
Aziz Beloved, Friend, Comrade, Dear

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with B

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with B to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with B which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Badr Full Moon
BAHIJ Cheerful
Bakht Luck, Fortune
Barakah Blessing
Bari One of the names of God, Evolver a name of Allah, Free from the hell
Barkat Bounty, Blessing
Basharat Good news
Bayan Another name of holy Quran
Behroz Sacred, Noble
Birrah Good deed
Busr Joy, Happiness, Unripe dates

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with D

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with D to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with D which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Dara Possessor, Sovereign
Darakhshan Bright, Shining, Pearl-like
Dawlah Riches, Happiness
Dil Heart, Mind
Dildar Charming, Beloved
Dina Divine, Grand, Vindicated
Duha Fore Noon

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with E

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with E to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with E which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Eileen Champion, Lovable

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with F

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with F to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with F which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
FAJR Dawn, Rise, Beginning, Start
Fakhr Pride, Something to feel proud about
Fakhri Honorary, Glorious, Proud
Farees Horseman, Knight, Intelligent
Farhal Prosperous
Farooq One who distinguishes truth from falsehood
Farqad Two bright stars
Farrukh Beautiful-faced, Happy
Farwah Name of a companion
Farzeen Learned
Fateenah Captivating, Alluring, Intelligent
Fathi Conqueror, Warrior
Fatin Captivating, Clever, Smart, Fascinating
Fawzi Triumphant, Victorious
Fiddah Silver
Fizza Nature::Meaning of the name Fizza
Fuzail Diminutive of Fazl

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with G

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with G to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with G which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Gamal Camel
Gohar Diamond, Precious stone
Gul Rang Color of flowers

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with H

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with H to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with H which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Hadaya Gifts, Presents, Pl of Hadi
Hamas Enthusiasm
Hamdan One who lauds, Extols
Haneefa Believer::Meaning of the name Haneefa::True believer.
Hanifah True believer, Upright
Hanin Yearning, Desire
Hannan Compassionate, Merciful
Hareem Respectable
Harir Silk, Silken cloth Ibn al-s
Hazar Attention, Ready
Hibatullah Gift of Allah
Hubab Bubble of water, Name of a sahabi
Hurmat Chastity, Sacred
Husni Good, Handsome, Name of saint

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with I

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with I to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with I which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Ibtisam Smiling, Smile
Idrak Intellect, Perception
Iftikhar Honor, Glory
Ihab Leather
Ihsan Kindness, Beneficence, Highest level of Iman
Ihtisham Having many followers, Modesty, Decency
Ijaz Honor, Esteem, Regard
Ijlal Glorification, Exaltation
Ikhlas Sincerity, Purity
Iklil Crown, Garland
Ilham Intuition, Inspiraction, Reavaluction
Ilhan Ruler
Iltimas Request, Appeal, Entreaty
Imaan Faith, Creed, Honesty, Belief, Truth honesty
Imam Leader
Iman Faith, Belief, Faith in Allah
IMTIYAZ Great king
Inam Act of kindness, Benefaction, Bestowal, Gift, Present, Prize, Grant
Inas Capable, Sociability, Powerful, Brilliant, Strong, Majestic, Another name for Surya
Insaf To judge with justice, Equity
Inshirah Delight, Happiness, Cheerful
Intisar Victory, Triumph
Irtiza Contentment, Approval
Isa A prophets name Jesus
Isad Making Happy, Prosperous
Ishfaq Compassion, Sympathy, Pity
Islah Reform, Improvement
Isra Related to God, Travel by night
Israr Insist, Never gives up
Itidal Moderation, Moderateness
Itimad Reliance, Dependence
Izaz Honor, Esteem, Regard
Izz Prestige, High standing
Izzat High rank, Honor
Izzi Powerful

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with J

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with J to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with J which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Jabalah Mountain, Hill
Jami Helper, Supporter, Beautiful
Janan Heart or soul, Paradise, Heaven
Jawahir Jewels, Pl of Jawhar, Jewel
Jaza Reward
Jeena To live, Lord Vishnu
Jess Jasmine, God is merciful and gracious
Jumanah Pearl, Name of a companion

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with K

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with K to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with K which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Kadin Little battle, Companion
Kaif State, Condition, Mood
Kalan Greater, Bigger, Senior
Karam Generosity, Action, Destiny, Code, Duty
Karamat Karimah is dignity, Honor
Kaukab Star, Celestial body
Khair Good, Blessing, Boon, Wealth
Khairat Blessings, Good work
Kharijah Outside, External
Khayr Good, Blessing, Boon, Wealth
Khulaidah A form of Khalidah
Khulud Immortality, Eternity, Infinity
Khurshid Shining Sun or cheerful, The Sun
Kia King, Protector, Defender
Kifah Struggle, Fight
Kishwar Country, Region, Territory

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with L

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with L to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with L which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Laraib Faultless, Pure, Intact
Lazim Fitting, Compulsory, Needed
Lutf Bounty, Enjoyment

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with M

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with M to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with M which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Maali Noble, Sublime, Excellency
Madhat Praise, Lauding
Mahasin Pl of mahsana, Beauty, Attr
Maheen The earth, Fine or thin texture
Maisara Ease, Comfort
Maisoon Of beautiful face and body
Maram Wish, Desire, Aspiration
Masarrat Happiness, Delight, Joy
Mawahib Pl of mauhiba, Gift, Talent
Minnah Kindness, Grace, Blessing
Miran Princely, Princes
Mubin Clear, Evident
Mukarram Honored
Mukhtar Chosen
Munawwar Enlightened, Lighted
Muyassar Fortunate, Facilitated

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with N

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with N to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with N which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
NAAJI Saver, Safe
Nafasat Refinement
Nahid Honorable, Generosity
Nail Acquirer, Earner, Blue, Winner, Gainer
Najaat Rescue, Salvation, Safety
Najah Success
Najm Star, Planet
Narin Delicate
Nasim Breath of fresh air, Morning air, Breeze
Nasrullah Help of Allah
Nayyar Bright star
Nazakat Delicacy
Neeya A desire for something, Purpose, Bright, Lord Hanuman
Niaz Dependence
Nibras Lamp, Light
Nimat Blessings, Loans
Nour Light

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with O

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with O to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with O which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Omair Long living, Problem solver
Omid Hope

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with P

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with P to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with P which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Parsa Pious, Pure or chaste or devout or holy or Persian

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with Q

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with Q to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with Q which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Qabool Accepted, Accredited
Qamar The Moon
QISMAT Fate, Destiny

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with R

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with R to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with R which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Rabi Spring, Breeze
Rafif Glittering, Shining, Gleaming
Raghid Comfort, Opulence, Pleasant
Rahat Rest
Rahmat Mercy
Rakhshan Dazzling
Rawahah Departure, Fragrance, Ease
Rawdah Garden, Meadow, Paradise
Razan Sensibility and respect, Calm
Rihab Vastness
Rosheen Light or producing light, Rose
Roshin Light or producing light, Rose

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with S

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with S to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with S which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Saadat Blessing, Honor, Happiness, Bliss, Felicity
Sabat Firmness, Stability
Sabuh Shining, Brilliant
Sahab Shooting star, Cloud, Mercury
Saidah Fortunate, Auspicious, Lion
Salam Peace
Salama Peace, Fem of Salam
Salem Sound, Unimpaired, Sane, Sincere, Safe, Happy, Peaceful
Sama One who listens a lot, Sky, Peaceful, Evenness, Comparable, A year
Samama Fragrance, A companion of prophet Muhammad
Sameen Precious, Invaluable, Happy, Self disciplined
Sanad Support, Prop
SAROSH Name of An Angel who speaks, Prayer, Hearing, Inspiration, Auspicious messenger
Sarwat Wealth, Fortune, Riches
Shaban Islamic month, Eighth month of the Muslim lunar calendar
Shad Good luck, Happy
Shadin Independent, Fawn, Young deer
Shafaat Recommendation
Shamama Fragrance, A companion of prophet Muhammad
Sudi Scholar, A narrator of Hadith
Sumrah Brownness

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with T

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with T to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with T which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Taaj Crown, The Taaj Mahal
Taban Bright Moon light
Tabeen Followers, Those who believe
Tahleem Ornament, Beauty
Taif Vision, Specter
Taisir Making easy, Facilitating
Talhah Kind of tree
Tali Rising, Ascending, Going up
Talim Sky, Education, Instruction
Tameez Discretion, Sense, Manners, Distinction, Distinguishing
Taqdees Name of Allah, The almighty
Tariqah Morning star, Always victorious, Warrior, Prosperous
Tarub Lively, Gleeful, Merry
Tasmeem Strong
Tatheer Purity, Cleanliness
Tauqeer Respect
Tawbah Repentance
Tawoos Peacock
Tazim Honor, Respect
Thawab Reward
Thumamah Millet plant
Tooba Good news, Blessedness, Beatitude

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with U

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with U to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with U which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Ulfat Love, Affection, Familiarity
Umarah Old Arabic name, Habitation
Umayyah Famous Arabian tribe
Urooj Ascension, Mounting rising

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with W

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with W to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with W which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Wad Love
Wadi Calm, Peaceful
Wajahat Commanding, Personality, Dignity
Wajd State of being single
Wakalat Advocacy, Agency
Waqar Self-respect, Majesty, Veneration
Wasilah Bin al-asqa ra had this name
Wisam Badge, Logo, Like coat of arms

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with Y

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with Y to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with Y which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Yakta Unique
Yama Stream, Motion, Night, God of death, River
Yaqoot Precious stone
Yar Friend
Yaseer Wealthy, Lives forever
Yashin One of the prophet muhammads names, Sura in Quran

Muslim Unisex Names Starting with Z

Looking for the Muslim Unisex Names Starting with Z to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with Z which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Zaheen Sagacious, Intelligent, Ingenious
Zain Beauty, Friend, Beloved, Beautiful, Elegance, Honour
Zami Helper, Supporter, Beautiful
ZARAY Obedient, Submissive
Zayb Adornment, Beauty
Zaytoon Olive, Fiery, Sower of seeds
Ziya Derived from Arabic (diya) meaning "splendour, light, glow". This was the name of a 14th-century Islamic Indian historian.
Ziyaan Elegance
Ziyada Increase, Addition, Surplus
Zoha Morning star, 93rd Sura of Quran
Zuha Morning star, 93rd Sura of Quran

Check Out Top Muslim Unisex Names in this article

Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Servant of the expander, Extender. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Star, Flower, Good Man. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Safety, Protection. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Quiet. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, Muslim.
Tanned Sun burned. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Beloved, Friend, Comrade, Dear. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Full Moon. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Cheerful. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Luck, Fortune. Gender: Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Blessing. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
One of the names of God, Evolver a name of Allah, Free from the hell. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Celtic, Irish, Muslim.
Bounty, Blessing. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Good news. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Another name of holy Quran. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Sacred, Noble. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Good deed. Gender: Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Joy, Happiness, Unripe dates. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Possessor, Sovereign. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Hebrew, Irish, Muslim, Persian.
Bright, Shining, Pearl-like. Gender: Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Riches, Happiness. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Heart, Mind. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Charming, Beloved. Gender: Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Divine, Grand, Vindicated. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: English, Hebrew, Muslim.
Fore Noon. Gender: Girl, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Champion, Lovable. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: English, Gaelic, Greek, Irish, Muslim.
Dawn, Rise, Beginning, Start. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Pride, Something to feel proud about. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Indian, Muslim.
Honorary, Glorious, Proud. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Horseman, Knight, Intelligent. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Prosperous. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
One who distinguishes truth from falsehood. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Two bright stars. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Beautiful-faced, Happy. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim, Urdu.
Name of a companion. Gender: Girl, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Learned. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Captivating, Alluring, Intelligent. Gender: Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Conqueror, Warrior. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Captivating, Clever, Smart, Fascinating. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Triumphant, Victorious. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Muslim.
Silver. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Diminutive of Fazl. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Camel. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Arabic, Egyptian, Hebrew, Muslim.
Diamond, Precious stone. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Color of flowers. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Gifts, Presents, Pl of Hadi. Gender: Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Enthusiasm. Gender: Boy, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
One who lauds, Extols. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
True believer, Upright. Gender: Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.
Yearning, Desire. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Muslim.

Muslim Other Gender Baby Names

What Are Muslim Unisex Names?

Unisex names are names that are applicable to both sexes. Usually, couples have two names selected for their child. But if you go for a unisex name, then your choice is only one. So it is easier than going through all boy and girl names.

Get the Best Italian Muslim Names Here!

If you are looking to decide on a Unisex name for your child. Then you’ve come to the right place! You can get all Italian Unisex Names along with their origin and meaning. So check them out to decide on the perfect name for your little one!

Are Meanings of Muslim Unisex Names Available?

At parenting.fresherslive we leave no stone unturned. You can find meanings for all the names listed here. You can also search names by alphabet and learn their origin as well. So take your time and go through all of them to select the best one!

How Do I Find Out the Origin of a Muslim unisex Name?

The origin of a name can give the history behind it. So many want to know the origin of names. If you are one among them, then you can get all the origin for all the names here. They are provided alongside all names so you won’t miss it.

Can I Search For Muslim unisex Names By Alphabet?

If you want a name starting with a particular alphabet, you can find it here easily. You can make use of our search engine to search for names under a particular alphabet. We have names for all alphabets, so you will definitely get a name to your liking. 

Muslim Unisex Baby Names - FAQ

Q1. How to find Muslim Unisex Name?

Parents who are in search of the Muslim Unisex name can visit our website and choose the best names listed according to the alphabets.

Q2. Can I get Muslim Unisex Name?

Yes, our page consists of the best baby Muslim Unisex names where you can find the meaning of the name along with the related and similar names.

Q3. Can I get Similar Muslim Unisex Names?

Yes, you can get the similar names for your Unisex baby.

Q4. How to find Related Names for Muslim Unisex Baby?

It's just a simple process, you can visit our website, then click on baby names and on the right side of the page you can select the gender, origin and alphabet. Then click on “Get Baby Names”. You can get the list of Muslim Unisex baby names.

Q5. Can I get Alphabet wise Muslim Baby Names?

Our site provides an amazing option for the parents who are searching to select the best name for babies. You can get Muslim Baby Names Alphabet wise that is from A to Z on our page.

Q6. Will I get Unique Muslim Baby Names?

Parents can select the unique Muslim baby names from our website. We have listed the meaning for each baby name so that parents will have a clear idea to select the best names for their babies.

Q7. Will I Know the Numerology for the Muslim Unisex Baby Names?

The Muslim Unisex Names along with the meaning are listed here. Also you can get the numerology details for the baby name you choose.

Q8. How to select the best Muslim Unisex Baby Names?

Searching for the best Muslim Unisex Baby Names? Then you have landed on the right place. Here you can check the list of best Muslim Unisex Baby Names and many parents will be wondering on how to select the best names. Just look for the meaning of the names and then decide to choose the best name.

Q9. Will I know the Meaning for the Muslim Unisex Baby Names?

Yes, you can get the exact meaning for each name listed in our page.

Q10. Why Parenting.Fresherslive?

We provide the unique Muslim Unisex Baby Names along with the meaning, related, similar names.