Pregnancy week 32

Braxton Hicks are stronger and quite frequent now at pregnancy week 32. Most babies at this stage drop in the womb with the head turned down. Now that you carry the baby low, the shortness of breath which has bothered you may ease up. However, it is still normal if your baby doesnt decide to drop down until labor.

Last Updated: 22 October 2020

Pregnancy week 32
Pregnancy week 32

What’s happening to your baby?

At 32 weeks pregnancy, your baby is as big as a squash. His organs are almost developed and ready to begin life outside the womb. Yet, he will continue to develop and grow bigger in the next eight weeks. His skin which was transparent all along showing through it the underlying blood vessels is now slowly becoming opaque.  

An important progress between 32 to 38 weeks is the ‘dropping’ down of baby’s head. Also called fetal engagement, babies around this time decide to drop lower within your pelvic inlet. The wide available space at the bottom can accommodate your baby’s head more easily now. A natural birth process always involves the head coming out first. And that’s exactly your baby is prepping himself to. However, some babies won’t feel like dropping down until labor and that’s normal too.

What’s happening to your body? Baby dropping down in your pelvis is a real breather!

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Your expanding uterus has been squeezing the nearby organs. The bladder at the bottom and the diaphragm on the top were the most confined organs all these days. Now, as your baby decides to engage with the head down position, you will suddenly feel carrying your baby low. And all of a sudden, your breathing will become as normal as it used to be. Your chest and lungs are not congested any longer and it should give your respiratory system more room to breathe.


This old bitter friend of yours may not really leave you yet. With increasing weight along with the action of your pregnancy hormones, your digestion may get slower. And that bulk of food doesn’t seem to move down your gut at all for hours. Heartburn, indigestion problems, and acid reflex – it can be tough but you will get through all of it soon. Antacids are safe to use to combat heartburn.  A better suggestion is to take smaller meals instead of having the traditional three meals a day. This can lessen your digestive load.

Braxton Hicks contractions – stronger and frequent now

By now, Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming stronger and frequent. Every time you get Braxton Hicks, you might feel increasingly anxious if you are getting into premature labor. Relax! If you haven’t been diagnosed for any pregnancy complication, it is most likely false contractions which you may experience now because you aren’t too close to labor yet. When you try to change positions, Braxton Hicks should subside. And labor contractions will occur closer like once in every ten minutes or lesser. Don’t worry if your contractions are timed farer apart.

Tips and advice for Pregnancy Week 32 Don’t mind who scares you what!

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There could be a whole lot of people telling you intimidating stories of pregnancy and labor. Seeing your baby dropped down low, the neighbor grandma may declare that you will get into labor anytime in the next few hours. The lady at the clinic might touch your belly and scare you of something she found not alright about your baby as though her palm has an in-built ultrasound scanner. Your guest might advice you not to sit, not to stand, not to bend – pretty much everything you must be doing for an active pregnancy. Beware, we warn you of all such sorts of anxiety-causing people and talks! You may not want to show your curt face to them unless you feel it gets over your head and heart. Rather, keep your calm and ignore false fears. As long as your OB finds you and your baby in good health and cheer during your regular visits, don’t take the comments from other sources personally.


It is time to keep you reminded of important to-dos, if not done yet:

ü  Pack your hospital bag and don’t forget what your partner would need too at the hospital.

ü  Stock up on the baby essentials.


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ü  A car seat – remember, you cannot bring your baby back home without one!

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