Pregnancy week 22

Your babys features are getting closer now at pregnancy week 22 to how he or she would appear at birth. Due to increased melanin secretion, you might find dark patches around your face and neck. Its only a pregnancy thing and is rest assured that once baby is out, youll get back your skin in its old form.

Last Updated: Oct 22, 2020 11:29 GMT

Pregnancy week 22
Pregnancy week 22

What’s happening to your baby?

Your baby at week 22 pregnancy is quite huge now, of the size of a coconut. By now you may have experimented quite a few times how your baby reacts to flashing light over your belly. Did he wiggle? Or did he kick? It’s alright if he didn’t respond. It isn’t a thing to worry; maybe it was his nap time.

His eyes are completely formed now though his eyelids will still remain closed for until another six weeks. Nevertheless, his eye balls can make rapid movements underneath the closed lids. What is still missing about his eyes is his eye color which is determined by the iris. At week 22, his irises do not carry pigments yet.  It may take around nine months after the baby is out for a permanent eye color to form.                

Another major milestone your baby reaches this week is the developed sense of touch. The nerve connections that are responsible for him to feel touch stimuli are now formed. Amazed by this new awareness of his body, he may try to cuddle his cheeks and stroke his arms.

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Your baby’s pancreas is also developing fast now. The alpha and beta cells of the pancreas which are involved in the production of the blood-sugar-regulating-hormones are developed. They are functional now, making high levels of glucagon and relatively lower levels of insulin.

What’s happening to your body? Are you gasping for breath?

Breathlessness in people, in general, usually follows a heavy work or strenuous climbing. But, during pregnancy, you may find yourself catching breath while you are in a resting position like sitting or lying down. This is because, as your uterus is fast expanding, free space around your waist can get restricted. In turn, your diaphragm (the membranous structure which separates the chest and abdomen and also the important muscle in respiration) can be subjected to increasing pressure. When the diaphragm begins to work harder against pressure and confining space, you may feel breathless or shortness of breath.

Towards the late third trimester, when the baby ‘drops’ into your pelvis, your upper abdomen will be relieved of the spacial confinement, letting you breathe normally. Until then, it is helpful to follow the points suggested below:

·         Of course, we don’t want you to get into heavy exercises and weight lifting. Stick to light warm-ups that wouldn’t shake your lungs hard.

·         Practice a form of breathing exercise which can make your breathing deeper and at regular intervals. Ideally, you must learn it from a certified practitioner upon your doctor’s approval.

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·         During all resting times, make conscious efforts to keep your chest expanded, that is, without slouching or bending your spine. Good posture can make a huge difference in the amount of air your lungs can inhale and exhale.

·         If you feel sudden breathlessness while sleeping, do not try to jump out of the bed quickly. Slowly, turn to your side and have your head raised up with the support of pillows under your head.

·         A well-ventilated home or office space can go a long way in helping with your breathing issue. Sitting near an open window can offer you enough supply of oxygen.

·         Reducing anxieties and staying calm are sure ways to give your body and mind more room for relaxed breathing. Sit in silence or meditation for sometime every day.

Tips and advice for Pregnancy Week 22 Schedule your Glucose Screening Test

According to the estimation by the American Diabetes Association, about 9.2 percent of pregnancies can develop gestational diabetes. All pregnant women are recommended to undergo a blood test called the Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) between 24 and 28 weeks.

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What is GTT?

GTT is a medical test in which pregnant women are screened for their level of absorbance of sugar in the blood after consuming a specific quantity of glucose syrup.

How is GTT done?

GTT involves drawing blood samples by a lab technician and measuring the blood glucose level, at three intervals:

1.       Fasting: You will be required to maintain an empty stomach (you are allowed to have water) of at least 8 hours of fasting. Blood drawn will be checked for your fasting glucose level.

You will be then asked to drink a syrupy solution that contains 75 grams of glucose. (Bad news: For some women, gulping down such heavy levels of sugar syrup could feel nauseating).

2.       After One Hour: One hour after the intake of the glucose syrup, blood sugar level would peak. The second blood sample will be collected at this point.

3.       After Two Hours: In two hours, the circulating blood sugar is expected to be absorbed by the body cells. Hence, the glucose level, in the blood must be getting lower. A third blood sample will be collected.


At some places, a fourth blood test at the end of three hours may be done, especially if the two-hour blood test shows higher glucose levels. 

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