Scandinavian Boy Names: Get the list of Scandinavian Boy Baby Names With Meanings


Scandinavian Boy Names: Find the most unique and cutest Scandinavian Boy Baby Names with meaning here, we have updated the list of Scandinavian Boy Names with meanings and origin for you to choose the best name for your kid with traditional value within it. Get the wide range of Scandinavian Boy Baby names with its origin and name your kid with cultural and traditional significance.

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with A

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with A to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with A which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Aaren Variant or feminine form of AARON.
ACKE Swedish short form of AXEL.
Acksel Man of peace
Age Rich, Wealthy
Aku Short form of AUKUSTI.
Ander Basque form of Andreas (see ANDREW).
Anders Scandinavian form of Andreas (see ANDREW). A famous bearer was the Swedish physicist Anders Jonas Ångström (1814-1874).
Anderson From a surname meaning "son of ANDREW".
Anderssen Son of Anders::Meaning of the name Anderssen
Andersson son of Anders or Andrew
Anitra Grace
Ansgar Derived from the Germanic elements ans "god" and ger "spear". Saint Ansgar was a 9th-century missionary who tried to convert the Danes and Norwegians.
Araldo army ruler
Aralt army ruler
Ari Lion
Aricin The eternal king's son
Aristide French and Italian form of ARISTIDES.
Arkin Son of the eternal king, Brilliant, Venerated
Arne Eagle, Powerful
Arno Short form of ARNOUD or ARNOLD.
Aroldo Italian form of HAROLD.
Arri superior or best
Arry army ruler
Arye lion or eagle
Audun Deserted
Axil father is peace

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with B

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with B to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with B which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Barthram Glorious raven
Bartram Glorious raven
Bergen Mountain dweller
Berggren From the mountain branch.
Bergin Mountain dweller
Bergren Mountain stream
Berit Splendid
Bernie Brave as a bear
Bernt strong and brave bear
Birgin lives on the hill or mountain
Bjarn bear
Bjarne Bear
Bjarni Bjarni
Bjorn Bear
Bjorne Bear
Bjornsterne bear
Bo Handsome, Beautiful
Boden Herald
Bodie shelter
Bodin shelter or one who brings news
Bodine shelter or one who brings news
Boe handsome
Boot dwelling place
Boote dwelling place
Booth Lives in a hut
Boothe Lives in a hut
Borg castle
Both From the stone house
Bowden Blond
Bowdoin shelter or one who brings news
Brand Fiery torch, Beacon
Brandr Brandr
Britt The helpful one
Brodric Brother
Burr Youth

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with C

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with C to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with C which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Canute Anglicized form of KNUT.
Carle free man
Carleen Strong, Manly
Carlene Feminine diminutive of CARL.
Carlsen son of Carl
Carlson Free men's town
Carlssen son of Carl
Carlsson son of Carl
Carr From the broken mossy ground
Christoffer Bearer of Christ
Cnut Kindness
Colman Charcoal burner, Peace
Crosbey at the cross
Crosbie at the cross
Crosby Lives near the town crossing

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with D

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with D to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with D which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Daeg Black haired
Dag Derived from Old Norse dagr meaning "day".
Dagget Day, Brightness, New day, Dane's joy
Daggett daylight
Dale From an English surname which originally belonged to a person who lived near a dale or valley.
Dana Learned, Intelligent, Grain, Wise, Another name for God
Danby the Dane's village
Delling Scintillating
Denbey the Dane's village
Denby From the Danish settlement
Denmark Denmark
Denney Greek god of wine
Dennie Greek god of wine
Denny Of dionysus
Draek Dragon, duck
Dyre Dear Heart

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with E

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with E to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with E which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
EDVIN Scandinavian, Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian form of EDWIN.
Egil From the Old Norse name Egill, a diminutive of names that began with the element agi "awe, terror". This was the name of a semi-legendary Icelandic wa
Eigil edge of a sword
Eilert Frisian and Scandinavian form of EGILHARD.
Einar From the Old Norse name Einarr, derived from the elements ein "one, alone" and arr "warrior". This name shares the same roots as einherjar, the word f
Einer one warrior or battle leader
Eino Meaning unknown, possibly a Finnish form of a Scandinavian name.
Ejnar one warrior or battle leader
Erec Ever ruling
Eric Ever-powerful
Erica Honorable Ruler
Ericksen son of Eric
Ericson son of Eric
Erik Ever-powerful
Erikson Ever-powerful
Eriq Ever-powerful
Erland From the noblemsn's land
Erling Descendant
Errick ever or eternal ruler
Eryc Ever ruling::Meaning of the name Eryc
Eryk Ever-powerful
Esben God
Espen God Bear
Eula well-spoken

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with F

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with F to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with F which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Fenris Fenris
Fisk Fisherman
Fraya noble lady
Fredrik peaceful ruler
Freja Norse Goddess of Love
Frey Lord
Freya Used as a female name as well as male, meaning 'mistress' and 'lady'.
Fridolf Peaceful wolf

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with G

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with G to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with G which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Gala Short form of GALINA.
Gamble Old
Garald spear ruler or army ruler
Garold Rules by the spear
Garth From a surname meaning "garden" in Old Norse, originally denoting one who lived near or worked in a garden.
Gerd To be guarded
Gerlach Derived from the Germanic element ger "spear" combined with laic "play". Saint Gerlach was a 12th-century Dutch soldier who became a hermit.
Gerlaich spear sport
Gjorn God of peace
Gjurd God of peace
Gnter Battle-army, Warrior
Gnther Battle-army, Warrior
Greger Vigilant
Gun battler or warrior
Gunder Gunder
Gunn White
Gunne Army
Gunter Battle-army, Warrior
Guss great and magnificent
Gustaaf royal staff or staff of the gods
Gustaf royal staff or staff of the gods
Gustaff royal staff or staff of the gods
Gustaof royal staff or staff of the gods
Gustav Royal staff
Gustave Royal staff
Gustavo Royal staff
Gustavus royal staff or staff of the gods
Gustaw royal staff or staff of the gods
Gustovo royal staff; staff of the gods
Gustus royal staff; staff of the gods
Gusztav royal staff or staff of the gods
Göran Farmer
Gösta Leader of the tribe
Göstaf Leader of the tribe

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with H

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with H to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with H which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Haaken noble, of the highest race or exalted son
Haakin noble, of the highest race or exalted son
Haakon Variant of HÅKON.
Hacon noble, of the highest race or exalted son
Hagan Little Hugh
Hakan Politics, Leader
Hako noble, of the highest race or exalted son
Hakon Old Norse form of HÅKON, as well as the modern Icelandic form.
Haldan half Dane
Haldane From Denmark
Halden Half Dane
Haldon Rock, stone
Haley Variant of HAYLEY.
Halfdan From the Old Norse name Hálfdan, composed of the elements hálfr "half" and Danr "Dane", originally a nickname for a person who was half Danish.
Halfdane half Dane
Halle The name Halle has grown vastly in popularity during the 1990s due to the rise of fame of the actress Halle Berry. The name itself means 'a hay meadow
Hallie Diminutive of HARRIET.
HALSTEN Old Swedish form of Hallsteinn (see HALSTEIN).
Halvdan Variant of HALFDAN.
Hammer A Hammer
Han Gift from God
Hannes Short form of JOHANNES.
Hanns God is gracious
Hans Swan, Mountain, Pure, Another name of Surya Soul, Brahman or the Supreme Soul
Hansel Gift from God
Hansen Son of a nobleman, Son of Ann or Hans
Hanson Son of a nobleman, Son of Ann or Hans
Hanss God is gracious
Hanssen son of Hans
Hansson son of Hans
Hanzel God is gracious
Harald Scandinavian and German cognate of HAROLD. This was the name of several kings of Norway and Denmark.
Haralds army ruler
Harold From the Old English name Hereweald, derived from the elements here "army" and weald "power, leader, ruler". The Old Norse cognate Haraldr was also co
Haroldo Spanish and Portuguese form of HAROLD.
Havard Guardian of the Home
Havelock sea competition
Heraldo Army commander
Herlad army ruler
Herold army ruler
Herrold army ruler
Herryck army ruler or war ruler
Hesketh Hesketh
Heskie Horse racer
HÅKAN Swedish form of Hákon (see HÅKON).

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with I

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with I to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with I which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Ifor yew, bow army
Inar one warrior or battle leader
Inga Strictly feminine form of INGE.
Ingamar son of Ing
Ingar Famous son
Ingemar From the Old Norse name Ingimárr, derived from the name of the Germanic god ING combined with mærr "famous".
Ingemur son of Ing
Inger Variant of INGRID or INGEGERD.
Ingevar Ing's soldier
Ingmar Variant of INGEMAR. This name was borne by the Swedish film director Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007).
Ingo German masculine form of INGE.
Ingraham raven of peace or raven of Anglia
Ingrahame raven of peace or raven of Anglia
Ingram From an English surname which was derived from the Norman French given name ENGUERRAND.
Ingrams raven of peace or raven of Anglia
Ingrid Hero's daughter, A meadow
Ingrim raven of peace or Anglia
Ingvar From the Old Norse name Yngvarr, which was derived from the name of the Germanic god YNGVI combined with arr meaning "warrior".
Iomhair yew, bow army
Iomhar yew, bow army
Ivar Archer's bow
Iver Archer

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with J

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with J to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with J which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Jannik Danish diminutive of JAN (1).
Janse son of Jan
Jansen God is merciful
Janson son of Jan
Janssen son of Jan
Jansson son of Jan
Jantzen son of Jan
Janzen son of Jan
Jarel Strong, Open-minded
Jarl Means "chieftain, nobleman, earl" in Old Norse. In Norse legend Jarl was the son of the god Ríg and the founder of the race of warriors.
Jens Gift from God
Jensen son of Jan or God is gracious
Jenson son of Jan or God is gracious
Jensson God is gracious
Jesper Jasperstone
Joran Fictional character Jorel father of Superman
Joren Joren
Jorey farmer
Jorg Farming man
Jorgen Farmer, To work the earth
Jorian Fictional character Jorel father of Superman
Jorn farmer
Joron farmer
Jorry farmer
Jurgen Jurgen

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with K

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with K to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with K which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Kaira beloved or friend
Karah beloved; friend; love
Karalie beloved; friend; love
Karee beloved; friend; love
Kareen maiden
Karie beloved; friend; love
Karina Elaborated form of KARIN.
Karle free man
Karlee Variant of CARLY.
Karlo Croatian form of CHARLES.
Karlsen son of Carl
Karlson son of Carl
Karlssen son of Carl
Karlsson son of Carl
Karmen Slovene and Croatian form of CARMEN.
Karr Karr
Kary Flows like water
Katrina This is a popular Russian and Scandinavian form of the name Katherine, meaning 'pure' or 'torture'.
Kelby From the farm by the spring
Kelley Clear mountain spring
Kels From the ship's island, Shipping harbor
Kelsey From Old English Language - "Ceol" means "Ship" and "Sige" means "Victory".
Kelton From the ship's island, Shipping harbor
Ker House
Kerr Man of strength
Kersten follower of Christ
Kettil cauldron
Kharlton Settlement
Khristopher bearing Christ
Kiersten Christian, Stone church
Kierstin follower of Christ
Kirby Church farm
Kirsten Annointed, Follower of Christ
Kirstyn follower of Christ
Knut Kindness
Knute Kindness
Kort Short
Kris Nickname of names beginning with - Kris, Short form of Lord Krishna
Krist follower of Christ
Krista Christ bearer
Kristen Follower of Christ
Krister Christian
Kristian Kristian is the Scandinavian or Finnish from the Latin word meaning 'Christian' or 'to follow Christ'.
Kristina Annointed, Follower of Christ
Kristof Christ bearer
Kristofer Christ bearer
Kristoff bearing Christ
Kristoffer bearing Christ
Kristofor bearing Christ
Kristopher Christ bearer
Kristophor bearing Christ
Kristyn follower of Christ
Krystiana follower of Christ
Krystof bearing Christ
Krystopher bearing Christ
Krystyna follower of Christ
Krzysztof bearing Christ

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with L

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with L to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with L which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Lambart land brilliant
Lambert Derived from the Germanic elements landa "land" and beraht "bright". Saint Lambert of Maastricht was a 7th-century bishop who was martyred after denou
Lamberto Italian form of LAMBERT.
Lambirt land brilliant
Landbert land brilliant
Langer Tall man
Lars Scandinavian form of LAURENCE (1).
Larse Of Laurentum
Larsen son of Lars
Larson Laurel crown, The crown of victory
Larsson from Laurentum
Larz Of Laurentius::Laurel.
Larzon Son of Lars
Lasse Scandinavian and Finnish form of LAURENCE (1).
Latham A Division
Lathom the barn
Laurits Danish and Norwegian form of Laurentius (see LAURENCE (1)).
Lavrans from Laurentum
Leif From the Old Norse name Leifr meaning "descendant, heir". Leif Eriksson was a Norse explorer who reached North America in the early 11th century. He w
Lief heir or loved
Linnae lime or linden tree
Linnea Lime tree, National flower of Sweden
Lodur Lodur
Loki Trickster God
Lorens from Laurentum
Lundy By the Island
Lunt From the grove

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with M

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with M to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with M which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Magnus Late Latin name meaning "great". It was borne by a 7th-century saint who was a missionary in Germany. It became popular in Scandinavia after the time
Maj Either a masculine form of MAJA (1), or else from the Slovene name for the month of May.
Markku Rebellious
Marten Of Mars
Mathias Gift of God
Mea An alternative spelling for the name Mia, meaning 'Who is like God?' and 'bitterness'.
Meya beloved
Mia Mine
Mimir God of Prophecy
Munin Memory

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with N

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with N to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with N which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Nansen Son of Nancy
Neilson Son of a champion, Son of Neil
Nels Son of a champion, Son of Neil
Niels Champion
Nilsen Victorious; conquerer of the people.
Nissa Headland
Nissan Elf, Fairy
Nissi Elf, Fairy
Njord north

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with O

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with O to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with O which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Odo Variant of Audo (see OTTO).
Ola Precious, Worth
Olaf Talisman, Ancestor
Olav Variant of OLAF.
OLEV Estonian form of OLAF.
Olga Russian form of HELGA
OLUF Danish variant of OLAF.
Osborn Bear of God
Osma God's protection
Osman A servant of God
Osment God's protection
Osmin Godly protection
Osmond Divinely glorious, Inspired
Osmonde God's protection
Osmont Divine protector
Osmund Divinely glorious, Inspired
Osmunde God's protection
Osvald God's power
Oswaldo Divinely powerful

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with P

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with P to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with P which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Pal Albanian form of PAUL.

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with Q

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with Q to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with Q which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Quinby From the queen's estate

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with R

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with R to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with R which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Rafe Variant of RALPH. This form became common during the 17th century, reflecting the usual pronunciation.
Rane Strong counselor
Rayne Unknown
Raynee counsel; song
Reidar Warrior
Roald Fame, Power
Rolf Wolf
Rorik red king
Rorric red king
Rudolf Wolf
Runa Secret lore
Ryden horseman, rider

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with S

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with S to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with S which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Sannah Variation of the Scandinavian name, Sanna. Meaning 'lily'.
Savea The Swedish Nation
Signe A sign, victorious
Silya Silya
Siri beautiful woman who leads you to victory
Siv Kinship, Wife of Thor
Sixten Sixten
Skipper Captain
Skule Hide
Solveig woman of the house
Sonja Wisdom
Staffan A garland
Stefan A variant of the name Stephen meaning 'crowned', this spelling has Germanic roots.
Stefanos garland
Steffan Crown
Steffen crown
Steffon crown
Stefonn Stefonn
Stephonn Stephonn
Stian Swift
Sula peace; little she-bear
Svante Svante
Sven Youth
Svend Youth
Svensen Youth
Svenson Youth
Swann Swan
Swen Youth
Swensen Youth
Swenson Youth

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with T

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with T to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with T which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Taina Finnish short form of TATIANA.
Thorben Thor's bear::Meaning of the name Thorben
Thordis Thunder
Thurman Thor's protection
Thwaite Clearing, Enclosure
Torben Thor's bear::Meaning of the name Torben
Torgny Weapon Clatter
Toril Female Warrior
Tova Goodness of God
Trina Pure, Innocent
Trine pure
Trini triad
Tripp Traveler
Tyrell Thunderer
Tyrelle Scandinavian god of battle

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with U

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with U to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with U which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Ulli Diminutive of ULRICH or ULRIKE.
Ulrika Swedish feminine form of ULRICH. This was the name of two queens of Sweden.
Ursula Meaning & History

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with V

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with V to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with V which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Valdemar Scandinavian form of WALDEMAR. This was the name of four kings of Denmark.
Vidar Lumberjack
Vivianna The Lady of the Lake

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with W

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with W to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with W which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Waddell able to go
Wade From an English surname, either WADE (1) or WADE (2).
Wadell able to go or river ford
Wayde Angel from God
Waydell Angel from God
Whitby White
Winka People of Chile

Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with Y

Looking for the Scandinavian Boy Names Starting with Y to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with Y which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Yngraham raven of peace or raven of Anglia
Yorick Altered form of JØRG. Shakespeare used this name for a deceased court jester in his play 'Hamlet' (1600).
Yvor bow army

Check Out Top Scandinavian Boy Names in this article

Variant or feminine form of AARON. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hebrew, Scandinavian.
Swedish short form of AXEL. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian, Swedish.
Rich, Wealthy. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Greek, Scandinavian.
Short form of AUKUSTI. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Finnish, Scandinavian.
Basque form of Andreas (see ANDREW). Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Basque, Scandinavian.
Scandinavian form of Andreas (see ANDREW). A famous bearer was the Swedish physicist Anders Jonas Ångström (1814-1874). Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: French, Scandinavian, Swedish.
From a surname meaning "son of ANDREW". Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Greek, Scandinavian.
son of Anders or Andrew. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Scandinavian.
Grace. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hebrew, Scandinavian.
Derived from the Germanic elements ans "god" and ger "spear". Saint Ansgar was a 9th-century missionary who tried to convert the Danes and Norwegians. Gender: Boy, Origin: Celtic, Danish, German, Norwegian, Norwegian, Scandinavian, Swedish.
army ruler. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, Scandinavian.
army ruler. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, Scandinavian.
Lion. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Hebrew, Scandinavian.
The eternal king's son. Gender: Boy, Origin: Norwegian, Norwegian, Scandinavian.
French and Italian form of ARISTIDES. Gender: Boy, Origin: French, Scandinavian.
Son of the eternal king, Brilliant, Venerated. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hindu, Norse, Norwegian, Norwegian, Scandinavian.
Eagle, Powerful. Gender: Boy, Origin: German, Norse, Scandinavian.
Short form of ARNOUD or ARNOLD. Gender: Boy, Origin: Dutch, German, Scandinavian.
Italian form of HAROLD. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, Italian, Scandinavian.
superior or best. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Scandinavian.
army ruler. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, Scandinavian.
lion or eagle. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hebrew, Scandinavian.
Deserted. Gender: Boy, Origin: Norwegian, Norwegian, Scandinavian.
father is peace. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hebrew, Scandinavian.
Glorious raven. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, Scandinavian.
Glorious raven. Gender: Boy, Origin: Danish, English, Scandinavian.
Mountain dweller. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, German, Scandinavian.
Mountain dweller. Gender: Boy, Origin: German, Scandinavian.
Mountain stream. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian, Swedish.
Splendid. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Celtic, Scandinavian.
Brave as a bear. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: French, German, Scandinavian.
strong and brave bear. Gender: Boy, Origin: German, Scandinavian.
lives on the hill or mountain. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian.
bear. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian.
Bear. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian, Swedish.
Bjarni. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian.
Bear. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian, Swedish.
Bear. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian, Swedish.
bear. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian.
Handsome, Beautiful. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Danish, French, Scandinavian.
Herald. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Celtic, French, Scandinavian.
shelter. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Scandinavian.
shelter or one who brings news. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian.
shelter or one who brings news. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Scandinavian.
handsome. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Scandinavian.
dwelling place. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian.
dwelling place. Gender: Boy, Origin: Scandinavian.
Lives in a hut. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: English, Scandinavian.
Lives in a hut. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, Scandinavian.
castle. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: German, Scandinavian.

Scandinavian Other Gender Baby Names

What Are Scandinavian Unisex Names?

Unisex names are names that are applicable to both sexes. Usually, couples have two names selected for their child. But if you go for a unisex name, then your choice is only one. So it is easier than going through all boy and girl names.

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If you are looking to decide on a Unisex name for your child. Then you’ve come to the right place! You can get all Italian Unisex Names along with their origin and meaning. So check them out to decide on the perfect name for your little one!

Are Meanings of Scandinavian Unisex Names Available?

At parenting.fresherslive we leave no stone unturned. You can find meanings for all the names listed here. You can also search names by alphabet and learn their origin as well. So take your time and go through all of them to select the best one!

How Do I Find Out the Origin of a Scandinavian unisex Name?

The origin of a name can give the history behind it. So many want to know the origin of names. If you are one among them, then you can get all the origin for all the names here. They are provided alongside all names so you won’t miss it.

Can I Search For Scandinavian unisex Names By Alphabet?

If you want a name starting with a particular alphabet, you can find it here easily. You can make use of our search engine to search for names under a particular alphabet. We have names for all alphabets, so you will definitely get a name to your liking. 

Scandinavian Boy Baby Names - FAQ

Q1. How to find Scandinavian Boy Name?

Parents who are in search of the Scandinavian Boy name can visit our website and choose the best names listed according to the alphabets.

Q2. Can I get Scandinavian Boy Name?

Yes, our page consists of the best baby Scandinavian Boy names where you can find the meaning of the name along with the related and similar names.

Q3. Can I get Similar Scandinavian Boy Names?

Yes, you can get the similar names for your Boy baby.

Q4. How to find Related Names for Scandinavian Boy Baby?

It's just a simple process, you can visit our website, then click on baby names and on the right side of the page you can select the gender, origin and alphabet. Then click on “Get Baby Names”. You can get the list of Scandinavian Boy baby names.

Q5. Can I get Alphabet wise Scandinavian Baby Names?

Our site provides an amazing option for the parents who are searching to select the best name for babies. You can get Scandinavian Baby Names Alphabet wise that is from A to Z on our page.

Q6. Will I get Unique Scandinavian Baby Names?

Parents can select the unique Scandinavian baby names from our website. We have listed the meaning for each baby name so that parents will have a clear idea to select the best names for their babies.

Q7. Will I Know the Numerology for the Scandinavian Boy Baby Names?

The Scandinavian Boy Names along with the meaning are listed here. Also you can get the numerology details for the baby name you choose.

Q8. How to select the best Scandinavian Boy Baby Names?

Searching for the best Scandinavian Boy Baby Names? Then you have landed on the right place. Here you can check the list of best Scandinavian Boy Baby Names and many parents will be wondering on how to select the best names. Just look for the meaning of the names and then decide to choose the best name.

Q9. Will I know the Meaning for the Scandinavian Boy Baby Names?

Yes, you can get the exact meaning for each name listed in our page.

Q10. Why Parenting.Fresherslive?

We provide the unique Scandinavian Boy Baby Names along with the meaning, related, similar names.