Hungarian Boy Names: Get the list of Hungarian Boy Baby Names With Meanings


Hungarian Boy Names: Find the most unique and cutest Hungarian Boy Baby Names with meaning here, we have updated the list of Hungarian Boy Names with meanings and origin for you to choose the best name for your kid with traditional value within it. Get the wide range of Hungarian Boy Baby names with its origin and name your kid with cultural and traditional significance.

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with A

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with A to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with A which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Aba Father
Abod Father
Abony Father
Abos Father
Adorjan Hungarian form of ADRIAN.
Adrienn Hungarian feminine form of ADRIAN.
Agoston Hungarian form of Augustinus (see AUGUSTINE (1)).
Alajos Hungarian form of ALOYSIUS.
Aliz Hungarian form of ALICE.
Ambrus Hungarian form of Ambrosius (see AMBROSE).
Anasztaz Hungarian form of ANASTASIUS.
Andris Latvian form and Hungarian diminutive of ANDREW.
Aniko Hungarian diminutive of ANNA.
Antal Hungarian form of Antonius (see ANTHONY).
Arpad From Hungarian árpa meaning "barley". This was the name of a 9th-century Magyar ruler who led his people into Hungary. He is considered a Hungarian n
Asztrik Made from ashenwood
Atila father-like
Atilano father-like
Atilla Beloved father
Atilo father-like
Attila father-like
Attilio Italian form of the Roman family name Atilius, which is of unknown Etruscan origin. Marcus Atilius Regulus was a Roman consul and hero of the First Pu

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with B

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with B to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with B which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Bajnok Victor
BALÁZS Hungarian form of BLAISE.
Balint Hungarian form of Valentinus (see VALENTINE (1)).
BANDI Diminutive of ANDRÁS.
Barna Hungarian short form of BARNABAS.
Barnat As strong as a bear
Bars Pepper
Barta Hungarian short form of BERTALAN.
BARTEK Polish diminutive of BARTOMIEJ or BARTOSZ.
Becse The kite
Bela The meaning of this name is not known for certain. It could be derived from Hungarian bél meaning "guts, bowel" or Slavic (belu) meaning "white". Thi
Bence Hungarian form of VINCENT. It is also used as a short form of BENEDEK.
Benci Blessed.
BENDEGÚZ Hungarian variant of the Turkic name Mundzuk, possibly from mon?uq meaning "jewel, bead". This was the name of Attila the Hun's father.::Meaning of the name Bendeguz
Beriszl Honor
Bod Branch
Bodi Meaning of the name Bodi::God bless the King.
Bodony Branch
Bodor Curly
Boldizsar God bless the King.
Bora foreigner
Bors Pepper
Botond Mace wielding warrior

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with C

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with C to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with C which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Cobe Cobe
Cobey Cobey
Cobi Cobi
Cobie Cobie
Csaba Sheperd, Wanderer
Cseke Puller, Carrier
Csepel Young forest
Csongor Hunting bird

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with D

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with D to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with D which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Dani A feminine and pet form of the name Daniel, meaning 'God has judged'.
Deli Warrior
Denes Wine, Drama
Domo Meaning of the name Domo::Lord.
Domokos God's own
Domonkos God's own
Domos God's own
ÖDI Diminutive of ÖDÖN.
ÖDÖN Hungarian form of EDMUND.

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with E

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with E to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with E which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Ede Diminutive of EDVÁRD or EDUÁRD.
Edina Possibly a Hungarian form of a Germanic name.
Egyed Shieldbearer
Elek Hungarian form of ALEXIS.

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with F

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with F to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with F which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
FABÓ Diminutive of FÁBIÁN.
Farkas Wolf
Ferenc Hungarian form of FRANCIS.
Feri Diminutive of FERENC.
Ferko Diminutive of FERENC.
Fodor Curly haired
Folkus People, Famous
Fredek peaceful ruler
Frigyes Peace, Might

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with G

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with G to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with G which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Gabor Hungarian form of GABRIEL.
Gal Hungarian form of GALLUS.
Gara Goshawk
Gazsi Hungarian diminutive of JASPER.
Gedeon Form of GIDEON used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament.
Gellert Hungarian form of GERARD. Saint Gellért was an 11th-century missionary to Hungary who was martyred by being thrown into the Danube.
Gergely Hungarian form of GREGORY.
Gergo Awake or watchful
Gerson Stranger, Banished
Gerzson Stranger, Banished
Gyula Name of a honor

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with H

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with H to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with H which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Hont Dogbreeder, Friend of dogs
Hunor Name of an etnhic group

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with I

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with I to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with I which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Illes Hungarian form of ELIAS.
Ilona Meaning uncertain, possibly a Hungarian form of HELEN.
Ily Beautiful, Sunshine
Imray strength or power
Imre Hungarian form of EMMERICH. This was the name of an 11th-century Hungarian saint, the son of Saint Istvan. He is also known as Emeric.
Imri strength or power
Imrie strength or power
IMRUS Diminutive of IMRE.
Ince Innocent
Istvan Istvan

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with J

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with J to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with J which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
JAKAB Hungarian form of JACOB (or JAMES).
Jancsi Diminutive of JÁNOS.
Janos Hungarian form of JOHN.
Jazmin The name Jazmin is derived from the name of the flower Jasmine.
Jolan County
Jozsef God raises
Jozsi God raises
Jozsua God is deliverance

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with K

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with K to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with K which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
ÁKOS Possibly of Turkic origin meaning "white falcon". This was the name of a medieval Hungarian clan.
Kalman Probably of Turkic origin, meaning "remainder". This was the name of a 12th-century king of Hungary. It was also borne in the 13th-century by the firs
Kamilla Hungarian form of CAMILLA, as well as a Scandinavian variant. This is also the Hungarian word for the chamomile flower (species Matricaria chamomilla)
Karcsi Diminutive of KÁROLY.
Karol Polish, Slovak and Slovene form of KARL.
Karoly Hungarian form of KARL.
Karsa Falcon
Kartal Eagle
Kata Hungarian short form of KATALIN, Finnish short form of KATARIINA and Croatian short form of KATARINA.
Katarina Cognate of KATHERINE.
Kato Hungarian diminutive of KATALIN.
Kelemen Gentle, Kind
Kemenes Furnace maker
Kende Name of a honor
Kerecsen Falcon
Keve Stone
Kobe Kobe
Kobey Kobey
Kobi Kobi
Kobie Kobie
Koby Dark haired
Kolos Scholar
Kristof Christ bearer
Kund A name of a honor

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with L

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with L to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with L which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
ÁLMOS Possibly from Hungarian álom "dream", though perhaps of Turkic origin meaning "bought". This was the name of the semi-legendary father of Árpád, the
Laborc Brave panther
Ladomr Trapper
Lajos Hungarian form of LOUIS.
Lantos Lute player
Laszlo Hungarian form of VLADISLAV. Saint László was an 11th-century king of Hungary, looked upon as the embodiment of Christian virtue and bravery.
Lehel Breathes
Levente Being
Lipt Brave
Ll Bugler
Lorant from Laurentum
Lornd Brave warrior
Lrinc Laurentian
Lrnt Brave warrior
Lszl Might, Fame

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with M

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with M to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with M which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Marianna A variant of the name Marian, derived from Mary meaning 'bitterness'or 'longed for son'.
Marton Of Mars
Mate Gift from God
Medrd Strong
Menyhrt Royal light
Miksa Like God
Miln Kind
Misi Gift from God
Moricz dark-skinned or Moorish
Mr Moorish

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with N

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with N to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with N which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
NÁNDOR Originally this was a Hungarian word referring to a Bulgarian people that lived along the Danube. Since the 19th century it has been used as a Hungari
Nyk Borderlands

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with O

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with O to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with O which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Odon Wealthy defender
Oguz Arrow
Ompoly Ampleumian
Ond Tenth child
Orb Citydweller, Educated man
Orban Hungarian form of URBAN.
Orbn Citydweller, Educated man
Oros Citydweller, Educated man
Ozor Name of an etnhic group
Ozsvt Deity, Might

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with P

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with P to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with P which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Panna Hungarian diminutive of ANNA.
Pellegrin Pilgrim
Pongor All might
Pongrc All might
Pzmn Right, Man

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with R

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with R to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with R which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Radomr Happy, Peace
Rahel One who shows the way, Ewe, Traveler, Path guider
Rendor Policeman
Reza Fairy, Pleasure, Wish
Robi Shining with fame

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with S

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with S to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with S which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Salamon Hungarian form of SOLOMON.
SAMU Hungarian and Finnish diminutive of SAMUEL.
Sandor Hungarian form of ALEXANDER.
Sandros man's defender or warrior
SANYI Diminutive of SÁNDOR.
Sari Hungarian diminutive of SARAH.
Sarika From a Sanskrit word referring to a type of thrush (species Turdus salica) or myna bird (species Gracula religiosa).
Sebes Fast
Sebestyen revered
Slyom Falcon
Solt Name of an honor
Soma A kind of berry
Surny Name of an honor
Szemere Small man, Demolisher
Szervc Freedom
Szevr Serious, Strict
Szrny Serious, Strict

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with T

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with T to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with T which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Taber Drummer
Taibor encampment
Taksony Well fed, Stone
Tamas Darkness
Tardos Bald
Tarjn Name of an honor
Tas Well fed, Stone
Tavor encampment; misfortune, bad luck
Tayber encampment
Taybor encampment
Thtm Chieftain
Tihamr Likes silence
Titusz Dove, Honored
Tivadar Gift of God
Tomaj Name of a clan
Tomi Tomi
Tomor Iron
Treven Fair town

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with U

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with U to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with U which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Ugod Name of a clan
Ugor Hungarian
Ugron Hungarian
UROS Variant transcription of UROÅ .
Uzor Name of an etnhic group

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with V

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with V to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with V which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Varsny Name of an etnhic group
Vayk Rich
Vencel Hungarian form of VÁCLAV, via the Latinized form Venceslaus.
Venice Venice
Vidor Happy
Vilmos determined fighter
Vitz Brave warrior
Vrkony Name of an Avar ethnic group

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with X

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with X to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with X which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Xandros Xandros

Hungarian Boy Names Starting with Z

Looking for the Hungarian Boy Names Starting with Z to name your Newborn Baby? We have gathered a list of Girl Names Starting with Z which will be useful for you to name your lovable kid
Name Meaning
Zaln Thrower, Hitter
Zarnd Gold
Zerind Serb
Zizi Rose
Zobor Gathering
Zoltan Ruler or Sultan
Zolten Meaning of the name Zolten
Zoltn Chieftain
Zombor Buffalo
ZSANETT Hungarian form of JEANNETTE.
ZsaZsa Diminutive of ZSUZSANNA.
Zsiga Diminutive of ZSIGMOND.
Zsigmond Hungarian form of SIGMUND.
Zsofia Hungarian form of SOPHIA.
Zsolt Old variant of ZOLTÁN.
ZSOMBOR Possibly of Turkic origin meaning "bison".
Zsuzsa Diminutive of ZSUZSANNA.
Zsuzsanna Rose

Check Out Top Hungarian Boy Names in this article

Father. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: African, Hungarian.
Father. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Father. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hungarian.
Father. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Hungarian form of ADRIAN. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian, Latin.
Hungarian feminine form of ADRIAN. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hungarian, Latin.
Hungarian form of Augustinus (see AUGUSTINE (1)). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian, Latin.
Possibly of Turkic origin meaning "white falcon". This was the name of a medieval Hungarian clan. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hungarian.
Hungarian form of ALOYSIUS. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Hungarian form of ALICE. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: French, German, Hungarian.
Possibly from Hungarian álom "dream", though perhaps of Turkic origin meaning "bought". This was the name of the semi-legendary father of Árpád, the. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Hungarian form of Ambrosius (see AMBROSE). Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Greek, Hungarian.
Hungarian form of ANASTASIUS. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Latvian form and Hungarian diminutive of ANDREW. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: French, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian.
Hungarian diminutive of ANNA. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hebrew, Hungarian.
Hungarian form of Antonius (see ANTHONY). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian, Latin.
From Hungarian árpa meaning "barley". This was the name of a 9th-century Magyar ruler who led his people into Hungary. He is considered a Hungarian n. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hebrew, Hungarian.
Made from ashenwood. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
father-like. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
father-like. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Beloved father. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hungarian.
father-like. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
father-like. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hungarian.
Italian form of the Roman family name Atilius, which is of unknown Etruscan origin. Marcus Atilius Regulus was a Roman consul and hero of the First Pu. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian, Italian.
Victor. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Hungarian form of BLAISE. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Hungarian form of Valentinus (see VALENTINE (1)). Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian, Latin.
Diminutive of ANDRÁS. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Hungarian short form of BARNABAS. Gender: Boy, Origin: Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian.
As strong as a bear. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Pepper. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Hungarian short form of BERTALAN. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Aramaic, German, Hungarian.
Polish diminutive of BARTOMIEJ or BARTOSZ. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian, Polish.
The kite. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
The meaning of this name is not known for certain. It could be derived from Hungarian bél meaning "guts, bowel" or Slavic (belu) meaning "white". Thi. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Czech, Hebrew, Hungarian, Slavic.
Hungarian form of VINCENT. It is also used as a short form of BENEDEK. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Honor. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Branch. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Branch. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Curly. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
foreigner. Gender: Boy, Girl, Unisex, Origin: Hungarian, Korean.
Pepper. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Mace wielding warrior. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Cobe. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hungarian.
Cobey. Gender: Boy, Origin: English, Hungarian.
Cobi. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hungarian.
Cobie. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hungarian.
Sheperd, Wanderer. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.
Puller, Carrier. Gender: Boy, Girl, Origin: Hungarian.
Young forest. Gender: Boy, Origin: Hungarian.

Hungarian Other Gender Baby Names

What Are Hungarian Unisex Names?

Unisex names are names that are applicable to both sexes. Usually, couples have two names selected for their child. But if you go for a unisex name, then your choice is only one. So it is easier than going through all boy and girl names.

Get the Best Italian Hungarian Names Here!

If you are looking to decide on a Unisex name for your child. Then you’ve come to the right place! You can get all Italian Unisex Names along with their origin and meaning. So check them out to decide on the perfect name for your little one!

Are Meanings of Hungarian Unisex Names Available?

At parenting.fresherslive we leave no stone unturned. You can find meanings for all the names listed here. You can also search names by alphabet and learn their origin as well. So take your time and go through all of them to select the best one!

How Do I Find Out the Origin of a Hungarian unisex Name?

The origin of a name can give the history behind it. So many want to know the origin of names. If you are one among them, then you can get all the origin for all the names here. They are provided alongside all names so you won’t miss it.

Can I Search For Hungarian unisex Names By Alphabet?

If you want a name starting with a particular alphabet, you can find it here easily. You can make use of our search engine to search for names under a particular alphabet. We have names for all alphabets, so you will definitely get a name to your liking. 

Hungarian Boy Baby Names - FAQ

Q1. How to find Hungarian Boy Name?

Parents who are in search of the Hungarian Boy name can visit our website and choose the best names listed according to the alphabets.

Q2. Can I get Hungarian Boy Name?

Yes, our page consists of the best baby Hungarian Boy names where you can find the meaning of the name along with the related and similar names.

Q3. Can I get Similar Hungarian Boy Names?

Yes, you can get the similar names for your Boy baby.

Q4. How to find Related Names for Hungarian Boy Baby?

It's just a simple process, you can visit our website, then click on baby names and on the right side of the page you can select the gender, origin and alphabet. Then click on “Get Baby Names”. You can get the list of Hungarian Boy baby names.

Q5. Can I get Alphabet wise Hungarian Baby Names?

Our site provides an amazing option for the parents who are searching to select the best name for babies. You can get Hungarian Baby Names Alphabet wise that is from A to Z on our page.

Q6. Will I get Unique Hungarian Baby Names?

Parents can select the unique Hungarian baby names from our website. We have listed the meaning for each baby name so that parents will have a clear idea to select the best names for their babies.

Q7. Will I Know the Numerology for the Hungarian Boy Baby Names?

The Hungarian Boy Names along with the meaning are listed here. Also you can get the numerology details for the baby name you choose.

Q8. How to select the best Hungarian Boy Baby Names?

Searching for the best Hungarian Boy Baby Names? Then you have landed on the right place. Here you can check the list of best Hungarian Boy Baby Names and many parents will be wondering on how to select the best names. Just look for the meaning of the names and then decide to choose the best name.

Q9. Will I know the Meaning for the Hungarian Boy Baby Names?

Yes, you can get the exact meaning for each name listed in our page.

Q10. Why Parenting.Fresherslive?

We provide the unique Hungarian Boy Baby Names along with the meaning, related, similar names.