Estera Meaning in English, Estera Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning Pronunciation
Does Estera Baby Name seem like an intriguing name for your baby? Learn Estera Name Meaning in English, its origin and which gender Estera Baby Name is most suitable for. Check through our list of names that are related to the name Estera, names similar to Estera and sibling names of Estera. Also, read through a detailed numerology report for the name Estera.
Persian, Polish
myrtle leaf
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Estera is a Polish variant of Esther. Esther most likely originates in Old Persian language and means "star-like". Some sources also suggest its derivation from Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love. Esther has been one of the most popular feminine given names in the United States for a long time, especially in Jewish families. In the Bible, Esther was a Jewish queen and heroine of the Book of Esther.::Estera as a girl's name is of Persian origin, and the meaning of Estera is "myrtle leaf". Estera is a variant of the Persian name Esther.