Caridad Meaning in English, Caridad Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning Pronunciation
Does Caridad Baby Name seem like an intriguing name for your baby? Learn Caridad Name Meaning in English, its origin and which gender Caridad Baby Name is most suitable for. Check through our list of names that are related to the name Caridad, names similar to Caridad and sibling names of Caridad. Also, read through a detailed numerology report for the name Caridad.
Latin, Spanish
Spanish cognate of CHARITY.
Related Caridad Baby Names
Nancy, Luz, Alondra, Dulce, Emily, Minda, Celine, Jacquelyn, Carmindy, Anna, Amelia, Carita
Middle Names
Alexis, Nasya
Caridad is a Spanish variant of Charity. Charity originates in Latin language and is taken from the word for benevolent caring and giving. Charity is one of the three theological virtues (together with Hope and Faith) and that is probably the reason why the name was more popular in Christian families. There was also a saint of the name, a Christian child martyr. In the United States, Faith and Hope have always been more popular than Charity.::Caridad as a girl's name is of Latin origin meaning "dear, beloved".