Bethann Meaning in English, Bethann Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning Pronunciation
Does Bethann Baby Name seem like an intriguing name for your baby? Learn Bethann Name Meaning in English, its origin and which gender Bethann Baby Name is most suitable for. Check through our list of names that are related to the name Bethann, names similar to Bethann and sibling names of Bethann. Also, read through a detailed numerology report for the name Bethann.
House of God
Related Bethann Baby Names
Alayna, Raelin, Cherilyn, Zarayn, Jocelyn, Ruthlyn, Haven, Dorlean, Van, Rocelyn, VeraLynn, Baethan, Beacan, Beagan, Beaman, Bean, Bearn, Beatha, Beathag, Beathan
Similar Bethann Baby Names
Baethan, Bawdewyn, Bawdewyne, Beadutun, Beathan, Beaton, Bebeodan, Bethanee, Bethani, Bethanie::Bethanny, Bethany, Buthaynah, Bettina, Boudhayan, Bethan, Patton, Buthayna, Bawden
Sibling Names
Hannah, Liam
Middle Names
Ruling PlanetSun
Positive NatureProgressive and well focussed on goals
Negative TraitsAlways the ‘I’ factor and never ‘Us, comes into their minds
Lucky ColoursGold, Orange, Saffron, Yellow
Lucky DaysSunday and Monday
Lucky StonesRuby, Yellow Topaz, Sapphire
Harmony Numbers1, 2, 4 7
Problematic Numbers8
Best Suited ProfessionsDirector Of Companies, One who belongs to the Management Boards
Health IssuesBlood circulation and Eye Sight Problems
What people would generally like about you?So full of energy
What people would generally dislike about you?Stubborn and will boast a lot::Bethann as a girl's name has Hebrew origins. The meaning of Bethann is "house of figs". Is related to the name Bethany.
The name Bethann has a numerology value of 9
In numerological terms, this means the following
HumanitarianHaving concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people.Of or pertaining to ethical or theological humanitarianism.Pertaining to the saving of human lives or to the alleviation of suffering: a humanitarian crisis.TranscendentGoing beyond ordinary limits; surpassing; exceeding.Superior or supreme.::1::
SoulUrge Number: 6
People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated.
Expression Number: 1
People with this name tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities. They tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination. They